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Story: I’m a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 12: Misunderstandings and Meetings


- Felix -

It’s been about a week since I named the Dragons, and Arcueid is still not back. I can only internally plead for Arcueid to hurry up, I don’t think I can handle much more of this work, even if Odin is basically doing everything, it’s just so… boring.

I would be worried about what is taking her so long, but I can tell that she is fine through my connection with her. The Daemon Realm is massive, so it makes sense that it would take some time to gather all the Daemons she wants to bring.

Along with that I still haven’t gathered enough energy to give myself a power boost from receiving my second name, but Odin said that due to my current strength, quite a lot of belief is necessary to give me a second name. She estimated that almost the entire world’s collective belief would be necessary to gather enough energy. It takes time for word of a new Demon Lord to spread after all, with all the mostly isolated villages and all. Information does not travel nearly as quickly here as it does in a modern world.

I ended up deciding to just leave it be, I’m not in urgent need of strength at the moment after all, there aren’t many ways I can decrease the time needed other than terrorizing the world, which I am not particularly inclined to do.

I continued going over my plans for developing my nation, I have a few ideas on how I can improve the general state of living, the Central World isn’t very modern, by no means is it caveman-like, there is some pretty advanced stuff in some kingdoms. Still a lot of things aren’t as developed as Earth, the food isn’t as good for most, in order to eat the truly good stuff you generally need to be strong or have a high status. The stuff that Guy’s maids cooked was all from A Rank monsters, no human could casually eat stuff like that, not even a Monarch. But Guy handed them out like candy since it is so easy for him to get.

It is also easy for me to get, so I thought why not, I can also bring some modern cuisine back with me whenever I travel to another world.

‘Speaking of that, how is the progress on figuring out the coordinates for the world I was summoned from?’

‘Notice, the process of locating the coordinates for the world known as Jujutsu Kaisen is 83.721% done.’

‘It’s almost done then, you found it faster than I thought seeing as you basically need to scour the entire multiverse to look for that world, nice job.’

‘Odin is simply doing its duty.’

‘Yeah yeah, just accept the praise.’


Now how should I go about gathering the food that I want? I already have a rice farm, seeing as Rimuru already laid the foundation for it, it wasn’t difficult to set up. Rice is a staple dish almost everywhere on Earth, so many things can be made with it so I’m looking forward to when it's fully prepared. For now I will have to get rice from Tempest if I want it. Thankfully Rimuru is generous when it comes to me so I was able to acquire a bunch for a low cost. From what I’ve heard he’s been milking all the other countries for everything that they want.

I established a trading relationship with Eurazania for their signature fruits, I’m sure I could have asked for what I want for free, but I didn’t really want to take too much advantage of them for something incredibly minor. I was able to make alcohol out of the fruits that I asked for, and boy is it amazing.

Probably the best alcohol I have ever had, I have made some wine and beer so far. Hopefully I can develop the alcohol business far enough for it to be something that other nations can be interested in.

I currently have some subordinates producing all sorts of alcohol and storing it in a cold warehouse, cooling isn’t something that is super well known in this world so chilled alcohol will be something new to them.

I turn my attention towards Raiden who is massaging my shoulders, “So Raiden, how are the new Dragons? Anything you need for them?”

I felt Raiden pause her massage for a moment before continuing, “No Master, it did take some time for them to get used to their new abilities but they are hard working so they were able to learn quickly. Now that they have felt what true strength feels like they are eager to grow stronger.”

Huh, it seems my Haki had quite the large effect on them. Though it makes sense, if I wasn’t even capable of standing in someone’s presence I would be eager to grow stronger too.

“I see, that’s good, what about Porunga? How is he doing?”

I remember Porunga was in a bad state after his fight with Megumin, if it wasn’t for Self-Regeneration then he would have needed a Full Potion to fully heal up. Though it seemed like Megumin took a liking to him, she said that he just kept on getting up so he was a useful punching bag.

I sense a lot of pain in Porunga’s future, though he didn’t seem to mind, it seems he is a bit of a battle junkie himself.

“He is doing well, he listens to my commands, he is also respectful now that he knows his place. He has been training with Megumin, and according to Megumin he is growing stronger due to their fights. His rate of improvement is slow but it is still there.” Ah, if Porunga had a zenkai he would be overpowered by now huh?

“Hmm? Do you and Megumin talk often? I didn’t know that you two were close.”

“Did you not know Master? All of your direct subordinates meet up once a week to discuss how we can better serve you and how we can help you accomplish your goals.”

What the fuck!

That sounds a lot like a cult, they meet up every week? What could they know? Am I always being watched? No, I would have sensed it, and I’m sure Odin would tell me. Who even brought up having meetings?

…Okay that is kinda creepy, I am going to pretend I never heard that, hopefully Saeko did not reveal our escapades, even I would be embarrassed about that being talked about.

At least it seems like they are all friends, that’s good, right?

“Is that so, anyways what’s for dinner today? I always look forward to your cooking, you might be even better than Shuna now!”

Truly, her cooking has improved by leaps and bounds since I first tried her food, now I prefer her cooking to even Shuna’s cooking.

“I see! I am glad that you enjoy my cooking master!” Oh, is that a blush? How adorable, the ever stoic maid gets embarrassed from her cooking being complimented.

“Today I will be preparing Black Tiger Stew, along with Grilled Horned Rabbit.”

“Oh, I can’t wait, I haven’t had a chance to try Black Tiger Stew since the Walpurgis. But aren’t both those monsters B Ranked? When did you have a chance to hunt them?”

