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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
Marlon -|- Pokemon (Black/White 2)

I never know how to end these little spur-of-the-moment inspo-frenzies, so I suppose the best way is to just go "okay I am done for now!!!" I was getting stuck in my own head for a bit, putting too much pressure on myself to end this with all sorts of streamers and tweeters, but sometimes one needs to be grateful for the ride managed! I decided to wrap it up on one last full-colored and one sketch page because I couldn't settle on a pose and started losing momentum. I like middle/second pose a lot, and will just tuck that one into the recycle pile, lol.

I like to imagine the narrative that followed a kinky corruption style plot of exploitative corporate villains trying to thicken gym leaders into sluggish complacency just....backfires beautifully.  Marlon straight on feelin himself, he's vibin, he loves being a big resplendent man-buoy! It suits his sea-faring life just fine, and that expansive poundage does little to thwart wave-riding ways. It's more navigating all that girth on dry land that seems to be the larger challenge, but that's what protege trainers are for, yeah? Extra hands, coming in for the assist?

Thank you for playing in this space with me! And being patient!
I've been very ill as of late since my MS is making its presence more active, so it means a lot to me that people are understanding that art might take a smidge longer to produce. The pain makes me a little batty and my joints keep locking up trying to draw this frequently. I share this not for woe-is-me but purely for transparency about my situation / process.
I will return to the usual variety of requests / content soon!




Simply astounding and decadent as always


His smug little smile is seriously such a bangin' part of this!