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Hi friends,

Just a lil update to let you know how things are currently going!

So as you may have seen, we got a new Club PlayStation mix out on the channel and as is now tradition whenever a developer-themed Club PlayStation mix appears, a big long video ain't that far behind it.

And the good news is the video is now into the editing phase, which is the part I'm usually quickest at. Once I start seeing everything actually come together in front of me I tend to work tirelessly to get it done.

Now even though this video has 60 games and I tried to keep it on the level of the Psygnosis video, which I felt was a nice length at 2 hours. This one judging by the script length might come out closer to 3 hours.

Now believe me I tried to keep it as short as I could but when you're talking about games like Tekken 3, Klonoa, Ridge Racer Type 4, Point Blank, Time Crisis etc. etc. etc. even when you try to say a little, you end up saying a lot.

Anyway that's for future me to worry about while editing, I hope at least it'll make for a fun and engaging video for all of you, that's always still my number one priority.

Now as you may have noticed beyond this video being quite long as it is, it has still taken me a lot longer than normal to get a proper video out. Now as you may know a big part of this was down to my recent trip back to Ireland,

But on top of that, the Queen of England's death a few weeks ago... had a bit of a knock-on effect on my actual job. Since I work in TV, it meant things got VERY VERY busy for a few days which severely hampered my ability to work on side stuff, like my youtube content.

Also quite recently my poor little cat Luna (pictured), has fallen unwell. Nothing serious thankfully, but she does have a UTI which means she is basically peeing everywhere around the house, and half my day is currently cleaning cat pee I  dunno if any of you have ever smelled cat pee.... but spoiler... it's not very nice.

I'm taking her to the vet first thing tomorrow morning so that should hopefully be cleared up soon, but suffice to say between regular life stuff, the queen dying and my cat peeing everywhere (seriously she peed on my keyboard) well it's been a tougher video cycle than most... 

I'll be very happy and almost relieved when this Namco video is done, and I'm looking forward to getting back into a more regular cycle with the upcoming Japan Only Video, so expect a more regular schedule from here on out.

Anyway hope you're all keeping well, thanks as always for your support and ongoing patience. Hopefully, when the next video is out it'll be worth the wait :)

Much Love,
Sean <3



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