“I ordered Porunga to hunt them down for you Master, once he heard it was for you he was incredibly eager, he truly has become a good subordinate.”

Isn’t that like way below Porunga’s pay grade? He’s a certified Disaster-class and he is hunting monsters for me to eat?! And why does Raiden look so proud?!

“Ah, I see, well if he is the one doing the hunting do give him some of the food as well, tell him to consider it his reward.”

“Ah, my Master truly is a kind and gracious lord, I am sure Porunga will be delighted upon hearing your praise.”

“Well then, I better finish up these plans so I can eat your delicious meal.”

I’m currently working on making a bunch of blueprints for buildings from my past life, though it's more like Odin is doing everything. Odin is able to easily create the blueprints so it shouldn’t take me too long. I bet all those Civil Engineers from my past life are jealous, it takes them hours, sometimes even days to make blueprints and here I am making them in seconds.

Odin truly is the best, umu.

I’m planning to make blueprints for modern housing, plumbing, sewage, stores, pools, basically everything that a modern country needs.

The only reason I didn’t start this as soon as this territory became mine was because I wasn’t sure how I should have it all built, Clayman didn’t have enough people skilled in construction and I didn’t want to rely on Rimuru for everything so I didn’t want to ask for him to lend me some Orcs.

I ended up deciding to offer the former slaves the opportunity to construct everything, they don’t have all that many skills so a bunch were eager to learn and become more useful.

They were quite thankful to me for releasing them so they wanted to pull their own weight, along with that they didn’t really have anywhere else to go, and what I offered them was a good deal.

I sent them to the craftsmen that Clayman had already secured to learn from, last I heard they should be ready to work in about 2 weeks time.

Together with the former slaves and Clayman’s original craftsmen I should have enough men to build everything I want, if at a slower pace than Rimuru’s Orcs.

I’ve also made use of a few warehouses Clayman wasn’t using to store magic ore, I’m hoping that after being exposed to the magicules everyone is releasing they will turn into magisteel. With the combined ‘Aura’ of Arcueid, Megumin, Saeko, Raiden, Kurumi, all the Dragons, and all the Daemons Arcueid is going to bring, it should be more than enough to mutate them.

And I’m sure the population of Azeroth will grow over time, causing even more magicules to be in the air, the only downside to that is that my territory will become more, and more hazardous to humans who do not have a high tolerance for magicules, but I’m sure I’ll be able to figure something out if a time when humans actually want to come here comes.

I do already have a bunch of magisteel along with some Orichalcum and Mithril which is magisteel combined with Silver.

I also recently experimented with magisteel and learned about a new ore, Adamantite. Adamantite is formed when magisteel is exposed to an immense amount of magicules so it basically super evolves. It is harder than diamond but is also incredibly flexible. According to Odin it is almost like a living thing. Absolutely absurd.

I’ve been trying to create more but it is incredibly difficult to form, I only have about 5 kilograms worth so far. I’m considering getting a weapon formed for Raiden out of it, she said she doesn’t really use weapons but is willing to learn. I also plan to upgrade Saeko’s weapon with it, Saeko only has a Unique Grade blade after all.

“Alright, that’s the last blueprint Raiden, could you start preparing dinner?”

“It would be my pleasure Master!”

I stare at an apologetic Milim as she tries to calm down a furious Middray.

What a pain, it all started when I felt Milim, Middray, and Arc approaching my castle at high speeds, I quickly stopped them as knowing Milim, she would crash into my beautiful castle and damage it.

I just got this damn castle, I don’t want to have to get it repaired already.

It turns out that Frey has been forcing Milim to be an effective ruler, poor Milim, having to do actual work now, couldn’t be me.

She ended up finishing up all the work that Frey was making her do so she decided to visit me with Middray as her chaperone, it seems Frey didn’t think Arc could keep Milim under control.

I, of course being the generous host that I am, invited them to dinner. Who knows, maybe Middray will finally learn what real food is.

Unfortunately Megumin couldn’t join us due to having some work to do, she has been sparring with Kurumi a bunch. It turns out that Kurumi herself asked for some training, she said she wanted to get stronger and become more useful.

Saeko joined them, thankfully I used ‘Isolate’ on their training field or they would end up destroying the entire country.

Such hardworking subordinates I have.

Back to the meal, as soon as the dishes were placed in front of Middray, he said, “This is not the kind of food Milim-sama should eat Demon Lord Felix-sama! “ He kept going on and on with his criticism without even trying it. I can tell Raiden is holding back from trying to beat him up.

Arc has been looking towards me apologetically the entire time, poor Arc, he can’t do anything.

I look towards Milim, “If he doesn’t want to eat that’s fine, we can’t force him to. After all, people will generally do the opposite of what you want them to if you force them.”

“Hmph, he is being mean to Raiden! My Bestie’s subordinate made food for us, dumb Middray shouldn’t say those things without trying the food!”

That’s true, I myself want to beat him up, but I can control myself, it’s his loss after all.

“To treat nature's gifts like this! Not only have you cooked it, but to add all these unknown spices?! It is fine to do this in your own territory, but please do not rope Milim-sama into this!”

These kinds of people are a pain to deal with, they will not admit they are wrong no matter what. I pity Milim if she has to deal with this whenever she gets food from somewhere else.

Midday continued going on and on about how meat should be enjoyed at its purest, I tuned him out as we all continued to eat. As I was eating though I saw Milim make an evil look on her face, she quickly grabbed some food and shoved it in his mouth as he was talking.


Midday’s eyes widened, he looked like he didn’t understand what just happened. “Thi-this is?!” Ah, it seems Milim got through to him, he will finally understand the greatness of Raiden’s cooking, umu.

