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Story: I’m a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 9: Meetings and Demon Lords


- Felix -

I watch on as Arcueid spars with Raiden.

It’s been a few days since I woke up from my ascension, not much has been going on so far.

The Walpurigs is coming up soon, so while I wait I’ve just been training, and discovering new ways to use my new skills.

I’ve also learned some new magics from Arcueid, the biggest gain was Dark Magic, specifically a branch of it called Nihility Magic.

It uses Summoning Magic to call forth the Void from the abyss of hell, basically the deepest and darkest pit of the underworld.

This sort of magic has the potential to destroy the entire world if in the wrong hands, and it can even threaten Ultimate Skill wielders.

Arcueid herself wasn’t an expert in Nihility Magic but she knew enough about it due to her rivals using it quite a bit.

I didn’t even know she had rivals until she mentioned it, apparently she is in a constant rivalry with Jaune and Violet, they even had a competition on who could manifest in the Material World first and with me summoning Arcueid she won.

She offered to use her victory prize for me, basically she can request one favor from both Jaune and Violet.

Now this might not seem like a lot but a favor from a Primordial can get you quite a lot in this world.

I had mentioned that I wanted more useful subordinates to her so she offered to use her favor to bring them to me, after that it was up to me to convince them to serve me.

I saw no reason to disagree, I just told Arcueid to hold off on it for now, at least until after the Walpurgis.

Back to Nihility Magic, I was able to learn one application of it. I’ll do some more research on it together with Odin later so hopefully I can find some more uses for it.

The spell I was able to learn is something created by Jaune, it basically combines Gravity Collapse with Nihility Magic.

Gravity Collapse on its own is already fearsome, but with Nihility Magic it is absolutely absurd.

You basically mix the Void from the abyss together with Gravity Collapse, the resulting magic can destroy dimensions and planets with ease.

Man Nihility Magic is scary.

I also got a new subordinate, I ended up taking that 3 tailed fox that was being controlled by Clayman out of my Stomach a few days ago. The control over her was gone as Clayman is dead.

She ended up deciding to serve me seeing as she didn’t have anything else to do, I ended up naming her Kurumi, named after Kurama from Naruto.

When I named her she ended up evolving into a Nine Tailed Fox, and gained a human form in the process.

She gained nine summons that she can summon with her tails, and on Odin’s recommendation I also named each of those summons causing Kurumi’s power to spike, as she can absorb her summons and gain all their power in the process.

Originally she had a more childlike form, but after I named her tails she gained a much more mature look.

I’m not going to complain, more strong and beautiful subordinates for me.

Rimuru also ended up unsealing Veldora, to be honest he is kinda disappointing.

I thought True Dragons would be fearsome monstrosities but Veldora is just a NEET.

Don’t get me wrong, he is extremely powerful, he even has an Ultimate Skill, he just isn’t what I had in mind when I think of a True Dragon.

Cool guy though.

Along with that, I have been experimenting with Stardust Energy, at its core Stardust is incredibly dense energy that can be diluted down into magicules, but you can’t create Stardust using concentrated magicules.

It is also incredibly difficult to control, just adding a miniscule amount of Stardust into an attack increases its ability by multiple times.

Theoretically I can destroy an entire continent with a casual Nuclear Canon if it is fueled by a tiny amount of Stardust.

Along with that I tried experimenting with ‘Material Creation’ using Stardust, the weapons formed out of Stardust are incredibly durable and easily reach God tier in terms of ranking.

With the help of Odin I was able to infuse my own Legend Rank Katana with Stardust upgrading it to God Grade.

Stardust is an absolute cheat.

Oh Rimuru is approaching.

“Hey Felix, why were you so sure that naming Diablo would have such a high risk of permanent magicule loss? My skill said there was only a 0.0742% chance of that happening.”

“What really?” ‘Odin what the hell?’

‘Answer, his skill likely took his question literally, since Veldora’s magicules were at risk and not Rimuru Tempest’s the risk for him personally, probably was only a 0.0742% chance.’

“Ah, I see now. Your skill likely took your question literally. Go ask your dragon friend about the consequences of your naming spree.”

“Ah!? Has he been taking the permanent loss of magicules risk in my stead? Ah so he has. Thanks Felix I best go apologize to him.”

I nod towards Rimuru as I continue to observe their fight, Arcueid is practically toying with Raiden, even without a Unique Skill her abilities are not to be underestimated.

It seems like Arcueid has decided to stop playing around and finish the fight. These fights are more for Raiden and Saeko’s sake than Arcueid’s, she isn’t learning all that much from these fights after all.

Once the fight is over I call everyone over to head back, we’ve been training pretty much all day after all, man am I looking forward to the hot spring.

- Rimuru -

He sat in the meeting room with all his subordinates and Felix, he was planning to reveal to everyone that he was going to become a Demon Lord.

He checked in on those other two Daemons he summoned, they have taken to their roles as Diablo’s helpers quite well, though they might have already been doing something similar in the Underworld seeing as he is the big boss of his Lineage.

He gave them both magisteel bodies for them to inhabit, he also named them.

Once everyone was seated and ready he began, “I decided to become a Demon Lord.”

He looked around the room for everyone's reactions but no one looked surprised.

“Hmm, yes that will be a good move, no one would attack Tempest again if it was under a Demon Lord.” said Felix


That’s all they have to say?

“Though, you have to be careful when you announce it, some other Demon Lord could take it as a challenge, you could just have Carrion and Milim recommend you and then come to the Walpurgis with me.”

Hmm, yes that does sound like the safer move.

“Hmm, that sounds good, I just have to convince the two.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that, I can just ask Milim to do it and she’d agree, and Carrion owes me a favor so I can call that in.”

That is a good plan, though it might come at a cost to Felix.

