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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well and I appreciate your paitence while I chug away at this behemot of a video.

Good news, I've finally completed all the game capture as well as finalized the script which is coming in at a whoping 45 A4 pages. (Who'd have though breifly talking about 63 games would take so long)

All that's left to do is record and edit all the audio, finalize some of the graphical elements and artwork for the video and then slap it all together in Vegas Pro and hey, a video should come out the other end. One that hopefully should be a pretty good one! We'll eh cross the fingers anyway.

Also, my channel will be two years old on the 29th of this month, so i'm hoping to host a little anniversary stream on the day to celebrate. Hopefully the heatwave will have passed me then so I don't have to melt on screen in front of you, but I'll melt for you if I have to. Yis are worth it :)

Anyway hope you're all having a great weekend and are looking forward to the next video!

Much Love,


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