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Howdy friends,

Hope you're all keeping well. Its currently very warm here in the UK and my pale Irish skin isn't coping very well with it, but we're pushing through!

Japan Only Vol.11 is currently half way edited, all going well it should be out Thursday/Friday at the latest.

As for the next video, the 'Every Game Ranked & Reviewed' one. Thanks for all your suggestions. They were some really good ideas, which I'll no doubt file away for future videos.

One suggestion that stood out to me in a particular though was looking at every 'Psygnosis' game on the PS1.

Now for those unaware Psygnosis was probably the PlayStations most prolific development and publishing house, specifically during it's early days. Arguably giving the PS1 the kickstart it needed to take over the gaming market as a whole in the west.

So out of curiosity, I did a bit of research and made a list of every game Psygnosis developed and published during the PS1 era. (This also includes some games that were published by Sony after Psygnosis was absorbed into Sony directly.... but the games and series are so closely linked with Psygnosis I included them anyway.)

Now this list has over 60 games, covering pretty much every era and genre you could imagine. It includes some of the consoles most iconic games as well as some its most obscure.

If I was to tackle this as a video project, it would be no doubt my largest and most ambitious but I also think it would be a great ode to Psygnosis and the PlayStation as a whole

The issue with something like this is the sheer amount of time it would take to make, I would still make videos alongside this project, but it will no doubt slow the process somewhat as a result.

So who better to ask than my Patreons. Is a long, possibly 6 to 7 hour video looking at every Psygnosis game something you'd like to see? Or would you rather I focus on smaller projects and aim to keep up the frequency of my usual videos.

I've included a PDF below that lists every game we'd be looking at, so have a browse and see what you think.

Many thanks,


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