“Don’t worry about the cost, it’s only one favor, and besides you’ve helped me out a bunch already so I’m just repaying the favor.” Is he reading my mind?!

‘Answer, No you just have a terrible poker face.’

You’re sassing me again!’

‘Answer, You’re imagining it.’

“Alright, I guess if you say so.” essentially answering Raphael and Felix at the same time.

Fuze also rushed in revealing his aid, and was quite shocked to learn the situation had already been dealt with, Youm had to comfort the poor guy.

And that concluded the meeting.

He saw that Felix was looking somewhere, “It seems that you have some guests Rimuru.”


“They are likely out of your range but I sense some people heading in this direction, one of them is quite strong as well.”

He took Felix at his word and gathered everyone up in case this was an attack, though shortly after the visitors entered his range.

Phew, thankfully it’s just Gazel.

“It isn’t just the Dwarves, I sense some more people coming. I will remain hidden, there is no reason to make the situation more volatile, I will rush out to aid you if needed though.”

Gazel's party soon land.

“Hello there Rimuru, well met. I heard you’re a Demon Lord now.”

“You heard right, things have been kind of crazy. You’ve got great timing though, we were just having a big meeting to discuss our future plans. Though we have more guests incoming so it's best we put this conversation on hold.”

Soon enough a small group appears out of the forest, it seems like Gazel recognizes him.

“Ah, so it’s just you.” said Gazel

“I never expected a coward like you to back a Demon Lord.”

Sigh, he has a feeling this meeting is going to be a bit messy.

He looked around the meeting room. Currently only a few people are here, Gazel Dwargo, Erald Grimwald, and Felix. Though Felix is in the next room.

It’s been a little while since Gazel and Erald showed up, thankfully that misunderstanding was quickly solved.

Erald Grimwald is the father of Eren and the Uncle of the Empress of Sarion.

Man who would have thought that Eren was a Princess?

He ended up gathering everyone so he they could all be introduced.

Shuna quickly introduced everyone, she started by introducing Treyni, the Caretaker of Jura, it will help make his claim over Jura more official.

She then went on to introduce Gazel, Erald, Fuze, then Youm and Mjurran, as he was planning to have Youm become the King of Falmuth.

Falmuth won't ever be able to harm Tempest again with his subordinate as their head of state.

He decided to add something in as he wanted to involve Felix in this conversation, “Ah, I have one more person to introduce, Felix, it should be fine for you to come out now!”

Felix quickly appeared in front of everyone at a speed even he couldn’t track.

The moment Gazel and Erald caught sight of him they stood up on guard, “A Daemon!”

Gazel turned towards him and said, “Rimuru! Who is this Daemon? Diablo is one thing, but this Daemon feels much more powerful than him.”

Felix isn’t suppressing his aura for some reason, likely as a show of power, Arcueid, Saeko, and Raiden quickly appear behind him.

“Ah, this is my friend Felix and his subordinates, he’s a good friend of mine and will soon have a country of his own. It will be good for everyone involved if you guys got to know him in order to prevent future misunderstandings.”

Erald looked confused for a second before his face lit up in realization, “A Kingdom of his own! Could he be the Daemon that was reported to have killed Demon Lord Clayman?!”

“Umu, that is correct.”

“Any more surprises you wish to drop on us Rimuru?” Oh wow Gazel's brow is twitching he must be really annoyed.

“Not that I can think of?”

“Hahaha Seriously Rimuru you forgot?”

“What did I forget?”

“You forget how the world views your bosom buddy. Don’t worry I invited him over, in fact he is here right now.”

The door bangs open.

“Rimuru my brother, how could you have forgotten to invite your buddy to something so fun?!”

“This isn’t something you would find fun though?”

“But you said it would be Felix? Did you trick me?”

“No it will be fun, guys this is Rimuru’s Bosom Buddy Veldora Tempest, The Storm Dragon. Now wait for it!”



“Umu! I’m the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest!”

Ah, Fuze fainted.

“He must have been overcome with emotion, it is an honor to speak with me after all.”

“Hahahaha See I said it would be fun, their reactions are priceless. Amusement aside your connection to Veldora is not the sort of thing you should keep from allies”

He looked at Veldora and Felix with exasperation, “I don’t think that’s it Veldora. Sigh, since you are here anyway, can you act as an advisor? Or, you can go take a walk if you want?”

“Oh, an enthusiastic walk?!”

“Gah! No! Not an enthusiastic walk!”

“Aww, I’ve always wanted to take one of those…”

“I see, you are a man of culture Veldora!”

“Felix! You too?! My brother, you never told me that Felix was a man of culture!” ah these two are going to drive me nuts and unlike Veldora he doesn’t have even the slightest idea how to curb Felix’s more chaotic tendencies.

Maybe when he has his own country to manage he will cool down?

Yeah right! Still one can hope.

“Rimuru!” he turned towards Gazel, “We need to talk to you.” He saw Erald nodding in the background, sigh this is going to be a bothersome meeting.

Felix put his arm around him and said, “I’m coming to this little gathering, though Veldora this would be boring for you, here have some Culture Rimuru lacks.” Felix produces a few volumes of manga and light novels I’m not familiar with. Did he come from a point further in the future than me? If so I will have to check those out later.

“Gah, well then I will continue to read more sacred texts. Hey Felix, we should have discussions about the sacred texts later.”

“The sacred texts? Oh you mean manga and Light Novels! Yeah sure, I wonder if our two Earths had different manga Rimuru, we should compare later.”

“Our two earths! What do you mean Felix?!”

“Huh? Did I never tell you? I came from a different version of Earth than the one you came from, I’ll tell you about it later.”

“Gazel, do you understand what they are talking about?”

“No, I am sadly just as lost as you with this conversation.”

Ah, he should probably deal with them before talking with Felix about what he just said.

“Alright, Gazel, Erald, follow us to the meeting room, we can talk there.”

