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I've taken a lot of your suggestions into consideration and compiled a pretty awesome list! :) Very excited for this round!!



Easily Requiem. Even the music is iconic from that one.


Requiem is a brilliant film but I can tell you right now if that's your next movie I pray the next one after that is comedy because you'll definitely need a laugh afterwards. Lol

David Murray

Requiem is the most depressing movie ever made.


Requiem is really good but another hard watch. Se7en is also another great one. Predator is fun because Arnie. Whatever order you do, I highly recommend Liar Liar after Requiem, you're going to need some lighthearted comedy afterwards . And don't do Se7en and Requiem back to back. Overall, a very good list! Can't wait! It would be great for EX Machina on the next one, if you want to.


Predator 4 the win!! But hopefully every movie, 'cept Leon, gets watched anyway. Seven's boring as Hell, HIGHLY overrated, also...Spacey....


Predator is one of the better Swarzenegger movies. (IMO nothing will ever touch Conan the Barbarian.) But I'm like all emo and stuff, so I gotta go with Requiem for a Dream. I'm a sucker for a happy ending. (Shhhhhhh.....)


LOVE Requiem. But Predator 1/2 AND T1/T2 will always trump everything, if they're ever choices between each other🤷‍♂️


T1 and T2 is one of the roles Arnold was born to play for sure. I just identify more as a barbarian...

Joe M

Hey this is Joe. You have to watch Seven! Behind Pulp Fiction, it's my second favorite movie. Fun fact: Seven was Morgan Freeman’s next movie after Shawshank Redemption.


Seven will blow your mind.


Riley. Follow up with Leon and Seven. Watch the runner up movie as well.


Oh Gosh. I forgot how insane, Requiem for a Dream is. It's so OP. You must watch for sure.


This was a super super list. Dare I saw you should add Nightcrawler. (with Jake Gyllenhaal)