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Here's my full reaction to this chaotic film! Enjoy :)


Reservoir Dogs full reaction!


Jay Kawala

The song Stuck in the Middle With You has never been the same for me since 1992


Now you should totally just dial the shock and awe up to 11 and do movies like Midsommar, Deliverance, Vulgar by Kevin Smith, I Spit On Your Grave (the original), Last House on the Left (the original), Doom Generation, stuff like that. Not only will you scare the Hell out of everybody, but you'll be evil in no time! Yay!


It's true, many of QT's movies take place in the same world. He has a lot of small references throughout his films. For example, John Travolta's character in Pulp Fiction is Vincent Vega, brother of Vic Vega aka Mr. Blonde. Originally Michael Madsen was supposed to reprise his role of Vic Vega in Pulp Fiction, but had committed to a different movie, so QT rewrote the character. There were talks of doing a Vega brothers prequel movie, but Travolta and Madsen got too old and it never happened.

Andrew Roach

For someone who has only been active a month you have quickly become one of my favorite reactors and I move between many reactors so I have a large sampling. Here is hoping you have a long time here with many movies to follow.


Just got through the complete watch along. This goes much smoother when it's a movie I have on DVD. I got to watch this one in English. This is a neat way to watch a movie even if you've seen it a hundred times! It's like having a friend over to see a movie for the first time, which is always fun, when you can't IRL because no one has time at the same time to just hang out together watching movies - at least not often enough. Gotta admit, I am excited to see more of my Tarantino DVDs this way. Let's see what I can suggest from my DVD collection to make this more convenient for ME! Let's check the Tarantino stuff first... Jackie Brown, Dusk til Dawn, True Romance, Death Proof, The Kill Bills, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and a movie from the 70s Tarantino re released under his Rolling Thunder collection of movies that influenced him Switchblade Sisters. Some films in that sort of action/drama (most of these have a comic sort of bent to them as well) vein... Fargo, Death to Smootchie is a weird underrated one, Natural Born Killers is a very 90s kind of movie full of gratuitous violence, The Revenant is a banger. Leo's good in it and deserved the oscar for sure, but IMO Tom Hardy's villain steals the show. The Big Lebowski is kinda a must watch and probably high on the list of most quoted movies of all time. That's probably enough for now...


Tarantino has definitely gotten flack over the years for his use the N-word. I will admit it certainly can be jarring but his characters are typically hardcore criminals and/or awful people so it would make sense they are racist bastards too.