“Ghaha! See, I told you it was good Middray, stop being a big baby and eat!”

“S-so good! This one bite is more delicious than all of the vegetables I eat!”

Dude, it’s obviously going to be better than raw vegetables. This guy really was living in the stone age.

After that we enjoyed our meal in relative silence.

“Hey Milim, I’m going to visit Tempest in a little bit, wanna come?”

I was planning to go later, but if Milim is already here I might as well go now, who knows when Frey will make her do more work?

“Umu! I can show Arc off! He has gotten stronger, I bet he can beat up all of Rimuru’s subordinates!”

Hmm? Now that I take a closer look at him, it does seem like he got a tad stronger, he was already an Arch Daemon  so he was pretty powerful. It seems like his magicule capacity grew along with his mastery over his skills.

“Haha, maybe he can beat some of them up but Diablo and some of Rimuru’s direct subordinates would stomp all over him.”

“Gah! I forgot about them!” How do you forget about one of the Primordial Daemons?! I can understand the others since their race isn’t as well known, but seriously? You forgot about a Primordial?

“Oh yeah! Where is Arcueid? I haven’t seen her?”

“Hmm? Oh I sent her to gather up some more subordinates for me, seeing as I now have a country I am responsible for, I thought I should get some more strong subordinates.”

“Oh! Hmm yeah, the Dragon Faithful are quite useful, they are pretty strong too!”

“I bet they are.”

“Gah! Milim-sama! Thank you for the praise! I shall increase everyone’s training regiment in order to make them more useful to you!”

“Haha, great! Stronger sparring partners is always fun!”

I do not envy the Dragon Faithful, Midday’s training regiment can be pretty brutal.

“I’ll be ready to leave tomorrow, I still have something I need to do before we go to Tempest, I’ll get you three rooms.”

“Okay! Make my room right next to yours Felix!”



I gather everyone that is coming with me to Tempest around. I ended up bringing only Raiden as I want Saeko, Megumin, and Kurumi to stay back in case something unexpected happens. Those three are strong enough to hold off most threats long enough for me to get back.

Saeko complained but it wasn’t too difficult to make her see reason, she’s been more agreeable ever since we slept together, another plus in my book.

Milim is bringing Middray and Arc with her, “Hurry up! I want to try that new food you were talking about!”

“Hold on, be patient, let me make sure that Suphia is prepared to head to the Valley of Death.”

I use ‘Universal Sense’ to figure out how she is doing, looks like she is packing some stuff along with ordering everyone she is bringing along to get ready to leave.

She should be able to handle the rest on her own.

I ended up finding out about the Valley of Death a little while ago, basically it is a path that leads into the Eastern Empire, meaning the Eastern Empire has a way to access my territory, not something that can be considered good.

The path itself is through jagged mountains, there is no paved road, and the terrain is harsh. There are even monsters that reside in there, but even then it isn’t impossible for a small force to travel through as long as they are well trained.

Kurumi’s home village used to be located here, so it is possible to reside in.

I ended up sending Suphia along with a small force of Lycanthropes and craftsmen to build a base in front of the Valley so that we can always have some troops watching there.

I plan to leave that base under Suphia’s command. It might not be able to stop an invading force but they are capable of warning me ahead of time so I can prepare.

Along with that Rimuru invited me earlier saying he wanted to discuss something, he also mentioned that he managed to recreate sushi. Apparently he caught some fancy fish and had Hakurou make it into sushi.

That’ll be a nice treat for us, maybe Raiden can sneakily steal the recipe too.

I use ‘Ouroboros’ to teleport us, and in an instant we arrive at my home in Tempest.

I look around the room we teleport in, “I haven’t been here in a while, nice to see nothing changed.”

Raiden chimed in, “No one would dare invade your home Master.”

“Eh, I was talking more along the lines of I’m glad that this place is still here, the house Rimuru had made for me is big, bigger than Rimuru’s home, I’m sure they could use the space for other things so I’m thankful they left it as is.”

“Eh, I don’t think Rimuru would get rid of your home Felix! He’s your friend! Friends don’t do that to each other! But I’m the better friend!”

I roll my eyes, she can get really defensive about that, “Yes yes, you are the bestest of friends.”

We are all greeted by the civilians as we exit my house and head towards where I know Rimuru is. That’s one thing that isn’t seen much in other countries, the people here are nice, as long as you don’t disrespect Rimuru they will treat you great. Tempest is a generally pleasant place to be, I would live here full time if I didn’t have a country of my own to run.

Soon enough we arrive at the building where Rimuru’s office is located. I believe that this building is the biggest one in Tempest rather than the ruler's home like in most countries.

Rimuru said he didn’t need a big home due to being a slime and not needing sleep or anything really.

His home is mostly used when I come over to hang out with him, I introduced Veldora to Uno, Blackjack, along with a few other games so we all played them together a few times.

I wish we could play Smash, I bet that would be a ton of fun.

Once I arrived I was promptly brought to where Rimuru was working, poor guy, he can’t give all his work to his subordinates.

“Sup Rimuru.”

He looked up from the paperwork, “Ah! Felix! I see you brought Milim too.”

“Mhmm, she was together with me, she said she wanted to try out the sushi.”

“Umu, it turned out really good, you are going to be so jealous once you eat it.”

“We’ll see about that, so you wanted to talk to me about something?”

“Yup, hold on one second. Shuna! Could you come and show everyone around while Felix and I talk?”

Shuna quickly entered the room, “Of course Rimuru-sama.” She turned to look towards everyone, “Come on, I will show you the new restaurants and stores that opened!”