They ended up talking about quite a few things.They will be having a meeting later with everyone but for this meeting he just wanted to share his goals with them, see if he can get them on his side.

Felix will also have a nation of his own soon so it would be good if he is able to form a relationship with Gazel and Erald.

He started by telling his entire story, from his death to his reincarnation, Felix already knew about this but he hoped that by sharing it with Gazel and Erald that he could gain some trust from them.

They ended up discussing everything, one issue that kept popping up was the Western Holy Church, Felix said that they didn’t need to worry about that, he was about to ask why but Felix sent him a Thought Communication saying they can discuss it later.

Gazel and Erald didn’t seem to have that much faith in his words, but they ended up trusting him seeing as he had a close relationship with Tempest, he had no reason to lie after all, and he trusted his friend.

Gazel and Erald still offered their support in case the Holy Church made any hostile moves so that was nice.

He was able to create a friendly relationship with Sarion through this meeting, so he decided to help Felix out by saying that should Felix take over Jistav, Tempest will ally with the nation

Seeing the direction the talks were going Felix called his subordinate Arcueid in as his representative, she is the one who is going to be basically running the country after all according to Felix.

He had offered to help modernize his country like Tempest a few days ago, it’s the least he could do for his friend, his only requirement was that they have a long lasting alliance which Felix agreed to.

From what he is seeing she is extremely good at politics, she is toying with Gazel and Erald. It’s not that Erald and Gazel aren’t skilled at politics, it's just that It’s almost like Arcueid was born for this.

Felix is in good hands, she will be able to make sure that his country is both politically and militarily powerful.

After the alliances were made he informed the three of his decision to become a Demon Lord.

Demon Lord’s are symbols of fear and power, no one would attack Tempest if he was a Demon Lord.

Felix’s name is already out there from killing Clayman, people fear him just because of that one feat, and while that is helping Tempest as it’s known that he stays here he can’t rely on Felix for everything.

Not to mention that he will be moving to his own country soon enough.

- Felix -

I continued to watch the meeting, at first I was surprised at how well both Gazel and Erald got along, even when trading jabs with each other I could tell it was only jokes to them.

Though I guess it only makes sense seeing as how according to Ramiris they are both descended from Earth and Wind Spirits respectively.

King Gazel is even a Saint with a Unique Skill.

At some point the conversation came to a point where our evolutions into Demon Lords came up. The issue was that Rimuru massacring 20,000 people will make it hard for other nations and people to trust him.

After all, anyone he meets will consider the thought that Rimuru can easily kill them, most people don’t want to be in the presence of someone like that, someone who is capable of wiping them out effortlessly.

There weren’t any bodies left from Rimuru’s massacre, and it was already known that I killed Clayman and his entire army of over 30,000 majins so I offered to take the blame for it, not like it will hurt my reputation any more than everything that has happened already has.

However Gazel came up with an alternative idea, blame Veldora. Veldora is already known to be an Evil Dragon, it wouldn’t be odd for him to massacre a bunch of humans who bothered him right after he was sealed after all.

This also made it so my reputation wouldn’t take a dip as according to Gazel, massacring a bunch of majin and massacuring humans are seen in completely different lights.

This way my country still has the possibility of having friendly relations with some human nations.

Once the private meeting was over and everyone was on the same page, I brought Arcueid in so that we could discuss an alliance in more detail.

It was quite entertaining to watch as Arcueid slowly wrapped Gazel and Erald around her finger, at this point they were just moving as she wanted to. She wasn’t using any skills or magic, just pure political maneuvers. Man did I get lucky summoning her, as long as I have her my country should flourish.

It doesn’t hurt that she is also drop dead gorgeous, huh, now that I think about it all my subordinates are beautiful.

Hmm, I haven't gotten laid in a long long while either, I definitely wouldn’t say no to any of them. Ah well, it’s best to just let things move at their own pace, if it happens it happens.

Once everything was sorted out we headed back outside to have a meeting with everyone relevant involved.

It was basically just the same discussion as before, Rimuru talked about his reincarnation along with everything that had happened with Hinata Sakaguchi.

From Fuze’s reaction it seems that she is quite important. I have heard about her before, during my travels she was said to be the leader of the so-called Ten Great Saints.

Though from what I was able to learn they aren’t all actual Saints. They are just Enlightened with the potential to reach that stage.

Hinata must be quite strong to have been capable of practically toying with Pre-Awakening Rimuru.

He was around a Disaster-class threat at that point, along with being a Demon Lord Seed.

All that with just Holy Magic and Swordsmanship, hmm, maybe I should look into Holy Magic, from what Rimuru is describing Holy Magic can be quite fearsome as long as you have enough faith.

“Khuhuhu, Rimuru-sama, allow me to take care of this Hinata.” said Diablo

Ugh, that laugh of his creeps me out, if I wasn’t sure of his loyalty to Rimuru I would 100% think that he is the bad guy behind everything wrong with the world.

My first meeting with Diablo was quite odd.

- Flashback -

Man is the hot spring relaxing, the people of this world don’t know what they are missing with this.


Rimuru is coming here with Diablo.

I haven’t gotten the chance to have a conversation with Diablo but from what Arcueid has said he is a complete monster combat wise, he was able to rival Guy Crimson back before Guy was summoned.

The odd thing about Daemons of Black according to Arcuied is that most of them desire things other than strength, oftentimes strength is just a side benefit they get chasing their goals.

Diablo himself is quite strong, I noticed he gained a Unique Skill from being named.

Between Arcuied and Diablo I’m not sure who would win in a fight, Arcueid has a superior vessel as her Deathman body was made out of 30,000+ majin, whereas Diablo’s was made up of about 20,000 humans.

But Diablo’s mastery over his abilities and new Unique Skill aren’t to be underestimated.

