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Marlon -|- Pokemon (Black/White 2)

The people spoke, SO MORE ASS IT IS.
The narrative I'm following around to give this shameless kink some structure goes like this: new Team-Rocket-esque mess of goons in town, but instead of being more obvious cartoonish hoodlums? They've been presenting themselves as a high-end company specializing in "social branding & image management" for famous pokemon trainers. If someone wants their image elevated? Want to stay relevant? Then they listen to Nova Corp.! But sometimes....well, the executives up top have some straaaange instructions they like to hand down. Lots of recommended sponsorships for "mass-making" protein drinks, insisted brand deals for the latest summer sweet treat— and as their taut celebrity waists start to unspool into a softening mound of belly butter as a result of seemingly countless sipped milkshakes before a camera? Well, suddenly now the contracts coming in have a different vibe. There's more call for swimwear ads, for skimpy revealing "sports apparel" magazine covers that one might have been too sheepish to wear even if they hadn't packed on fifty extra pounds of body-bounce. And yet? Well, that Dive-Ball Design buttplug sure does look pretty stylish....assuming you can see it. While Marlon had always been a laid-back manner of guy, head in the clouds feet in the sand, even he had enough lucidity to be aware of the way his fattened cheeks flooded around the cool spherical steel that wedged itself nicely within his plump well-slicked hole. It's icy blue surface was barely a reflective dot amidst the vast undulating canyon that had become his overfed and recently amplified ass. It was such a striking moment, in that lurid photoshoot, when his nervous assistant cautiously angled to their knees and sprawled their hands into the doughy width of his rear. "The product....must be within view. And use. In the shot." They muttered from their eclipsed position, fingers vanishing from vision as the pillowy flab invading around them grew ever more cumbersome. Their thoughts wandered. Weakening. Wondering. Little wicked things. Gaining Gym Leaders. Growing indolent, lush, comfortable. If these Gym Leaders become a more passive and less of a threat once they're porked up a fair amount, who is to say what they'd be like....bigger....

SO THAT'S PART 2! How do we feel about a part 3? We wanna do just one more, really finish this off in STYLE? Lemme hear your thoughts in the replies! 💖




I think if he’s gonna be as big as a wailord, he’s gonna need an industrial amount of Castelia cone cream. Nova corp could definitely provide him with that. Maybe they even have a special nozzle that acts as a vibrator while being attached to a hose


Please keep it coming! His wailord is quite lonely and needs company :(