Raiden looked towards me, “Don’t worry Raiden, I’ll be fine, try out some of the new foods, maybe you will get some inspiration.”

Raiden had a determined look on her face, “Umu!”

“Oh! New restaurants!” Milim looked at me and said, “Be quick Felix, I want to play with you later!”

Play with me? She probably means fighting or some game, maybe both. “Alright, it shouldn’t be too long I think, right Rimuru?”

“Yup, not long.”

I took the seat in front of Rimuru as we waited for the room to clear out.

“So, what’s up?”

“Hrm, it seems like the Western Holy Church has taken potentially hostile actions against Tempest.”

“What?! What did they do?”

That’s odd, from what I know about Luminous it doesn’t seem like her to want hostile relations with Tempest, she hates Veldora, but still, she can’t think that attacking Veldora is worth having two True Demon Lords and a True Dragon upset at you.


“Hinata-san is armed and on her way here with 4 strong Paladins. She has 100 Crusaders following about half a day behind her, and Thirty Thousand Temple Knights have also been deployed and have surrounded Falmuth. News of a powerful Daemon residing in Falmuth has spread.” Ah, that’s probably Diablo huh?

“Hmm, I see. Hinata is a Saint, even if an incomplete one, she isn’t someone to underestimate, but as long as you play it smart you can deal with her. You could always just kill them all in a surprise attack, but it would be a pain to deal with the aftermath of that, maybe as a last resort.”

“Gah! You sound just like Diablo! We don’t know for sure if they want to fight! Maybe she just has guards following her in case things go bad?”

I rolled my eyes, “We are from the same lineage after all, and Rimuru, don’t be delusional, she is someone who nearly caused you to lose so many people you care about, she has repeatedly shown that she does not care for your reasoning, stop letting the fact that she is from Earth blind you from considering the other possibilities.”

“Ugh, yeah I know, I know they might not be coming here with good intentions, but it doesn’t hurt to hope. I’m already prepared for a fight, I just wanted to let you know that you should be careful, if they are taking action against Tempest then there is a high chance they will take action against you.”

Hmm, that’s a reasonable concern, I’ll have to tell everyone to be a bit more careful.

“Why don’t you just use your Demon Lord ring to contact Luminous and demand an explanation?”

“I want to try and talk to Hinata first, she is Shizu-san’s student after all, I don’t want to have a bad relationship with her if I don’t have to. But maybe you’re right, your country is also at risk after all, I shouldn’t risk that over a potential friendship I could have.”

“Your wishful thinking is making you ignore the tropes, for all we know she may be unaware of all this, she doesn’t seem like the type of ruler that cares too much about what her subordinates get up to. It is highly possible one of her human subordinates in the Western Holy Church is plotting against us, they are a massive organization after all, she can’t know everything that is going on. And it’s the church, they are almost always the bad guys. They even blatantly advertise that they are against Monsters so it wouldn’t be surprising if they had a bone to pick with you, the Ruler of a Monster Nation.”

“So you’re saying that there could still be a chance that Hinata just fell to another misunderstanding? Hopefully we can get this all sorted out soon, if that is the case even having a neutral relationship with them could be helpful, it could show the world that while they might not approve of us, they are not completely against us.”

“Umu, I can contact Luminous now, hopefully we can get everything sorted out.”

“Saeko, Megumin, Kurumi quietly up security levels in case of sabotage or imminent attack.”

“Yes right away Felix-sama!”

“Sounds like something exciting is about to occur!” Typical of that explosion loving hothead.

“It shall be done Felix-sama”

“There might be but keep it quiet as it could be a false alarm and I don’t want to cause panic or alert any possible infiltrators.”

“Yes yes, I got it.”

Now how do I get this ring to work?

Aha, now that I observe the ring with my senses closely I can feel 8 other rings throughout the world, three of them located in Tempest. Theoretically this ring can allow you to contact someone in another world. Guy’s partner, Velzard sure knows how to make some cool artifacts.

I contact the ring that I sense in the Holy Empire Ruberious, along with adding Rimuru’s ring to the call. It takes only a moment for my call to be answered.

“What did she do now?”

“Hello to you too Luminous, me? I’m having a good day thanks for asking.”

“Yes, I was also having a good day, but then I learned there is an Army and your strongest subordinate leading it towards my town once more. So as you must have realized I am a little concerned.”

“And then I started blasting!”

“Felix stop messing with her! Don’t make the situation worse!”

“Ugh, another Milim but intentionally a headache instead of one as a side effect.”

“Ghaha, I gotta keep myself entertained somehow! I’ve recently discovered how fun it is to bother you Luminous! And it is all thanks to Veldora Shishou!”

I could tell Luminous was incredibly annoyed by me, eh but she deserves it. Keep a better eye on your subordinates next time.

“What is that wretched lizard doing now! Is it not content being a sole annoyance? It's now also teaching others to be annoying!”

“Felix! Stop dragging Veldora’s reputation further through the mud!”

“Veldora Shishou likes it when I boost his rep. In fact should I invite him into this discussion? Hey are you listening sister of Veldora? Make him a ring!”

“We didn't invite her to this call, why would she be listening in Felix?”

“Because she made these things and has next to nothing to do most of the time, it wouldn’t be a surprise if Guy also had access seeing as he is her partner. Honestly from what Guy told me about her, she is basically a NEET. She and Veldora are more alike than I thought.”

“What is a NEET?”
Of course Luminous wouldn't know the term

“It means Not in Employment, Education or Training, basically a term for bums who do nothing but laze around leeching off of working members of society.” Hmm maybe she isn’t listening in? That should have triggered a response from what I heard of her from Veldora.

