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Howdy friends,  

Hope you're all keeping well and aren't too busy with the run up to the end of the year! Also a big hello to all the new Patreons as well, thank so much for coming on board!   

Just want to give you all a quick update and what's happening with the channel, and some details on upcoming streams.

First off, a big thank you to all the kind words and support on the update video. It's surprisingly difficult to take time away from this sort of thing and I appreciate how nice everybody was about the situation and the channel in general! You never know how folks will react, so it's reassuring to know the people who watch my stuff seem like really nice down to earth people, which you love to see!   

Hope all the patreons enjoyed the Q&A as well! I'll be sure to do more of them down the line so if you missed out or have more questions to ask, don't worry there will be plenty of time in future.   

As for the upcoming video, it's still on track to come out prior to Christmas. I'm still gonna keep it a surprise for now... but I will say it's sort of a throwback video and will features reviews of multiple games, so feel free to speculate what that could be in the comments!  

As for streams, it's my birthday tomorrow on the 3rd of December (also the PlayStations birthday coincidently) so I'm hoping to do a stream late in the evening to wind down the day. I'm planning on doing it at 10:30PM GMT which will hopefully be late enough to allow people from as many timezones as possible to tune in. It'll just be on YouTube for the time being, I might give Twitch a test run down the line once I've more time to prepare but for now YouTube is the easier of the two to host on so well go with that!   

Anyway as always thank you so much for the support and hopefully I'll chat to you all again real soon!   

Much love,



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