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I just wanted to thank you all for being here supporting me, and if I could? I'd have new content for you EVERY SINGLE DAY! However, I'm having a really hard time recently, and I just want you to know that I will probably be taking a slower pace to care for myself, if at least for a short while. To keep from rambling into my usual overly wordy self, I had something of an incident / crisis on the 29th. I’ll spare you the details since I don’t want to upset anyone, just basically I am not doing well, mentally/physically/financially. It was recommended I should take some time off, take a few days, to recover, however that can be a struggle as I stress about finances and maintaining consistent work output. All the same, I will still try my best. Your support means the world to me, and I hope you understand that my output ebbs and flows.

Probably weird to pair humor-shitpost art with a tone so serious, but I suppose silly things of this caliber are "therapy art" for me.  💗
While it sounds like everyone is being put through the ringer as of late, all I can do is just...I dunno, make art and wish with all my might for things to improve. Not just for me, but for all of us. You've all been so good to me. You deserve to have proper good maintained in your lives.



Johnny Gayzmonic

You need to take time for YOU. The output can wait. You need to rest and recover so that you can focus your energies properly. I know all too well what these situations are like. I've had several of them this summer myself. Don't ever feel like you're letting us down because guess what? We'll still be here for you.


I wish I could make words better in this moment to properly underscore how much I truly appreciate all of you.


Deadass, this is a symbiotic relationship, like, ur the shark, and I’m the Remora that attached to u and is tossing money at u once a month so that I can see all the juicy morsels u post Take the time u need! Draw when it feels right, not just because u feel u have to! I’d far rather have u post fewer pieces that are quality over weekly posts that don’t have that special spark ur art gets when u were clearly feeling the idea fully Plz take care of urself and ur brain, wishing u all the best and here 2 support 💕


You are way too good and sweet and nice, I hardly feel like a shark, they're so competent and sleek! I feel like a clumsy beluga. I want so bad to just spoil all you all the time with content you enjoy, it fulfills me so. Thank you for just being.