Truly an interesting subordinate that Rimuru summoned, I’m not sure why he chose to serve Rimuru but his loyalty is true.

Soon enough Rimuru and Diablo arrived, “And this is the hot spring, this place is great to relax.”

“Truly Rimuru-sama, I thank you for showing me this establishment.” He then looked towards me, “And who is this?”

Rimuru then looked towards me and said, “Hey! What’s up Felix, I hope you don’t mind if we join you!”

“Come on in, the more company the better.”

He nodded, then looked at Diablo, “Umu, that’s Felix, one of my closest friends, just treat him like an honored guest.”

“An honored guest? I see, I will fulfill his wishes as best I can.”

As the two were entering the hot spring Rimuru said, “Umu, Felix, this is Diablo, my new secretary.”

“Secretary? I see, it would be useful for you to have a secretary wouldn’t it? I don’t think anyone can claim to have a Primordial as a secretary though, except maybe Guy Crimson, though according to Milim his Primordial servants are his maids. Umu, a respectable fetish.”

“Really?! Umu, respectable indeed.”

“Ah, Rimuru-sama, I would be honored to become your maid if you wish, us Daemons are able to freely change genders so it will not be a problem for me.”

“Ah, uhm, no maybe another time Diablo.”

As I watched their interaction I could tell that Rimuru was barely holding himself back from agreeing, he likely only said no due to his Japanese upbringing, asking someone to change genders isn’t something that’s usually done after all.

But, I’m sure he’ll crack in time.

I took a closer look at the Primordial of my Lineage, I could see that he was observing me as well, I’m sure this is a first for him, to see something completely new, something that was likely thought to be impossible.

“It is nice to meet you, Felix-sama.”

“Ah, It’s nice to meet you as well Diablo, I did always wonder what the Primordial of my Lineage would be like.”

“Huh! Felix, he’s the Primordial of your Lineage?! You never told me!”

“Ah, it must have slipped my mind, I am a Daemon belonging to the Black Lineage.”

“Huh, I summoned someone really impressive then.”

“Summoning any Primordial and living to tell the tale is impressive Rimuru.”

“They really are some big shots huh?”

Sigh, this guy.

I look back towards Diablo, at which point he gives me a creepy grin, “Kihuhuhu, truly interesting, I will enjoy watching you grow Felix-sama, to have outgrown a Primordial, you must be truly special.”

What the fuck is that laugh, that’s creepy as hell.

“Ah, thanks I guess?”

- Flashback End -

Our first meeting may have been odd, but it still ended on a good note.

But still, what an odd Daemon, and that’s me saying that.

Rimuru ended up shutting down Diablo’s proposal to deal with Hinata, that would ruin all chances of having a positive relationship with the Holy Church after all.

After some discussion it was decided for Tempest to take a wait and see approach, no reason to agitate the Holy Church if they mind their own business.

Afterwards Rimuru told everyone of our plan to push the blame for everything off Tempest and onto Falmuth.

They would claim that due to his greed the King of Falmuth sent an army to Tempest, started a war, and then lost.

Tempest wouldn’t say that Rimuru alone defeated all the soldiers, but rather Tempest’s army was able to beat Falmuth’s, this is far more believable after all, most people in this world couldn’t even imagine the kind of strength needed to wipe out a city, let alone what Rimuru and I are capable of now.

Then they would say all the casualties caused due to the war was enough to break Veldora’s seal, reviving the Evil Dragon Veldora.

Then comes in the new puppet king of Falmuth Rimuru is trying to enstate.

They would claim that Youm, a human adventurer, was able to calm Veldora down and honored him as the Guardian of Tempest, setting the foundation for his eventual takeover of Falmuth.

Veldora was willing to take the blame so there weren’t any issues with the plan.

After some more discussion the meeting soon ended.

Tempest ended up establishing diplomatic relations with the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion, along with an agreement for a future discussion with Arcueid and I after the Walpurgis.

Rimuru and I ended up having a private meeting a little bit later to make sure we were both ready for the Walpurgis.

“Man, is this food good Rimuru, I’m gonna miss it.”

“Umu! Tempest has been working hard in order to perfect our crafts, I can send someone over to teach your guys about it at some point if you want.”

“Yeah, that’d be great, there are some interesting dishes you can make from monster meat as well.”

“Yup, we’ve been experimenting with them. Ugh, I’m still not able to make Soy Sauce though.”

“You Japanese and your Soy Sauce.”

“Hey! Soy Sauce is great!”

“I never said it wasn’t just that you guys take it to the extreme.”

“Ah well whatever you American. Oh yeah! What was that earlier you were saying about being from different earths?”

“Hmm? Oh that, remember I told you I died, reincarnated, then died, and got reincarnated into a Daemon?”


“Well, I was reincarnated on a different earth, things were different there, for one I was reincarnated in the past, then there is the fact that I’m pretty sure I was reincarnated in a fictional world from my first life.”

“A fictional world! Like an anime?!”

“Yup, it was called Jujutsu Kaisen, did it exist in your world?”

“Jujutsu Kaisen? No, never heard of it, though it might have come out after I died.”

I make a copy of the manga and hand it to him.

“I see, here check this out then, I never got to finish the manga but that should give you the general gist of the world.”

“I see, thanks, we should share our collection, umu, we can discover even more manga that way.”

“Yeah, I can make a copy of everything I got at some point, though make a copy of your collection for me, I’m interested in your world’s manga.”

“Umu. Still, it's hard to believe that you were born in a fictional world, makes me see things in a whole new perspective. Maybe we are in some LN or manga.”

“Who knows, I just chose to ignore it, easier that way.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll do the same. By the way, Milim said you can take two subordinates to the Walpurgis.”

“Two of them huh? That’ll make things a bit easier, hmm who should I take though, Diablo already has a mission so he’s out, who are you taking?”

