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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well and enjoyed the Psygnosis video.

It took a long time to make, but it's by far the best performing video I've put out on the channel since I started. Luckily it seems the YouTube algorithm has decided to favour me this time around, which you love to see. I'd like to say thanks to everybody for offering suggestions and helping tailor it into the the final product, I'm very happy with how it turned out and the patreon crew are all a big part of that.

Now in spite of my best interests (which is just me taking time off to rest and play PowerWasher Simulator)

I've decided to head straight back to work and get cracking on Obscure Vol 12.
We've got 3 of 4 games recorded and scripted, so if I keep up the pace that video should be out sooner rather than later.

I still want to do a livestream to celebrate the two year anniversary of the channel but my internet has unfortunately been acting up the past few weeks so I'm just waiting to get that resolved, just to avoid any unfortunate streaming hiccups I'll leave that on the backburner for now.

Also, I decided to put my patreon money to good use and recently acquired a modded PS2 with a hardrive which should come in handy for "future projects"
We're still a long way away from said projects, but I might as well start getting the pieces together sooner rather than later.

Anyway thats it for now, so keep your eyes peeled for some more wheel based goodness over the next week or two.

Much love and thanks again for the ongoing support!



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