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Okay, I got some big gunz here in the polls so let me know what you think I should start with, (I know it's probably going to be Schindler's List oh god)

I know this list is smaller but I'd very much like to keep on top of my schedule, I feel like I'm posting a poll nearly 2 weeks in advance sometimes before I even drop a movie, therefore this way should be more on top of things, if that makes sense. My ultimate goal would be to get enough supporters so I can buy another computer as it's hard to do everything all at once on my macbook air, at this point it's like the little engine that could XD also hiring an editor for my youtube vids would be a blast too as I'd love to get to the point of releasing 2 vids a week on there!

Again, I just wanted to say thank you so much to all who are supporting me right now, honestly my life is a bit hectic at the moment and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming so thank you for your endless kind works and awesome thoughts about the films we watch! 



Love the content, keep it up!

T.J. Gengler

Agreed, many thanks for your efforts and your honest emotions. Fair warning: Green Mile wrecked you. Schindler’s List isn’t going to be easier.


Might even be harder then T.G.M to be honest. (Its the number one on Saddest movie list) But, once she has seen it.. its done.. so, even if it not wins.. i hope she still does the movie.. Then its done, and never returns again.. So i hope it wins. So Guys, please let it win..


Got a few movies too. Childeren of Men. The Book Thief. Liar Liar. Shoot Em Up. Taken 1-3. Grave of the Fireflies.


Well. If you're going to get canceled for saying something like "Nice movie. Too bad the Holocaust didn't actually...", you might as well get it out of the way now. It was a good run mein freund... jk


Schlindler's List is an important movie to watch, but for a reaction...? I would hate to see her in tears for an entire reaction video...


Yeah ''reacting'' to Schindler's List is in VERY poor taste. Not gonna lie.


Is there a specific reason why you feel this way? I can understand as it's based on a true story and the Holocaust is no joke, but neither is D-Day in Saving Private Ryan and many other "popular" reaction films. I've seen SPR already but besides that, many people are telling me to watch Schindler's List. Have you seen other reactors watch it and if so, do you think their reactions were in poor taste? I'm genuinely curious because I don't want anything to be in poor taste.


I’ve never quite understood Schindler’s List reaction videos. It’s a great movie, but also one of the most unpleasant watching experiences imaginable. Even though I’d already seen it, being forced to watch it in middle school and seeing my classmates’ reactions was very not fun.


Exactly This. The only worst thing I can think of/have seen, is a reactor posit the idea of/have musings about watching Twelve Years A Slave......Naturally their community, those of us who genuinely care, firmly (yet kindly) disabused them of this notion.... And this is all without saying anything about how a reaction is for profit, when you get down to the nitty gritty, there's just certain media you do not do that with period. Schindler's List is one such such. 𝐓𝐋;𝐃: - ''It's just not cricket.''

George Inotowok

I will never watch anyone react to Schindler's List.


Aliens please, I don't want a tear fest with Schindler's list.


please dont react to Schindler..... reactions should be FUN! please watch Aliens or Halloween or The Road Warrior

T.J. Gengler

I'm of two minds about watching reactions to Schindler's List Part of me says that this is a powerful, important film that people should view with the appropriate understanding of real world events. Watching this film can be a step in understanding that tragedy. If viewing your reaction helps people along that path, how can that be a bad thing? On the other hand, reactors are tap dancing on awfully thin ice with this. Most of the pitfalls are obvious. Leave the wine bottle till after the movie. You will need it. Ratchet the snark and humor ALL the way down. ANY perception of insincerity or indifference and you're going to be up to your neck in personal attacks questioning your intelligence, your motives, your very soul. Just accept the fact that ANYTHING you say or don't say about the film will piss off somebody. I'm certainly not going to advocate against your posting a reaction to Schindler's List on your channel. That's your call to make and I'll support you either way, You just need to decide for yourself if that's the best choice for you. My suggestion, for whatever that's worth, is that you watch the movie and record your reaction without making any public announcement that you're doing so. After you do that, just shelve the recording for a few days and ponder what you've seen. Maybe watch it again after a week to clarify and hone your thoughts. Maybe even read the YouTube comments section of other reactors to this film so you can see the issues they had. Only then should you make a choice about whether or not you actually want to edit and post the video. If you choose to do so, great. I'll watch it and do my best to provide thoughtful feedback. If you opt to just leave that recording on the shelf, that's fine too.


Riley, do what you feel is right. You would not be the first to react to SL nor would you be the last. It is a very serious film, maybe one where you save the wine until after its over. Whatever you do, there are people here that will support you no matter what and I'm one of them...Just keep being true to yourself, we love you!


Thank you so much for this insightful comment. I agree with everything that you say here. I truly didnt think it was going to be this divisive and I'm sorry for anyone that takes offense. I think I've come to a decision where I am going to record (without wine of course) however I may keep it on patreon on a public tier where I dont gain money from it in any way. Even if I decide to upload on YouTube I dont want it to be monetized. At this point I'm not sure if I will every upload to YouTube. I'll have to see the movie for myself to decide. I truly am looking forward to watching this film for the first time and for those who want to watch with me, they absolutley can. Im sorry for any offense this may have caused for anyone but I think this is the decision that I will choose. <3


Kay Imma say it, partly to lighten the mood, MOSTLY (heh heh ''mostly'') cuzz I feel it in my bones: Poor Raiders, man :(

T.J. Gengler

Like Dwiffle, partly to lighten the mood, I'm gonna say that if I want to watch a movie with Nazis, I'll watch THE PRODUCERS. There are two versions of this film. There's the 1967 original with Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel and the 2005 musical remake with Nathan Lane and Mathew Broderick. Trust me, these movie were made for all the wine and mockery you can handle but I'm not going to steer you towards either version. I can appreciate both of them on their own merits and it doesn't matter which one you watch. You're going to annoy someone because you didn't watch their preferred version so you may as well just have fun with the movie. Or you can do a double feature with both versions in the same upload.


Oooo, I support a double feature of The Producers so hard!


Oh one last thing (eugh) IF Aliens does happen to eek by, please find the Director's Cut 🙂. Edit: YouTube, and GooglePlayMovies, are the only services I saw that carry the 2h:34m/148m Special Edition/Director's Cut of the film :/


My votes for Aliens, but if Aliens wins I really hope you watch the extended edition of it.


Vudu also carries it to rent or buy. but on there its listed as 154m not 148m


Hi Riley.. if you wanne talk after SL. Ill be here for you.. if you want it.. Secondly. If you do the movie.. got a bunch of comedy movies.. to compensate for all the Tears during SL.. here they come.. °Liar Liar (Jim Carry) °Bruce Almight (Jim Carry) °Ace Ventura 1 & 2 (Jim Carry) °Dude, Where's my Car. °Weekend at Barnies 1 & 2. °Coming to America 1 & 2 (Eddie Muphy) °The Nutty Professor 1 & 2 (Eddie Muphy) °The Haunted Mension (Eddie Murphy) °Shanghai Noon / Shanghai Knights (Jackie Chan) Greetings Raymond.

Anakin Starkiller

I would Aliens first then watch Schindler's List. Schindler's is a very heavy and emotional movie. It's a movie that makes you go through every emotion. It's a movie that can make even the hardest person cry.


Road Warrior is in my 3 way tie for favorite movie of all time. That movie altered the course of my life from the time I saw it at like age 10. Had the Apocalypse happened like 15 or 20 years ago, I would be the High Warlord of the Great Lakes Tribe. lol I actually have an MFP license plate on my car.