“I’ll probably take Arcueid, she’s good at those kinds of things.”

“Not Saeko? She’s going to whine about it.”

“Sigh, yeah I know, it’ll be fine though, I don’t want to take just one out of Raiden and Saeko, so I’ll have them go secure Jistav for me, maybe I’ll even send Kurumi with them. Do you mind sending Souei and Hakurou along to temper Saeko’s actions?”

“Umu, that's fine. Hmm, I think I’ll take Ranga, and Benimaru.”

“I see, they are pretty strong, I’m pretty sure Benimaru on his own could wipe the floor with Clayman. Also, what are you gonna do about Veldora? He is going to want to come.”

“Hopefully I can distract him with manga, he should be busy reading all the new manga you gave him for a while.”

“That’s true.”

We ended up chatting for a few hours before we went to our own respective homes to rest.


Milim showed up a day after the meeting with everyone.

I felt her aura approaching so I ended up waiting for her outside my home, it didn’t take long for her to arrive in her normal fashion, by creating a crater where she lands.

“Hey I have news! The Walpurgis over replacing Clayman, has been set for one day from now!”

“Ugh, can you stop landing like that Milim? Always a pain to get it fixed. I’ll also have to let Rimuru know that the Walpurigs is in a day since he wants to attend, he’s already on his way here it seems.”

“Mwahahahaha, of course not that just isn’t my style!”

“Arcueid, I am still lacking my second, I know I asked you to hold off earlier, but can you find Yellow or Violet for a meeting, and can you also bring that Daemon that you recommended for Milim?”

“At once Master.”  She immediately flies off.

“Haha, I can finally have my own attendant, Umu, Ramiris is going to be so jealous!”

“Nope one of the Dryads requested a body able to leave the forest from Rimuru so they could seek out their queen a while ago, they have probably already met as Rimuru informed the Dryad of the location of the Labyrinth and teleported them a good way there.”

Speaking of Treyni, I managed to analyze what Rimuru did in order to allow her to move more freely. He ended up making a Pseudo Soul of sorts to house her core. This allowed her to create an Avatar of sorts that she can use to go with Ramiris everywhere.

It basically transfers her soul into a new core that forms a new Spiritual and Material body.

An interesting piece of technology.

“Gah! Well my subordinate will still be better!”

I already feel bad for Milim’s future subordinate, poor Daemon got given a death sentence and he doesn’t even know.

Hopefully the Primordial Arcueid brings is reasonable, at least this way I can get to know whoever she brings before I decide to take them as a subordinate.

It’s probably best to know if she can be a good subordinate or not before I end up naming her, I got lucky with Arcueid. Primordials are dangerous enough without a name I can’t have a named one being insubordinate, that's a recipe for chaos.

Soon enough Rimuru arrives, “Gah! Milim, could you stop causing property damage every time you come over?!”

“Mwhahaa, Felix just said the same thing!”

“Don’t even bother Rimuru, she’s a lost cause.”

“Yeah, you don’t have to tell me, so what brings you here Milim? Are you here just to see Felix?”

“The Walpurgis is going to start soon! I came since I wanted to go with Felix, he said that you wanted to come?”

“Umu, I am going to become a Demon Lord so that Tempest isn’t attacked again.”

“Yay! I can have three Demon Lord buddies, we can prank all the other Demon Lords!”

“Oh, I’m listening? What sort of prank do you have in mind?”

“Oi Felix! There will be no pranking at the Walpurgis, this will be a serious meeting!”

“All the more reason to liven it up with some good fun!”

“Umu, what Felix said!”

“Uh, these two are gonna be the death of my peaceful life.”

We ended up arguing about all sorts of things until the end of the day, we didn’t have anything else to do after all, I bet both Rimuru and Milim just dumped all their work on their subordinates.

It’s been a few hours since Arcueid left and I finally felt her aura approaching, along with two other far less powerful auras, though one is far larger than the other.

The larger aura must be the other Primordial she brought.

The weakest one appears to be of the White Lineage, likely Milim’s to be minion.

Hmm the other one has blonde hair so she must be Jaune the Primordial of Yellow

She suddenly just sped up, uh not another Milim please! Damn it, she just cratered the ground in her landing. Why is she pointing her finger at me?

“Nuclear Strike magic!” Gah it really is another Milim… well I might as well subdue her as she seems the type to ignore logic and prefers strength

“Go right ahead and fire it off at full power!” Might as well show her how pointless it is.

Ugh, her smile only grew, damn battle maniacs. Thankfully due to ‘Ouroburos’ the attack just appears to stop midair.

She looked surprised at first, but she only fired more and more destructive Nuclear Magic at me. Each one failing to approach me due to ‘Infinity’.

Hmm, maybe I should just beat her up? This is taking too long.

“Gravity Increase” I rapidly increase the pressure, at first she brushes it off, but soon enough she starts struggling. Then at last she is pancaked to the ground.

“Have you had enough yet?”

“No! Stop using cheap tricks!”

Sigh, how pointless.

“Then I shall speak your language.” I point my palm at a mountain range to the west I can sense with only monster life.

“Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds, though I promulgate the laws of nature, I am the alias of destruction incarnate, in accordance with the principles of all creation. Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me! Explosion!” I use the chant for amusement and even had Odin make it so the spell effect perfectly mimics the Konosuba spell.

‘Notice. This is a waste of my power.’

‘Hush, no it isn’t’


And half the mountain range is gone

“Hahahaha, that was great! I like you! I can see why Blanc decided to serve you!”

Arcueid slowly floats down from where she was watching our fight, followed by the Daemon I asked her to bring, “It’s Arcueid now Jaune, I told you that it was foolish to fight my master.”

I release the pressure around Jaune, she should know she’s outclassed now.