- Velzard -

A NEET he calls me? As if someone like her has to do any work, it is a privilege of the strong to be able to do whatever they please.

She will make sure to give this Felix a peace of her mind when they meet.

“Ghahaha, a NEET he called you! That’s a fun one! Dino fits the term to a tee!”

“Shut up Guy, going by his definition you’re a NEET too.”

“No, you could say Veldanava employed me to watch over this world and ensure the balance between races is not tipped in favor of any side.”

Grr, how dare this Felix make her look bad in front of Guy! Maybe she should inform her dear sister about this new anomaly in Guy and Rudra’s game? That ought to cause him some trouble.

If he can’t handle some attention from her sister, then he isn’t worth having Guy’s interest anyway.

- Felix -

“Anyways back to the point at hand, Hinata is on her way to my town with four of her Paladins and an Army! I need answers.”

“Huh? Oh yeah that’s why we called.”

“Ugh, what is that idiotic girl doing? I tell her something and she does the opposite!”

“Is it possible she has been deceived by one of those Sage fellows?”

“Hmm, I would not say it is impossible, they have not received my love in a while after all, I’m sure they are desperate for their youth.”

“Your love? Does sleeping with you give youth? That’s an interesting skill. And something I’d totally be interested in.” Ah Rimuru is giving me a dead stare. Why is he acting as if he wouldn’t do the same?! Maybe I should inform Shuna that Rimuru is interested but just too shy to initiate? Umu, now that I’ve gotten laid it’s my job as his friend to do the same for him! The sacred brocode demands it!

“No you imbecile! Ugh there is no point explaining it to you, I see that you two are currently at the same location, along with Milim? I shall come meet you in person along with Hinata to solve this issue, that is unless you have a problem with that?”

“So a Wild Vampire shall appear in Tempest? Count me in! Time to put my seduction skills to use!”

“Yes, you can come to Tempest now, and Felix enough with the jokes, she doesn't even know what Pokemon is!”

“Ah, she left the call, not even a goodbye.”

“You know, I think I’m starting to understand why you and Veldora get along so well.”

“Umu, and it's a pity that the Sexy Dragon wasn't listening in to the call. ”

“How do you even know what she looks like?”

“Veldora projected an image of her for me! She is a 10/10 for sure. Oh well, we can end this call now.”

I project an image for Rimuru to see.

“Oh wow she is a total hottie.”

“Umu, Veldora’s whole family is attractive, personally his other sister Velgrynd is more my type, sadly she’s taken though.”

“Also, I forgot to ask, but how come you had your name be spread as Felix White instead of just Felix?”

“Oh, a last name is kind of like a second name so I plan to give myself a last name and don't want to go through the hassle of people being confused when I’m referred to as Felix White.”

“Ah, I see, so was White your last name in your previous life?”


I headed to the conference room while Rimuru quickly ordered someone to prepare some snacks and beverages for the meeting. I had some alcohol in my Stomach so I had Rimuru use those, maybe I can get a customer out of Luminous.

- Arnaud Bauman -

He turned to look towards Bacchus, Litus, and Fritz, each wore a look of shock on their faces.

Just who was it that arrived to pick Hinata up? Hinata seemed to know her, and even be subservient towards her. Could the silver haired woman be someone higher up in the church? Even higher up than Hinata herself?

No, that isn’t possible, Hinata has authority second only to that of the pope, that is unless the silver haired woman was an apostle of The Goddess Luminous?

If so they must follow her orders to the letter, “Come, we must go back to the Holy Land as The Apostle said.”

None of them disagreed.

- Felix -

Eventually I saw space itself be cut, followed by the appearance of a giant gate. The gate opened to reveal two beautiful women, one with heterochromatic eyes, and the other with a confused look on her face.

“It’s nice to see you in person again Luminous.” I turn to look towards the other girl, “And you must be Hinata.”

I analyze her with ‘Milim Eye’, she is fairly strong, far stronger than a Demon Lord Seed at the very least, but she’s a Saint, even if an incomplete one so it’s to be expected.

She even has two Unique Skills. She seemed to be ready for a fight, likely due to being in the presence of two unknown Demon Lords.

I turned to look towards Luminous who ignored me and looked towards Rimuru, “Demon Lord Rimuru, I am sorry for the trouble.”

Hmm, she isn’t apologizing to me, that could mean two things, one she is so pissed off at me that she doesn’t care if her subordinates trouble me, which is unlikely, she might be annoyed at me, but I am a fellow Demon Lord, she is the type that respects that.

So that most likely means she had a little chat with Hinata and was able to learn that only Rimuru’s nation was the Holy Knights' target.

She looks at me, it almost looked as if it physically pained her to do so as she said, “Hello Demon Lord Felix, thank you for that potion you gave me, it was quite useful.”

“Oh? The Full Potion huh? It was no problem, Rimuru has a bunch of those.” Might as well add some sneaky advertisement, it comes at no cost to me, and can help Rimuru out.

“A bunch? I see.” When Luminous turns away from me I give Rimuru a hidden thumbs up, he gives me one back.

Luminous takes a seat with Hinata taking the seat next to her, “Do you two have any preference for your drink?”

“I would like wine.”

“And what about you Hinata?”

“Do you have tea?”

“Umu! Our tea is some of the best out there!”

“The best? I see, I have high hopes for it then.”

I noticed Hinata observing both Rimuru and I closely.

‘It has been detected that the individual known as Hinata has attempted to analyze the Master’s skillset.’

The Unique Skill: Usurper has been analyzed.

