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Hi everybody!

Hope you're all keeping well.

So the plan was to have that Fear Effect Video out a few days ago, but unfortunately, I came down with a nasty head cold (Not the rona thankfully) literally right as an I was about to record all the audio, and thanks to a few days of constant sneezing I had to postpone progress on the video temporarily.

The good news is I've picked up the slack and am finally in the process of rendering what I hope is the final cut of the video.

It's by faaaar my longest video on a single game, clocking in at just over 2 hours. I didn't think it was gonna be that long originally but hey it is what it is!

Depending on your subscriber tier you should see/hear you name at the end of the video, but even if you don't, I just wanna say a big thank you once again for any support here on Patreon, you're all too kind!

Once this is done and out into the wild, I'm gonna rest for a lil' bit, reset and then get back into some olde wheel-based goodness, maybe get out another club PlayStation on the sly... who knows!

Anyway take care of yourselves and I hope you have a great Easter break/holidays.

Much Love,



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