Ah Rimuru is flying over here at max speed, Milim is following him though she seems far more relaxed.

“What the hell was that Felix! Why did you just blow up that mountain range! This is going to seriously agitate the Western Nations!”

“Mwhaha what's wrong with showing off one's own power! If they have a problem they are more than welcome to come fight us!” Milim says while punching her open palm

I look towards Rimuru apologetically, “Sorry about that Rimuru, Arcueid brought a new potential subordinate for me, we ended up fighting and it was a bit more destructive than planned. Just blame it on Veldora, umu.”

“Umu, it’s perfectly fine to blame acts of massive destruction on me! It will only bolster my reputation hahahaha!” Gah where the hell did he come from all of a sudden?!

He then turned to look at me, “Felix! Why didn’t you tell me you were born from one of the worlds described within the Sacred Texts?!”

Ugh, he read Jujutsu Kaisen didn’t he?

“It just never came up”

I turn to look towards Jaune who is talking with Arcueid, “So, are you willing to serve me? I can give you a Material Body, it won’t be as good as Arcueid’s, but if you prove to be a good subordinate I can upgrade it over time.”

“Haha, if you can give me a good fight like that once and a while, then I’m in!”

“I can do that, here, I’ll make a body for you.”

Hmm, I don’t want something weak, she is gonna be my subordinate for now.

I end up using some Orichalcum left over from the crafting of my own weapon, that should be sufficiently strong, definitely stronger than my original vessel.

It doesn’t take long for Jaune to possess it. She manifested a black fur coat, along with a white shirt and a tie.

She really does look like a delinquent.

“Woah, this body is great! Haha, I already feel stronger!”

Arcueid looked at Jaune haughtily as she said, “Indeed, your vessel is sufficient, my master never does things by half after all, but it is still far below mine.”

Ugh, these two were rivals weren’t they?

“What’s you say! You wanna fight?! I’ll beat you up!”

Why is she talking like a yankee now?

I decide to nip their argument in the bud, “Oh Arcueid, is that the subordinate for Milim I asked you to bring?”

Arcueid looks towards me, then to her subordinate, “Yes, my master, he is one of my strangest subordinates, he was my lieutenant.”

Her Lieutenant? He must be fairly strong then.

Milim floated down towards him, the only way to describe his looks is that he looks like a stereotypical butler.

“So you’re gonna be my new minion huh? Umu you will do! Now I can brag to Ramiris about my subordinate! Oi Felix! Make a body for him!”

“Why should I? On second thought, I’ll do it if you stop making craters whenever you land!”

I notice Rimuru looking at me like I’m a saint.

‘Answer, you are a Demon Lord. Saints are a human evolution’

‘Was that sass Odin?’

‘Answer, no.’

It was definitely sass!

‘Answer, You’re imagining it.’

“But Why?!” Milim yelled

“Well, do you want me to do it or not?”

“Fine fine you big meanie!”

She’ll get over it after I give her some sweets.

I’ll just make a simple magisteel body, Milim can upgrade it later.

Thankfully I have a large stock of magisteel from Rimuru.

The Daemon quickly inhabits the body I made.

“Hmm, what should I name you? I can’t have an unnamed subordinate after all. Aha, how about Arc, named after Arcueid!”

Ugh, how uncreative.

It’s weird that he’s still an Arch Daemon for some reason, even after being named. I would have thought that receiving a name would be enough to trigger an evolution.

‘Incorrect, due to not having a sufficient enough amount of magicules gathered for evolution, the Daemon known as Arc was unable to evolve. However, his previous strength cap was lifted due to receiving a name, and incarnating in the Material World.’

I see, so receiving a name isn’t enough sometimes huh?

Now onto Jaune.

I’ve seen she is a brute force type and will follow those she perceives as stronger so I should be fine naming Jaune now, though I'd best wait until after the Walpurgis in case it takes her longer than normal to evolve since her body is subpar compared to Arcueid’s Deathman body, the jump in strength will be alot bigger.

Once the evolution was complete, he bowed, “I will serve you to the best of my abilities Milim-sama.”

“Umu! I can’t wait to see the look on Ramiris’ face!”

Speak of the devil, I sense someone teleporting near us,

“I have arrived! Be grateful I decided to attend the Walpurgis with you, no one will try to beat you up with me protecting you!”

She’s followed by Treyni and a Daemon of my own Lineage, interesting, it seems to be a mutated Daemon.

‘Answer. The Daemon is a variant of the Arch Daemon evolution known as an Arch Doll, it occurs when a Greater Daemon fuses with a golem body it causes them to mutate.’

I see, that’s interesting, I wonder how a race like that will evolve further.

Like that the night passed and we were set to go to the Walpurgis. Everyone is assembled. Ramiris who is taking Treyni and a Daemon of my Lineage Baretta, Milim and her new subordinate Arc, Rimuru followed by Ranga and Benimaru and then myself accompanied by Arcueid and Jaune.

“The time has come.” Announces Treyni

“Yep, that's our ride.” The pipsqueak pointlessly adds

A purple line appears from the ground and a really edgy door rises up out of it.

“Oh wow whoever designed that door likely cuts people on contact with how edgy they must be.”

“Umu, Guy is always like that.” adds Milim

Soon enough a green haired Daemon walks through the gate, “I’ve come to collect you, Ramiris-sama, Milim-sama, and Felix-sama.” she said with a bow

Very professional.

She’s quite strong as well, probably a bit weaker than Arcueid and Diablo.

She must be the Primordial of Green, Vert. She’s a Daemon Duke as well.

I notice her vision stray to Arcueid and Jaune, “What are you two doing here, Blanc and Jaune?”

“Ara, it has been a long time Vert, I have a name now, Arcueid. I am attending this banquet with my master, Felix-sama.”

“Yeah, I decided to serve this guy as well, he seems fun.”

