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Despite Autumn/Halloween being my most favorite season, I always get a little panicky and off-put by the stocking of such stuff way back in early August. I don't like to hurry things along, rush the seasons, I barely just got my self situated to embrace summer. Despite this, there's nothing quite like the beguiling seduction of a "Fall Treats" section at the grocery store. Ceran always says he's going to avoid indulging until its "officially Autumn," but he is a man of weak willpower and abundant appetite. 




Who needs Winter Weight when you've got Fattening Fall? (That worked better in my head.) He looks great in flannel though!


Omg I had never what considered a cute and perfect culmination of events that is! Indulge in the harvest of the Autumn, experience the robust fluffy fullness of Winter!


Fall Flab. That’s the one. That’s a better name.