The Unique Skill: Usurper has been acquired.

Oh? Well I can’t fault her for wanting to learn our capabilities. Thanks for the skill though Hinata!

Oh man is this Skill incredible.

Essentially it allows the user to weaken, steal, and copy the abilities of your opponent, even skills, and elementals. The only downside though is that it only works on those stronger than the user.

‘Answer, Due to having complete mastery of the Unique Skill: Usurper due to Odin’s help in analyzing it, the Master can also rob, and copy the abilities of those weaker than the Master at a higher energy cost.’

Dude, what the fuck, Odin broken please don’t nerf.

‘Usurper’ allows the user to copy the skills of their opponents, an automatically busted ability for this world. Still I’m pretty sure the only reason her Skill worked and registered me as an ‘opponent’ is due to the situation we are in, as far as Hinata knows she has no clue if we will become hostile all of a sudden so her Skill is registering us as potential foes which seems to be enough of a requirement to analyze me at the very least.

I fear for how broken a skill like this would be if Hinata ever evolved this into an Ultimate Skill.

‘Hey Odin, since this skill allows you to access your opponents skills and abilities due to its weakening and stealing effects, does it also allow you to copy their skills without them having to be an opponent since you acquired the necessary data?’ Combining the data from ‘Usurper’ with her own should probably boost her ability to Copy Skills, or at the very least lower the requirements.

‘Not as the skill currently is, Odin is attempting to assimilate the Unique Skill: Usurper. The Unique Skill: Usurper has been assimilated by Odin, Odin can now copy anyone's skills, and abilities. Along with that Odin is now capable of stealing Skills, however this is locked only to the Unique level due to Ultimate Skills being embedded deep within the soul. Along with this, those with Ultimate Skills are capable of resisting this as their souls are capable of fighting back against Odin’s attempts.’

It seems like the skills abilities were upgraded a fair amount from becoming part of an Ultimate Skill.

Along with that the requirement of having to see someone use a skill to copy it is gone since Odin is now capable of accessing someone’s skills and abilities directly, as long as they don’t have an Ultimate Skill, allowing her to gather the necessary data.

I’ll have to be careful if I have Odin attempt to analyze someone who has an Ultimate Skill, it seems I won’t be able to analyze someone like Guy at the very least. Someone like him is bound to be capable of resisting Odin.

I am going to become the ultimate jack of all trades, except have mastery of all. The ability to assimilate any compatible skills at an energy cost is absolutely broken. Thankfully as far as I know only Odin has the ability to freely modify my skills due to being a skill that specializes in copying and editing other skills, though maybe Raphael can do something similar.

‘The Master is correct, Raphael is capable of merging, and separating Skills, but far from the level of Odin.’

‘Yes yes, you’re the best Odin, I know, no need to be so smug.’

Now normally you would need an evolution of some sorts to have the excess energy to modify skills like Odin does, but Odin is capable of converting Skills I don’t need into energy, like what she did with ‘Amplifier’, and ‘Optimist’. So the energy requirement isn’t hard to reach for Odin.

Though for merging and evolving other Skills into Ultimate Skills, I’m sure it’s far, far more difficult.

Anyways now Odin can even copy other people’s skills directly. My hope is that she eventually becomes capable of creating skills.

Truly, what an amazing present Hinata.

‘Now Odin, can you use the data you got from Usurper to prevent anyone from being able to copy any of my abilities? Maybe send out false data whenever you detect someone analyzing any of my skills?’

‘Answer. Odin is already capable of interfering with any attempts to Copy the Master’s Skills; the data from ‘Usurper’ has only boosted this ability.’

‘Huh, well I didn’t know that, nice job Odin! Ah, can you analyze Hinata’s other Unique Skill now?’

‘Answer. Yes.’

Unique Skill: Mathematician has been analyzed.

Ugh, Mathematician? I hate math.

It seems ‘Mathematician’ allows Hinata a high level of analysis, predict outcomes which Odin can already do, and allows her to increase her thought speed.

I continue to observe Hinata, I’m fairly curious about the woman who was capable of beating Pre Demon Lord Rimuru.

That’s an interesting armor that Hinata has on, from the ‘Aura’ it’s giving off it seems to be around the Legend Grade.

‘Notice. It has been detected that the Legend Grade armor worn by the human known as ‘Hinata’ is capable of elevating her flesh into that of a Spiritual Being, making her a Complete Saint temporarily.’

Hmm, so she is capable of fighting at the level of a full Saint then huh? Currently she is an incomplete Saint, she is a Saint in spirit, but not in body. But her armor can temporarily elevate her body to the same level. That might prove to be a challenge for some. I can see why she is revered as a Hero of Humanity, Saints are capable of matching Awakened Demon Lords after all.

Her physique also seems somewhat special.

‘The Master is correct, she possesses an Anti-Magicule Physique causing magicules to get purified upon touching her.’

That’s an interesting Physique, not anything special for the stronger people in this world, but for most I’m sure it can cause a lot of trouble.

I focus on Luminous now that I have the chance to analyze her in detail.

Hmm, I should be able to analyze Luminous’ Unique Skill now right?

‘Will she be able to detect it Odin?’

I don’t want to take any chances, she is a True Demon Lord after all, best not to underestimate her.

‘Answer. No, she will not be able to detect the Master analyzing or copying her Unique Skill due to the host doing so with an Ultimate Skill. In order to detect something like that she would need an Skill similar to Odin, or the inferior Raphael.’

Nice, I just wanted to make sure. Ultimate Skills really are overpowered against those without one huh?

I analyze Luminous’s skills, she only has one Unique Skill, along with a few Extra and Intrinsic Skills.