“I see, to think that both of you would serve a master one day. How peculiar.”

Ramiris chose this moment to butt in.

“Long time no see Misery! How’s your partner Rain?”

“As well as ever, thank you for asking.”

She then turned towards me, “Are you Felix-sama?”

“I see, my master, Guy-sama has told me about you, please proceed through the gate.”

Before we went though Rimuru had something to say, “I have declared myself a Demon Lord, I would like to attend the Walpurgis and prove myself.”

“A Demon Lord? I see, please proceed then, you may bring two attendants.”

That was easier than I thought it would be, Ramiris took the lead, “Let’s go, Beretta, Treyni!”

Milim and I went next followed by our subordinates.

As we walked through the portal I loosened my hold over my Aura. It's best if the other Demon Lords are aware that I’m qualified to be a Demon Lord, I can nip quite a few cliches in the bud by doing this.

Now even those without Ultimate Skills should be able to measure my strength if they look deep enough.

Once we arrived I looked around, it seems like we are the only ones to have arrived so far.

Ramiris approached the Daemon at the head seat, that must be Guy Crimson.

Damn, he’s strong.

‘Notice, it is suspected that the Daemon known as Guy Crimson is purposefully manipulating his aura to look like a brute with no skill, someone who can not control their own strength. Along with that, his host body is that of a Deathman, along with the host bodies of his two maids.’

I see, so the Walpurgis has already started then huh? He’s already taking a measure of everyone who arrives.

And you said his host body is a Deathman? He must be incredibly strong physically then, and he even has his maids in Deathman. He must have killed a ton of people to get the corpses for that.

‘Notice, his host body is stronger than the Master’s likely due to far more bodies being used in its creation.’

For real?! That’s going to be an advantage he has over me.

I observe Guy with Milim Eye, hopefully I can figure out how strong he really is.

Thanks to Odin inheriting Milim Eye I can even get through the innate defense that Ultimate Skill wielders have.

It seems like Guy has a few Ultimate Skills, as expected of the so-called strongest Demon Lord.

He is also extremely powerful magical wise, more powerful than even me, which is incredibly surprising as I have ‘Satanael’ running passively providing a boost to my abilities.

Even with all the benefits I have with basically infinite magicules, ‘Satanael’, and ‘Ouroboros’, I still don’t know who would win in a fight between us. If it turns into a fight of endurance I should be capable of winning, but who knows what sort of abilities someone like Guy Crimson could possess.

He’s been around for thousands of years after all, I'm sure he has a lot more experience than me.

Though with Odin figuring out the most optimal way to beat him I don’t think it’s impossible.

It seems I still have a ways to go before I am considered at the top of this world if Guy Crimson is still more magically powerful than me.

‘It has been detected that individual known as Guy Crimson possesses one naturally awakened Ultimate Skill, along with multiple Copied Ultimate Skills.’

Copied! Is he able to copy skills like me?! That increases his threat level multiple times.

He might have even copied ‘Satanael’ when he fought Milim all those years ago, basically negating one of sole advantages with infinite magicules, and never ending strength the angrier I get.

But if that is true that means the strength I am seeing from him now might not be his base stats.

If he did copy ‘Satanael’, then If I want to beat him I would need to beat him before he powers up further with ‘Satanael’, or just become so overwhelmingly powerful that he isn’t able to reach my level with just ‘Satanael’. The second scenario is most likely a long time away.

If I give him time to power up then that battle is likely to just turn into a stalemate.

Hopefully I am still capable of further growth, increasing your base stats is always helpful after all.

‘How were you able to even figure that out Odin?’

‘Through analysis of your own Ultimate Skills it was discovered that naturally awakened Ultimate Skills are engraved into the soul, whereas copied ones are attached to the soul.’

I see, I guess that makes sense though seeing as how I didn’t naturally awaken the Ultimate Skill, it has to be given to me somehow.


‘Odin, does that mean Guy can theoretically copy Ouroboros?’

‘Through analysis of your own Ultimate Skill Ouroboros it was determined that it is unlikely that Guy Crimson can copy it. Ouroboros is inherently superior compared to the Master’s other Ultimate Skills, if someone else had a similar skill then you would not be capable of copying it without incredibly detailed analysis, or upgrading Odin.’

I see, I don’t want to deactivate ‘Infinity’ seeing as I’m in potentially hostile territory, if he could copy it he has likely already had more than enough time to do so, so there would be no point in deactivating it anyway.

‘Odin is also preventing detailed analysis of Ouroboros so copying it is impossible.’

‘Seriously? You couldn’t have just said that at first?’

As I’m arguing with Odin, the maid from earlier directs me to a seat at the middle of the table, while Rimuru is seated at the very end.

This was likely Clayman’s seat, Milim took one of the seats next to Guy Crimson.

I notice Guy staring at Arcueid and Jaune, then to me, ah, he is a Primordial as well, I almost forgot with all his other titles.

Lord of Darkness, how chunni.

‘Query. Were you not chanting your magic in order to appear chuuni?’

‘I was, but it was cool at the time!’

‘Whatever you say.’

The maid from earlier, Mizery went around serving all the attendants wine, once I tried it I was impressed, this is some good shit.

The next one to enter is a massive hulk of a man, Demon Lord Dagruel, the Giant probably.

Man is he radiating a ton of magicules, fighting him seems like it would be a pain.

The next people to enter seem to be Vampires, there is the fake Demon Lord, a butler, and a maid.

Is she even trying to hide who the real Demon Lord is? At least suppress your aura to make it seem like you’re weaker.

It seems like she is stronger than Arcueid, and she also has a Unique Skill.

She might not be directly responsible for the Church’s assistance in the attack on Tempest, but it sure as hell happened due to her oversight.

I might as well get my own petty revenge.

