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First ship at dawn, make new lives, leave all this behind.
Except the treasure of course, that we do take with us.

This is technically a request, but I do genuinely enjoy getting to include / incorporate other people's characters hanging out with mine, in some fashion or another! MORE OCS JUST DOIN' STUFF TOGETHER!!! HAVIN' A TIME!!! Love that!!! Quill belongs to Johnny, and he is perfectly portable-friend sized for Ceran. I've been attempting a new lineart style that I HOPE is faster to achieve than my usual arduous habit, though it's hard to gauge the efficiency when all the fiddly details take oh so long to do regardless. Which is my fault, I'm the asshole who was like "no I need his armor to be made of EVERY SEA SHELL-" Just me over here manually hot gluing barnacles to a drawing like "GAWD WHY DOES ART TAKE SO LONG TO MAKE-"
ANYWAY POINT IS....I like the whole vibe here. Adventurers meeting up, getting plastered, making grand adventurous promises to one another before overindulging and passing out beautifully on a beach somewhere. Stupendous!

I've been opening up to the idea of including more of people's OCs in the request-suggestions zone, within reason of course, because I've always been fond of that sense of "togetherness" in drawing OCs from a community together. Like, life is very busy and difficult with time being fleeting, and it is unlikely we will all ever get to have "proper" interaction with our OCs, BUT! That doesn't mean we can't just play pretend and conjure up our headcanons anyhow! That style of worldbuilding via daydreaming is one of the few things keeping my head together, lol. I just need to workshop a way to like....easily provide this on here. Because in order to draw more of people's OCs, I'd need them to send me refs, but I need a SAFE easy way to receive those refs in the replies. It's a bit of a puzzle. The best option would be to finally open up the discord, that way I can stream and take the requests then and there.

...and for people without OCs but do post some rad snaps out there? I have a stack of you beans that I'd REALLY like to do practice paintings of, just trying to find the right time / opening. There's just so many god damn WIPs in my folder. Trying to keep things rotated so I don't dry out, but I just really wanted to get something FINISHED out into the life-space.




Are you sure Ceran would make it far without waking everyone up from the clap of his cheeks


It's always nice to see art from you, even if it's works in progress, so don't feel so bad about those! It's just good to know you're feeling inspired to create at all :D


Thank you, sincerely so much, these comments may as well be my mental medication, lmao. "Oops, caught myself getting trapped in an overthinking-void, time to take my reminder that folks will appreciate the efforts!"