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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well!

Just a quick update to inform you that theres gonna be a slight change in the order of upcoming videos.

Previously the order was this...

>Fear Effect 2
>Japan Only 12
>Every Namco Game
>Obscure 13

I've decided to swap Fear Effect 2 and The Namco video, just as a test to try see if I can maximize the video's chances in the ever-confusing youtube algorithm.

Basically, my thoughts are that if the Psygnosis video did well, so should the Namco video... and getting two of those styles of videos out in a shorter period of time might help give the channel a nice boost.

Likewise, with the recent re-appearing of Forever Entertainments Fear Effect Reinvented (which is supposably quite close to release), I'd like to try time Fear Effect 2 with the launch of that game, since Fear Effect as a topic, will be more relevant in gaming sphere at this time.

As I said, the main reason for this is to just try being a bit more strategic in relation to current trends and upswings on YouTube and just see if that might affect overall channel growth. It's just something the statistician in me is interested in trying.

In terms of progress on those videos, I've managed to capture all footage for Fear Effect 2, which means the production time is a little ahead of schedule, so it will just need scripting and editing.

As for the Namco video, well there are 60 games I need to capture, with enough time played to get a decent variety of footage for each. The good news though is that I've captured 40 of the 60 games so far and I'm more or less going into overdrive to get the remaining few done. Pretty much every free hour of the day I got, I'll be playing Namco PS1 games. (Although given their quality this isn't really the worst fate in the world.)

Hopefully, this means I'll have it out to you sooner rather than later, and likely with the accompanying 'Namco Club PlayStation Mix' to compliment it.

In other news, I also managed to get the Invasion OST uploaded finally. You can check that out over on my music burner account DJ Gex 3D (Link here - https://youtu.be/LBZiRve8Kkg)

Getting the OST was a lil' more bothersome than I'd have liked, I knew folks in the past had tried extracting the files from the CD, but since it wasn't redbook audio there was no luck with that method, unfortunately.

Luckily, I remembered the games BGM does play uninterrupted when the game is paused, so I knew as a backup I could always just record the gameplay, pause the game at the beginning of each level and just sit there waiting for the song to loop and then extract and edit down the audio in post.

The reason I held off on this is because I knew I'd have to play through the game again, which I really just didn't have the free time to do... but recently I managed to find a list of passwords for the game's levels, which cut down the time significantly. So there ya go, that's done and dusted.

Anyway, I better get back to work! Hope you're all having a nice weekend wherever you are, appreciate your ongoing patience and I'll chat with you again real soon.

Much love,

(Ps. please enjoy today's cat picture of Honey and Luna being cute in their little bed)



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