“Yo Rimuru, that Demon Lord must have a maid fetish pretending to be one, while her subordinate or friend or whatever is playing pretend Demon Lord.” I shout across the table while pointing at Luminous.

Hehe her brow just seriously twitched!

“Wait if I recall correctly she is also playing as a God to the humans, I think her name was Luminous as in the God Luminous of the Western Holy Church.”

Hehe it's twitching again this is so much fun!

“Felix! Luminous was trying to hide that she was a Demon Lord!”

“Haha, Milim, you just exposed her even more than I did! At Least with my comments The fake could still act offended to keep the charade going since I’m only a newbie Demon Lord.”

Ah, Milim still isn’t able to whistle huh? Ah Luminous looks really pissed now, maybe I should blame Veldora? I heard they didn’t get along. He did say it was fine to blame him for everything that would increase his notoriety after all.


She transforms from her maid outfit to a gothic outfit.

Very tasteful.

It’s best to make sure that she doesn’t totally dislike us.

“Heh, since I broke your charade, have this as a gift.” I throw her a full potion

“It’s a full potion with 99% efficiency, I’m sure you know what it’s capable of.”

“Tch, who told you about my identity?”

“Well, I don’t kiss and tell, but I heard that a certain Evil Dragon has been unsealed.”

“Blasted Evil Dragon.”

Milim looked at me with surprise but I winked at her.

Luminous looked at the fake and said, “Since my cover is gone you can return and make sure everything is fine.”

The next one to arrive was a sleepy looking guy, he didn’t bring any attendants though.


The sleepy guy looked at Ramiris,

“Oh, hey. Well you’re still a pipsqueak huh?” Ramiris flew towards him.

“Hey! Are you trying to pick a fight?! I can easily beat you up!”

The sleepy guy looked amused.

“Why would I pick a fight I know I could win super easily?”

I chose to tune them out, they seem to get along well.

The next one to come was Frey and Carrion, odd that they came together but oh well.

Frey brought some harpy servants, while Carrion brought two of his Beastkeeters.

Both greeted me before taking their seats.

Heh look at the goofy expression on Rimuru’s face, he clearly likes Frey’s body, umu, he has good taste.

Heh, I have a good way to mess with him.

“Hey Frey you still owe me that pleasurable time that you agreed to. Do you have a day when you're free?” I say with a smirk.

“Gah! Felix!”

“Ara ara, I didn’t think you were interested after you ignored poor little me?”

“Ah, I would never ignore a woman as beautiful as you Frey, I’ve just been busy with a few things the last few months.”

“Hahaha, you're still as amusing as ever Felix, though we need to fight again, I’ve been training.”

“Haha, sure Carrion, be ready to be defeated though, I’ve grown far stronger since the last time we fought.”

“I can tell, your aura has increased significantly.”

In the middle of our conversation another Demon Lord enters, huh it's a real pretty boy type with blonde hair, maybe this is Leon?

He looks at me and Arcueid with no reaction but when he turns his eyes upon Jaune his brows heavily twitch, I wonder what she did to irritate him? Oh wow the eye twitch caused Guy to smirk in amusement, this Leon guy must be really hard to annoy! Thus Prime pranking material.

- Rimuru -

Gah, Felix, that lucky bastard, having a mature beauty like that all to himself. He already has three other beauties. Why can’t he leave some for the rest of us?!

Still to think Felix is that strong, he hadn’t gotten the chance to see how strong Felix was since he is always concealing his ‘Aura’, now that he can see it though….

According to Raphael he would not have a very high likelihood of beating Felix in a fight, less than 1% in fact. Raphael said that Felix’s sheer magicule capacity is greater than even Milim’s!

What a monster.

And to think that the Demon Lord Luminous is also the God of the Holy Church.

The Holy Church is still something he will have to deal with, hopefully it goes well.

“Hey Leon, have you been lonely lately without me there to liven up your day?”

He looked towards Felix’s new servant, does she know Leon?

“I would be perfectly content if you stopped bombarding my castle with nuclear magic everyday.” Ah yes that would get annoying quickly, but he deserves it for what he did to Shizu.

“She really likes her explosions, should I name her Megumin?” He hears Felix whisper, hmm that would be a good name for her if she likes explosions.

All of a sudden he feels a massive aura, he looks towards where he felt it come from.

“Woah! What the Hell!” Jaune yells out just before she is encased in a cocoon of magicules like Diablo was during his naming.

“Oh My!” Arcueid seems to find this amusing.

“In the middle of Walpurgis of all times? How inappropriate.” Luminous seems entirely unamused, and slightly wary.

“Ara ara, was it really wise to do that right now Master?” He hears Arcueid ask Felix

Gah! Arcueid really has the Onee-sama energy! Damn bastard, getting a subordinate like that.

Felix himself looks clueless as to what just happened for a moment before his face morphs in realization.

He doesn’t look like he meant to do that, who knows how many people he’s accidentally named like that?

‘Answer, unlike you he appears to be far more careful with giving out names, so this is likely his first accidental naming.’

‘Ah why do you gotta be so mean Raphael, we all make mistakes.’

Thankfully the now named Megumin’s evolution doesn’t take long.

He looked towards Leon and noticed that he was observing him with an odd look in his eyes.

He looked around the room, it seems like everyone is here.

He looked towards where Guy Crimson was sitting,

“Thank you for attending everyone, now that everyone is here, it’s time for the introductions then we shall commence the Walpurgis.”


Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

I hang out in Crossedge’s Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4

Author’s Note:

Lots of stuff happened this chapter, new characters introduced, we finally got to meet all the other Demon Lords.

In canon Kurumi originally first had a child form, but that was when she was named by Rimuru, someone far weaker than the current Felix, I feel like she should be able to skip the child evolutionary stage since Felix is naming her.

The Walpurgis start in the next chapter so look forward to that.

Anyways thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.


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