I quickly copy the Intrinsic Skills I think will be useful, ‘Charm’, and ‘Transform’. ‘Charm’ allows me to manipulate someone’s thoughts to a certain extent, and ‘Transform’ allows me to easily change my physical form.

Now onto her Unique Skill: Lust. It is quite strong for a Unique Skill, it seems that all of the Skills related to the Seven Deadly Sins are like that, likely the same with the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

There must be a Unique Skill correlating to all the sins, Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust.

I already have the skills correlating to Wrath, and Gluttony, along with the data for Lust.

‘Lust’ basically allows you to command the forces of Life and Death to a certain extent, though it focuses more on the Life aspect.

It allows the user to gift or take Vitality, when draining Vitality it hurts the target an insane amount, it even gets through ‘Pain Nullification’ as it is affecting the soul directly rather than the physical body.

‘Analyze the skill but don’t copy it, I don’t have that much use for it at the moment.’

Unique Skill: Lust has been analyzed.


Once the drinks are served the conversation starts, “Now it has come to my attention that my subordinates are causing trouble for you?”

Hinata decided to speak up first, “I would first like it pointed out that your message to me sounded like you were taunting me into a fight.”

“Taunting? I sent you a message that I would like to meet and discuss our issues, sure there was a bit in there to fight one on one if I was not able to convince you to talk first, but that was only a last resort.

Now Hinata looked shocked, “In the message I got you said that you would like to fight one on one.”

“The answer is simple, it’s so obvious I’m confused you haven't figured it out! Someone in your organization intercepted the message and tampered with it!”

“Indeed, that seems to be the most likely scenario.”

“I was a human before I was a Daemon. I know full well how humans work. Constantly seeking out any method to gain more power or remove threats to their way of life even at the cost of overall stability.”

Luminous and Hinata both look shocked at this info, it isn’t widely known that I am a reincarnated human after all.

“You too?!” said a surprised Hinata

“Maybe I should stop laying surprises on you one after the other incase you faint like the Guild Master Fuze hahahaha. Man did that guy faint a lot.”

“Felix can we stay on topic please?!”

“Yeah yeah, it’s best we get this over with soon anyways.”

“For once I am in agreement with him, It seems I have some cleaning to do.”

“Okay, so we have established that the message was tampered with, so that deals with the entire reason your knights are coming to Tempest, now who could be responsible for this? I don’t want there to be any hidden threat to my nation.”

As Rimuru is talking I had my attention drawn by the blade Hinata brought along. ‘Odin, am I correct in my analysis of that blade?’

‘Yes, it has been detected that the sword can be remotely detonated.’

“Hinata, I don’t know if you know, but it seems your sword can be remotely detonated, I don’t think it was a wise move to bring such a weapon here.”

“What?! I knew those fools would try something in order to prevent me from leaving unharmed, but they actually went ahead and did something like this?”

“Oh? Are they responsible for this deception then? How disappointing.”

“Uhh guys, can I be clued in here please?”

“The weapon was given to me by the Seven Luminaries, they have a vast amount of authority, and are always scheming on how to increase their power.”

That fits, always people like that in every large organization, the best you can do is try and be as aware of what is going on in your organization as you can.

“It appears that this mystery has been solved then, it seems that The Seven Luminaries time is up. Now I am not someone who will not repay my debts, to both of you. What would the two of you like as compensation for my subordinates' errors? I can promise you that they won’t be causing any further issues for you.”

“Ah, no it–”

“Hmm, how about The Western Holy Church announces that Tempest is a country of harmless monsters? And as for your debt towards me, well all can be paid off if you just keep me in mind whenever you want to give your whole Love thing to someone ghahaha.”

She ignored the second part of my sentence as she looked at us and said, “I see, that is doable, from this day forward The Western Holy Church shall cease hostilities with both Tempest, and Azeroth. We may even form diplomatic ties with you in the future. Though I will still deal with that lizard. Hinata you shall be the one to inform everyone of this change.”

“Yes Luminous-sama.” Hinata does not seem to be looking forward to that, it sounds like a lot of work. It seems Luminous is the type of boss to push everything onto her subordinates.

“I see, thank you for that, now would you two like to stay in Tempest and try out some of our food!”

“I shall return to deal with those traitors, Hinata however will stay, she can sample everything and report back to me about it later. If she has positive things to say I will consider trying out the food, however I am interested in this wine, it is quite delightful, where did you get it from?”

“Ah, the wine is something Felix’s country is producing.”

She turned to look at me, “Is that so? I would not be opposed to trading with you directly for this wine Felix, that will be in the future however. Now I will be leaving. I do not wish to be in the presence of the abominable lizard any longer than I must.”

And with that she teleported out. That was a fruitful discussion, maybe I can get a customer out of Luminous?

Rimuru turned to look at Hinata, “Would you like to try out the bath house first? Everyone says that it feels amazing, I’m sure you will like it! Afterwards you can try our food, I’m sure you will be surprised.”

“A bath house? I see, yes I would like to take a bath, but first.” She bowed, “I sincerely apologize for all of my actions, none of my subordinates were involved, and I did not act upon Luminous-sama’s orders. I don’t think you can forgive me for this transgression with this al—”

“Wait wait! As long as the misunderstanding has been resolved then all is fine, besides Luminous-san already compensated me for that. The only thing I request is that you give up your prejudice against monsters, I know some can be bad, but some can also be good, just like Humans.”

Hinata hesitated for a moment before nodding briefly.

“Umu! Follow me then.”

