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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well and having a nice Summer!

I've been a little bit quiet for the most part on the update/video front, which is mostly down to a very hectic couple of months. I had a lot of engagements that required me to travel for multiple days at a time and my day job was particularly busy over the past few months as well which unfortunately all eats into video-making time, and since my videos tend to be quite long and take a lot of time to put together... well it can cause things to slow down a bit more than I'd like!

Hopefully, I'll be back on a more regular upload schedule going forward, but I just want to let you know that even if there's a bit of a lull between videos, you can rest assured that I'm always working on something. Even if I can only get a half hour free during the day to work on a video, I'll still take the half hour because any progress is better than no progress!

Anyway, as for the channel itself, we're coming up to the three-year anniversary of my first ever video (EVERY Disney PS1 Game - 28th July 2020) and it's been a wild three years lemme tell ye. I still love working on the channel as much as I did when I started out which is a very reassuring feeling... even if it is a little more anxiety-inducing now that it feels like I have an actual audience. One of the things I struggle with the most is the idea of being 'A Guy on the Internet' because I've never been one to enjoy being the center of attention, but I think that's something everybody has to deal with at some point or another in this game and I'm sure I'll learn to embrace it as time goes on. At least I'm very lucky that the overwhelming majority of people who watch my videos seem to be incredibly nice people, and especially in those early days of the channel if I wasn't getting such supportive comments I don't think I'd ever have made it past the first year. So its always good to keep in mind especially when you're interacting with smaller channels, those little words of support can literally be the catalyst for somebody's entire career. So if you've got something nice to say, never hesitate to say it!

For what I'm working on right now, I'm currently whipping up the planned Obscure Vol.1-10 bootleg VHS compilation, so thanks for all your input on that! I think my initial gut instinct of sprucing it up with some VHS effects, commercials etc. might be the way to go about it. I was worried that deviating from the reviews might get me some flack, but look if we're going to be revisiting games from the 90's and early 00's whats the harm in getting the full experience of the era, really try to take you back in time! So you can hopefully expect that to be out in a few days all going well.

Next up after that, we'll have Japan Only PS1 Games Vol.14. The four games have been selected and I'm pretty confident in saying, I think we're gonna have an all-timer episode on our hands!

After that we'll have the next 'big' video which is the top 10 worst PS1 games video, which I plan to be an ode to the joy of bad video games, assuming the video doesn't break me because playing these 10 games back to back will be... oof.

And from there on the plan is to run straight into obscure/jpn vol.15 and then there are about 10 or so video ideas I've got floating about in my head, so we'll see how that all pans out once we get there... you can probably expect a Club PlayStation in between as well!

Anyway, that's a longer and more rambly update than usual, but I hope it reassures you that I've always got some Sean Seanson stuff on my mind, probably too much if I'm being honest but sure look...

A big thank you as always for the support and of course, please enjoy some new exclusive photos of Honey and Luna, the real reason we're all here ;)

Much love and see ya soon,
Seán <3



Anders Hammar

I'm always weary of things like "Worst Games" list. I remember back on the very small and very defunct video game ranking site Unikgamer I was having a conversation with the founder Papisama (RIP) about him thinking of adding a "Worst Game" list and I strongly advised him against it as I believed it would likely devolve into a big source of negativity and conflict and also wouldn't really be a Worst Game list and more of a "popular game I dislike" list. I believe he saw my point cause no "Worst Game" list ever appeared on the site... This is of course less of a problem in your case since you're doing it yourself and thus internal conflicting should be kept at a minimum and you're also knowledgeable enough about the PS1 library to avoid the "popular game I dislike" trap. Like, I doubt there will be many games on there that the general public knows about. I mean, I'm not even sure what would qualify myself (although Ubik and Cosmic Race seem like shoe-ins). So while the concept is always a dicey proposition, you're probably in a good position to pull it off. But I'm still a bit weary...

Bloody Cassie

I would usually agree with Anders cause i feel the same but i think Sean is a geniune lover of bad/kusoge games so i think it would be much more light-hearted and positive than most videos on the topic

Sean Seanson

I can appreciate your point of view and inherent weariness for this topic, I'm actually in agreement with what you're saying in regards to the negativity and reputation a game can obtain by being talked about in such a light. I won't give too much away about the video since I'm still in the planning stages but my intent is to try to highlight the flaws of these types of videos/lists and explore the value these supposedly bad games can have when they're not being used as fodder for easy algorithmically friendly content on youtube and gaming sites. It's something I've considered quite a bit over the years and I think it could make for an entertaining and informative video.