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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well!

Just a little update to let you know Vol.14 is still in production unfortunately, we're experiencing a rather bothersome heatwave over here at the moment, and lemme tell ye the houses here in the UK are not built for heatwaves and neither is my pale Irish body... so both playing and writing about video games has been tougher than usual but we're making progress slowly but surely.

I've just finished capturing footage for the next four games and writing the script so the hard part is out of the way at least and I imagine the video will be ready to go in the next week or two so keep an eye out for that!

Another thing I'd like to mention is that a few folks have expressed interest in compilation videos of Obscure & Japan Only PS1 games, essentially combining multiple volumes into one video.

Now in the past, I wasn't too interested in the doing that, but honestly, the older videos on the channel both don't get a whole lot of views, and a lot of new viewers to the channel often ask me to check out games that have already reviewed in these older videos so I get the feeling a compilation will probably help everybody really.

Now the issue with this as you may remember, is that all my old RAW files for these videos got lost thanks to a hard drive failure at the end of 2022. This means all I have are youtube rips of the original videos which are now 720p vs the original 1080p files. And I think a compilation with worse-quality videos than the original won't win me too many fans, let's just put it that way.

So to work around this, I'm thinking of making a compilation of Obscure  & Forgotten PS1 Games Vol. 1-10, but I'm going to re-edit it somewhat so that it only contains the review portions (so no intros or outros, just wheel and reviews back to back) and I'm also going to rebalance the audio, so no more extra loud music. And finally, I'm going to adjust the aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3 so if anybody hypothetically wanted to watch this compilation on their old CRT televisions which I know at least a small portion of my audience would dig, well now you can.

I guess the idea is that I'm essentially going to make a dodgy bootleg VHS rip of my own videos. Since the quality will already be a little worse I might as well have some fun with it and try to make something unique and stylistic while also making a nice long easy-to-watch compilation that will hopefully please old and new fans of the channel.

I'm yet to start work on it since I'm focusing on getting Vol.14 out ASAP, but please let me know what you think of the idea and if you have any suggestions. I'm always interested in hearing what my patreons have to say since I imagine you watch my videos more than I do haha

Anyway, thanks as always for your patience and support! And hopefully, I'll chat with you again real soon :)

(Ps. Please enjoy the latest batch of cat photos)

Much love,




I love the VHS vibe and if it’s a creative way to route around the problem of not having the original source files then you should go for it.


A new video snuck up upon us! Great job on the video - can I pay you 20 euro to advertise my business now? lol