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Howdy friends.

Hope you're all keeping well in the run-up to the holidays.

Just want to give you a little update regarding the plans for the rest of the year, since my initial plan has kind of gone up in flames so I'm trying to salvage the remainder of 2022 before I go on my break.

So for those who haven't watched the most recent Livestream (which is archived on youtube btw if you wanna watch) or don't follow me on Twitter.

My hard drive, the one where I store all my channel work both past on ongoing suffered a power fault. I don't know if the work that's on there is salvageable but if it is, it will be costly to recover and won't be possible to organize until next year anyway.

Now, this sucks for a number of different reasons, but it also meant the video I was working on has been completely obliterated, and unfortunately, there's too much footage I'd need to re-record to salvage it before the year ends. I'll probably get around to making it eventually, whether I can salvage the footage or not. But in the meantime, it means I had to go to plan B.

I'm not exactly sure what Plan B entails but if all goes well it should result in 3 videos before the end of the year.

1. Mystery Winter Video (Covers a single Game, should be live in a few days)
2. A Winter Edition of Club PlayStation (Going Live Today)
3. A 2022 PS1 Fan Translation Update (A video highlighting all the PS1 fan translations that have come out since my last video on the topic, roughly 15ish games I think, and should be live before the 31st of December all going well!)

It's not what I had planned but I think it will allow me to end the year strong and on a positive note, rather than being bummed out about some lost footage. 

You can also expect a few more live streams in between. I'll post times and dates for them on both Twitter & My YouTube community page as soon as I know they're going ahead

Anyway, thanks as always for all the support and I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the year!

Much love,


Kyle Winter

Aaaaah Sean that is rough. You can totally pay for a data restore. It just isn't ever clear how much can be recovered sadly 😕.


Man, hard drive faults are always miserable, sorry to hear it dude. Hopefully something useful is recoverable for you. Hopefully the rest of the year goes without hitch for you.