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Hi friends,

Since we last talked the Ubik video came out and I'm surprised to see it doing so well. It's seemingly my best performing video on YouTube so far, mostly thanks to YouTube giving it a heavy boost on the platform for a couple of days, which was nice of them! Frankly, it was a nightmare of a video to put together, so I'm just happy to see the back of it and get back into playing some good ol' wheel-based games! :)

Speaking of which, Japan Only PS1 Games Vol.11 is coming along well. The 4 games had been picked well over a month ago now at this stage and I've managed to play through all 4 of em' over the course of the past week since I've been taking advantage of the UK Bank Holidays, big ups to the Queen for blessing me with the extra time off to work on YouTube! How kind of her.

The scripts are finished for 3 of the 4 games and all going well I should be deep into the editing phase by the end of this week, so expect the video sometime in the next 10 or so days most likely!

After that, I'm thinking of returning to my channels roots and picking a series of games to rank and review. I've already got a few topics in mind, but I'd love to hear some of my patron's thoughts and see if you folks have any suggestions for what you'd like to see?

Keep in mind the previous topic I covered were...

-Every Disney PS1 Game
-Every DC PS1 Game
-Every Marvel PS1 Game
-Every Star Wars PS1 Game

So something similar to the above. Of course, it doesn't have to be a licensed brand, could just be a video game series or genre, but hey anything you have to recommend I'm happy to hear, so feel free to drop your suggestion in the comments below.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I hope you're all keeping well, and are looking forward to the upcoming Japan Only video, I think it should be a fun one! 

In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of Honey when she was a tiny Kitten.

Talk to you all soon!

Much Love,



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