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Hey y'all! As promised, the new tiers for The Art of Composition are now live!

I have attached a syllabus to this message if you want more information. 

As you enroll, you should have Council of Dougs access, and you shouldn't be billed until the beginning of July (via Patreon).

There are two sessions. I hope that these interest you and that you'll consider joining us!


Thom P

I got lucky and joined before the announcement - timing...


Want to enroll for the early class. How exactly can I do it? Sorry for being stupid!😊ps just sent an email and hope that did the trick😊


Yay, I'm enrolled!! One question, and pardon me if I missed seeing this somewhere in the available material: How long will each class session last?

Christopher Arters (relative timeworx - Mr.A)

For those of you taking Doug's Art of Compostion class, Alan Belkin has posted a series of videos on YouTube that review topics from his Musical Compositions book. You can find them here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSntcNF64SVVhPiEzHVIjIP0TvutZhK8J

Christopher Arters (relative timeworx - Mr.A)

Doug's Tigran video sparked recollections of Bartok - an old favorite that I haven't revisited in quite some time. Now, armed with the infoverse at my fingertips, I found myself diving headlong into videos about Axis Theory of Composition and... well, I hope to have my brain back in place in time for our first composition class! Hoping we all light a lot of candles and turn them into beacons (yes, that's a shameless lyrical self-reference, oh boy)