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First off I just wanted to say that I made a poll a few days ago in which I had the option of Schindler's List on there, it caused alot of divisness that I truly didnt expect, and I'm very sorry for causing offense. At the time I seriously didn't understand why it would cause grievances as I always saw reactions pop up on youtube and several users telling me I should watch it. Your insightful comments have shown me a different perspective on really acknowledging the full gravity of the film itself. I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should watch it and at this point in time, I don't think it's wise.

Recently just watching Requiem for a Dream has hit me on a personal level and I've decided to not follow it up with such a heavy and solemn film like SL and will more than likely stay away from a lot sad films that are based in reality. While I am more or less "excited" or perhaps a better word would be "curious" to watch SL, now is truly not a good time for me in my life. This is a fun hobby for me and when I borderline dread wanting to watch something, then that makes it no longer fun.

So on that note. I have ALOT of fun things I want to watch, including a few epic trilogies so you all will have to stay tuned ;)

PS I'm making a blueberry void insta soon so when it's up totally follow me on there if ya want lol

Thank you for understanding



Its fine Riley, with SL. I understand it does not suit very well (Still hope you doing the movie, when you are in a better mental state) As for now. Got a few other movies for you.. Comedy: Bruce Almighty (Jim Carry) Dumb and Dumber 1 & 2 (Jim Carry) The Mask (Jim Carry) ---------------------------------- Horror: "The Conjuring Francise" The Conjuring 1-3 Annebelle 2 & 3. The Curse of La Larona. The Nun. The Grudge 1-3. The Ring 1 & 2. Drag me to Hell. As Above So Below. Insidious 1-3. ---------------------------------- Sci-Fi: Interstellar. Minority Report. The Matrix 1-3. The Fifth Element. Waterworld. ---------------------------------- So, What about all these??


Liar Liar will be posted soon actually lol also I do have a "YouTube" reaction to Annabelle that's a patreon exclusive if you go down my page. Unfortunately it was blocked when I tried to post to YouTube though.


Okay. Then ill remove "Liar Liar & "Annebelle 1" from my list.


Absolutely no apology is necessary. Films like Schindler’s List are important, without a doubt, but they are also devastating emotional experiences and I’m sure I speak for most of us when I say I really didn’t want to see you subjected to that. Not on camera, for essentially other people’s entertainment. I do recommend seeing Schindler’s List at some point, but in your own free time, on your own terms. Like you said, you’re doing this for fun. That’s why we’re all here, and that’s what makes your content great.


The choice that is right for you, is right for us. There is no sense in doing this if it makes you unhappy. I for one understand completely and in my eyes you've done nothing wrong, so there's nothing to forgive. You are a genuine, sweet and lovely person. Watching your reactions has truly been a joy. So when I say, " Just keep being true to yourself". I really mean it. As long as you are doing that, there's no reason to feel like you're ever letting us down.😊 Looking forward to what trilogies you have planned...whatever they are, I'm sure it's going to great!


I am sorry if I recommend too many utterly depressing movies. It's not my intention to suck all the joy from your hobby. I just watch a lot of depressing movies... Yeah. Don't burn yourself out. Fun movies can be fun too.


Oh no dont worry, you have some awesome recommendations!! I throughly enjoyed Midsommar and I do like psychology messed up ones haha I'm just going to stay away from Schindler's List and anything that's probably on that level of realistic turmoil.


No judgement here, Riley! You should do it on your own terms. But that being said, not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but while SL is DEFINITELY an emotionally devastating experience, it also does show "the better side of humanity". It's sometimes uplifting to see a good thing happen in the face of such atrocities...and that brings a sense of hope to everything. Idk, it's like Shawshank...where most of the film was a big helping of seeing someone's bad luck...but then to see hope triumph over it a bit...well, it can be satisfying if you're ready to sit through the pain first. Either way, like I said...we'll be here for you when you're ready! Also...I personally voted for ALIENS! LOL


We cool? Yeah. We cool. 😀


If its feel good stuff you need, I can recommend most Robin Williams movies, Jumanji, Mrs Doubtfire, Hook, Flubber, and Toys to name a few, Toys didn't go down well with a lot of people but its one of my favourites anyway.


Death to Smoochie


What about Bob? will be non stop laughter.


The Naked Gun series. you will be laughing at yourself laughing.


Ace Venture: Pet Detective. and Ace Ventura: Call of the Wild.


Riley we are here for you. We have to keep gentle Riley and Twisted Riley in separate rooms. When they intersect it can drain your soul. And we can't have that. So we'll spread out the intense movies with the Comedic movies.


Schindler's List is an extremely heavy movie, so I fully understand putting it on the back burner for a while. When the time comes that you're in a good place and ready to take it on, do know that from a cinema/camera work standpoint, it is a true masterpiece.

christopher brown

JoJo Rabbit if you want a comedy drama about WW2


Death to Smoochie. Followed by Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Haha!


Say anything is not controversial 😁 just have fun! You’re loyal Patreon Joe😀