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Alrighty, here's some movies I'm thinking of watching! Vote for which one you'd like to see first!



Tough choice there. Alien is a pretty essential movie. I do like the sequel better though... Hot Fuzz is no slouch either... I still gotta go with Midsommar. If you've not seen the Wicker Man, it is definitely a big part of the inspiration for Hot Fuzz and Midsommar. I'm not talking about the one with Nick Cage...

Andrew Roach

Had to go with the game changer Alien and if you watch it the sequel Aliens is mandatory. Some of my favorite choices I Love in no particular order: The Matrix (sci fi) V for Vendetta Titanic Terminator 1 and 2 Edge of Tomorrow (Tom Cruised under rated sci fi gem) Wonder Woman 2017 Interstellar (sci fi) all of Quentin Tarantino's movies Groundhog Day (comedy with a twist) Kick Ass (unusual superhero film) The Mist (horror) Seven (thriller) How to Train Your Dragon (animated) Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy


Along with those listed above by other patreons, I would also add The Hitcher (original, not the remake) The Grudge (original, not the remake) Dog Soldiers District 9 Gran Torino Paul One flew over the cuckoo's nest so many more but they can wait


Come on you cowards lets get Hot Fuzz to the top! Alien can wait lol


Riley, have you already seen Hereditary? It is something of a prerequisite to Midsommar, which would otherwise get my vote.


Ooh! A really good movie I have been wanting to rewatch for like 20 years just popped up for free on Amazon Prime Video! Bound (1996) is a really good tension building movie where two lesbian women rip off a mid level mobster with what they think is a foolproof plan, but the villain is a lot more cunning and ruthless than they give him credit for. The more desperate he gets, the more unpredictable he gets. I like when the villain character has some qualities that make them actually dangerous.


I havent seen Hereditary but I think a big part of it was spoiled for me pertaining to the little girl! Should I still watch it?

Tiger Chu

I hope you get to Kill Bill soon

George Inotowok

I agree with comments suggesting Kill Bill 1 & 2 and Bound


Anchorman NEEDS wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more Love.........sigh...