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Hi everybody,

Hope you're having/had a great weekend depending on when you read this!

Just want to give you a little update on the next video.
It'll be Vol.11 of Obscure & Forgotten PS1 games, the 4 games have been selected, the footage has been captured and the script is about 90% finished, just need to finalize the opening and ending of the script, and then we can move on to recording the audio and finally start editing the thing.

I expect it to be of a similar length to the last few volumes anywhere from about 60 to 80 minutes... now how quickly I can get it finished and out to you, that remains to be seen!

In some life news, I recently started a new job full time, which has been eating away at some of my free time, thankfully I work from home 4 out 5 days a week but once a week I'll be traveling in and out of London which basically means around 4 hours of travel time (2 there and 2 back) which is not great for aul Sean Seanson productivity as you can imagine.

Now all going well, this shouldn't eat into my YouTube work too much but it may mean videos take a little longer to get out than before... so please bear with me if you can!

Anyway just wanted to give you a brief update on what's happening, hope you're all keeping well, and as always many thanks for your continued support!

Much Love,



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