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Okay this is basically the last sad as hell movie I'm going to do for a while! What do you think of this film? 

Hope you enjoy!


Requiem for a Dream Full Reaction

please enjoy!



Hi Riley. Since you did a few sad movies. Here are a bunch of comedies, Sci-fi and horror. °Interstellar. °Bruce Almighty (Comedy) °The Conjuring Francise. (Horror) °Minority Report. °Weekend at Barnies 1 & 2 (Comedy) °A Quiet Place 1 & 2. I did not add "Liar Liar" cos you said it is coming. Greetings Raymond.

T.J. Gengler

Can’t watch your reaction right now but this was a very good film in my humble. I look forward to seeing how you liked it. For a non-sad film, I would suggest MISERY (1990) as a wonderful suspense thriller. There’s just enough humor in the mix to take the edge off the traumatizing, claustrophobic dread. I dare you to watch it and then ask yourself how many people like Annie Wilkes you might know.



Anakin Starkiller

This is one of the strangest films that I've seen for a movie about addiction. The shock treatment scene we don't get one scene we get a whole montage. It's the weirdest and saddest thing I've ever seen and very archaic.


One of my favorite movies. Not an easy watch though for sure. I'm gonna agree with another person from another post and say Death to Smoochy would be a really good pick for something not so heavy

Anakin Starkiller

If you saw this and A Clockwork Orange for a double feature it would melt people's brains 🧠


I remember the early 90s when heroin was like a joke about the 70's. Coke and crack were everywhere, but only people like Kurt Cobain had access to heroin on a regular. Then they started over prescribing it. The saddest part of it all to me was the first junkies I met were all just regular dudes with good construction jobs who got hurt at work and then made the mistake of trusting medical professionals who, as an industry, decided to break bad and flood the streets with opiates. They will never be made to pay for all the lives they ruined, and too many good people are gone or no longer good people. Oops! Sorry! I tripped over my soap box...


omg yes to this 100%. it's absolute garbage and insurance companies/medical professionals, anyone who basically ruined lives to make a few bucks should pay for it. But the sad reality is that won't happen, and of course right now the problem is getting soooo much worse with covid where people are vulnerable or they're going back to using again after such a long time which results in quickly overdoing it. bottom line drugs suck


I am kinda wondering how much Kubrick Riley has seen...