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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well!

It's been eh... quite a busy month on the channel, getting basically two years' worth of subs and views in less than 30 days in kinda wild... but that's the nature of YouTube I suppose, I'm not gonna complain!

As always, I'm just gonna keep trucking along with the usual video plans.

This means the timeline of upcoming videos is...

- Fear Effect 2
- Japan Only Vol.12
- A Look at Every Namco PS1 Game
- Obscure Vol.13

The only new video above is the Namco project, since the Psygnosis video did so well and was pretty fun to put together, I figured I could have an even better time by playing through the PlayStation library of one of the console's greatest devs.

I've already made a spreadsheet of what I think is every Namco game (and namco adjacent game) on the console, and I've attached that below in PDF form for your viewing pleasure. Making a Namco list is even more trouble than the Psygnosis list due to all the Japan Exclusives, so if you notice anything missing that should be included, please let me know! Otherwise, I think I've got everything included, it's roughly 60 games total.

As for live streams, unfortunately, I'm still experiencing intermittent internet issues, so they're still on the back burner for now.

The only other news I have is that I'm taking a brief trip back to Ireland at the end of the month for a few days. It'll be great being home and getting to catch up with friends and drink very expensive, yet top-tier pints of Guinness. But unfortunately, as a result of this, I'll be unable to work on videos for about a week or so, which means there will be a slight delay to my usual 2 to 3 week video timeline. Although you can rest assured I'm already very excited to get back into the swing of things and get more videos out to you ASAP.

Thanks so much as always for all your support, and please enjoy this picture of my cat Honey who is very sleepy.

Take care and chat to you soon!




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