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Here's the full unedited reaction to American Psycho! To my knowledge this is the original version and not the director's cut :) 

I'm going to haul ass and try to get the Usual Suspects up here early next week as well :)

Omg Christian Bale never fails! He's so creepy in this, it's brilliant! Let me know your thoughts on this film below!


American Psycho Full Reaction!

Please enjoy my full reaction to American Psycho :)


Eric Denney

If the movie had you confused, don't feel bad, and it wasn't the wine ;). It's helpful to watch it more than once, and the ending is somewhat open to interpretation. You were partly right, the movie is largely social commentary by the author, but the commentary is about how shallow, self absorbed, and materialistic the people in this movie were in that time period. They were always getting names mixed up because most of them dressed and looked alike, and they were all so self absorbed that they didn't really pay much attention to anyone else. As for Bateman, as he says early in the movie his mask of sanity was slipping. He didn't actually murder anyone (most likely), he basically had a psychotic break and was unable to separate his murderous fantasies from reality. The journal Jean finds isn't a diary of his murders, it's just all of the psychotic things in his head poured out on paper. Those crazy/shocking things he blurts out a few times in the movie (like to that bartender at the beginning where he says he wants to kill her and play with her blood) are just thoughts in his head (something you wondered yourself), which is why they don't react or react appropriately when he says them. I could go on, but you get the idea and it would take too long to answer all of your questions ;). Better to watch it again sometime with a different perspective, and it will make more sense. Thanks for the reaction video!

James Herington

You should try reading the book too, written by Bret Easton Ellis


The book is so much more graphic but engaging. Loved your reaction! This is one of my favorite films!


OK... That was umm... Been a while since I saw this movie, so I decided to watch along. Found it for free on Pluto TV. En Espanol! I know just enough Spanish to have a fun night in Tijuana, so trying to piece together what was going on from your reaction, context, and my very limited Spanish was quite the challenge. I felt like I drank a bottle of Moscato by the end. Please watch movies in English or Russian from now on! Just kidding! I don't speak English very well either...

Jay Kawala

Under the Skin (2013) could be interesting to react to? As to the question about American Psycho... I don't think it's worth much consideration - the film was trying to be something and failed. Its satire is cartoonish. It's one of only a handful of movies that I have deleted after watching.


Oh yeah. That one's a trip. I like when Scarlett Johannsen does anything that's not a comic book movie.


Keanu Reaves debut film River's Edge (1986) would be another good one not every reactor is doing. As a teenage metalhead of that era, I can attest that it was one of the most true to life feeling movies I have ever seen. It feels so indy that Dennis Hopper's appearance in the cast ALMOST takes you out of the movie, but Dennis Hopper is good enough to be believable and isn't exactly playing against type in this one.


I guess it wasn't technically his debut, but I do remember it being the film that put him on the map, and generated a lot of his early buzz.


Hi Riley.. Raymond here... i left a message on patreon with a pretty big movie list.. if you have time, please give it a look... and let me know which of those you have seen.. Greetings Raymond.