Rimuru ended up leading us to the bath house, though his plan to join Hinata in the bath was foiled by Hinata herself, Rimuru tried to persuade her by saying he would show her how it’s done, but she wouldn’t budge.

“You know, I can change genders, so I would be willing to make the sacrifice to help you, Rimuru is also genderless.”

“Weren't you both males in the past?!”

“What's in the past is in the past now I am whatever I want to be”

“No! I refuse!” It seems she is capable of resisting my charm.

“Haha, fine fine.”

Shuna ended up overhearing and offered her assistance, so that put the final nail in the coffin.

Odin took the opportunity to analyze Shuna’s Unique Skills, now that she didn’t need to directly see Skills in order to analyze and copy them.

Shuna had two Unique Skills, ‘Analyst’ which has a few subskills like ‘Thought Acceleration’, ‘Analytical Appraisal’, ‘Chant Annulment’, ‘All of Creation’, and ‘Law Manipulation’. Her second Unique Skill, ‘Manufacturer’ is an interesting one, it basically allows her to create her own unique magic. When combined with ‘Analyst’, she can basically copy any magic she sees.

It isn’t a Skill that will be useful to me seeing as Odin can do all that, but better, but maybe I’ll get a subordinate that might find such a Skill useful.

While Rimuru and I were in the male section he ended up explaining the other thing he wanted to talk to me about.

He said he is holding a festival to introduce himself as a Demon Lord, and Ruler to the other nations, he invited me to attend.

It is quite a good idea, seeing as he wants a good relationship with humans, holding a festival will help them become more familiar with Tempest, and maybe make Rimuru seem more trustworthy. Plus Tempest has a ton of attractions that other nations can only dream of, I’m sure they’ll be hooked.

I ended up asking to supply the alcohol seeing as that is one of the few things my country can produce exceptionally well, it will also help get me more business seeing as all the other attendees will want more of it if I have my way.

Rimuru invited Sarion, Dwargon, a bunch of human nations, some nobles, basically anyone who is somewhat relevant. Arcueid will be back by the time the festival is hosted so maybe she can make some deals at the time as well.

Overall the Festival sounds like it will be a ton of fun to attend.

He even mentioned that he ended up finding out what happened to Ponytail, apparently he was badly injured, and was saved by the Queen of a kingdom. The Queen named him so once he confirmed that the Ogre Village was destroyed he decided to serve the Queen that saved him.

He ended up solving a whole conspiracy involving Daemons meddling in that kingdom's affairs, though it all worked out in the end.

Hiiro is his name now.

Rimuru said he would invite the Queen and Hiiro to attend the festival, hopefully I can catch up with him.

- Hinata Sakaguchi -

As she relaxed in the bath she contemplated all of today's events, at one point she was marching towards Tempest, prepared for a fight to the death.

To think that all of this was a misunderstanding, she truly messed up this time. She let her emotions get the better of her, she should not have trusted that merchant. She will have to inform Rimuru about the merchant, he is the one who used her after all, he might still have some plans involving Tempest.

Still to think he grew so much in such a short time, the thought of him fighting against humans made her shudder.

When she met him she used her Unique Skill: Mathematician to measure both his and the Demon Lord Felix White’s power.

She even tried her other Unique Skill: Usurper, the one skill that allowed her an advantage to opponents superior to her, it let her easily steal the target's Skills. While she couldn’t use said Skills perfectly, the act of taking away someone’s hard earned Skills could be a punishment on its own.

Whenever someone was weaker than her, her skill simply told her that the skill could not be used on the target, ‘Usurper’ would either fail or succeed, if it succeeded she would instantly know all of her target's skills and abilities. It didn’t matter if ‘Usurper’ failed at first as she could make it work after numerous attempts, she just had to stall and analyze her opponent.

When she fought Rimuru for the first time the result came back as non-applicable, basically informing her that the fight was as good as finished. This time though, the skill went through the process, but it informed her that it was blocked. That was only the second time she had seen that, Rimuru Tempest managed to reach the same lofty heights as Luminous-sama.

And in such a short time period, awakening truly does grant a massive power boost.

And then there was the Demon Lord Felix White, obviously her skill was blocked on him too, however she could tell he was different from Rimuru. Even with his ‘Aura’ suppressed she could feel the difference, there was just a different presence surrounding him. If Rimuru was an ocean then Demon Lord Felix was hundreds of oceans put together. Absolutely monstrous.

“While Felix-sama let it go this time, he is not as forgiving as Rimuru-sama and likely took the fact you tried to kill his friend very poorly. Something else of note is that two of those servants are Named Primordials.”

“What?! He has two named Primoridals as subordinates!”

“Indeed he has the Primordials of White and Yellow now named Arcueid and Megumin respectively as his direct subordinates, I imagine Demon Lord Luminous already knows about this seeing as he took them with him to the Walpurgis.”

Two Primordials, what a truly fearsome Demon Lord. Still, maybe they could get along in the future? She didn’t want to make an enemy out of someone strong unnecessarily, plus he was an otherworlder like her, even if he was a reincarnation rather than a summon.


I hang out in Crossedge’s Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

Sup guys, we can already see things are changing, Felix’s skill copying abilities got even more absurd. Hinata really walked into that one.

Also I have a question for you guys, I’ve been considering making a Patreon as I’ve been stocking up on chapters ever since I started this fic and wanted to do something with them now that I am confident that I will keep updating regularly. But before I do so I wanted to know what you all thought about that, I don’t really want to go through the effort of setting that up if no one really cares for bonus chapters.

Anyways, the next chapter should be interesting so look forward to that, thanks for reading.


Shawn Muradzi

He should add hinata into his harem