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So I have a sketchbook FULL of partial sketches and jotted down ideas I hork out between my daily tasks, and they're not really supposed to look like polished products at all, but merely a means to get a thought down before I forget (which I will). I've been wanting to translate the better part of it to more cleaned up digital sketches / pieces, and this is one of them!

Isklen elves seem to me, sensibly, like the sort that'd have some pretty high powered hearing, but the efficacy of said hearing can vary on lobe angle. It would take a controlled and practiced Isklen warrior to deny the emotion-based impulses that lift one's ears and betray one's thoughts. Ceran is neither of these things. Anais, the dryad here, is very fun for me to draw because she wears a lot of big loose hoodies and the folds are neat to flow out! Also I just really wanted to give Todd 'lil booties. I'm trying to get a more looser feel in my art so it's easier to exaggerate and convey expression!  

And then we got some Paulie sketches formulating in my concept art pile, but I can't recall what inspired them. Getting a better handle on his stocky build by just roughing out some hearty soft square shapes. He's not as leggy as Ceran so I always have to rear back on the height!

Lastly— any suggestions for what type of food to put on Paulie's plate? I'm feeling something you could get at a block party, or backyard BBQ type stuff!




Ceran is the nosiest boy. I love it. He looks like a Doberman with his ears. Sonny just wants to pet him


Idea: Paulie takes great care and pride to make deviled eggs for cookouts and parties. And I SHIT YOU NOT I thought of this with absolutely zero intent to make the devil/deviled joke I'm just built different.