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Hey all! Writing to give you an update on where I am at the moment:


  • Peachy Character Turn - Frontal shot is 100% done. Side, 3/4, and rear views are drawn, but need to be finished. 

  • I also have a Peachy sketch with her big tits flopping around. It's rough, but I figured I'd drop it here. Somehow she's even thicker and chunkier than the model sheet.

  • Fleshia Galem Species Profile - Golem? Galem? What the hell is this? I'm using Peachy as a representative of a species of creatures that seem to appear from nowhere, and exist as embodiments of lust and ample cum dumpsters.

    The species profile is 100% written up...overwritten perhaps.  Could use additional categories like power levels and crunchy numerical stats for things like Stamina, Lust, HP, and other RPG-style attributes, but I'm not sure what to put there yet, so we can just keep it how it is for now with the species info text.

    The goal is to incorporate the text into a layout and get it posted with graphics. Which graphics? The ones I'll make now that I have a better understanding of this creature. (We'll definitely need one of her being penetrated in a her preferred missionary position/mating press.)

    Don't be surprised if I use this as an excuse to draw Daisy and Rosalina as cute huge chested mindless fuckdolls. 

Psychodiver Samara:

  • Illustration in the Works - "Intrusive Thoughts" - Wrapping it up. Need to finish up the plug suit version and put a little more work into the BG/Foreground elements before I can deliver. It shouldn't be much longer. (BTW, none of the thumbnails below is particularly indicative of what the final image looks like with all the various lighting and layer effects turned on. Should have staged my thumbnail screenshot better.)

  • Illustration 2 - Surprise. I've got a second shot of Samara thrusting her crotch upward with a pleading look on her face. It's based on one of the roughs I posted earlier in the month. I started cleaning it up for a diversion (or for fun2, as the file name suggests). Because of the scope, basically, just her pussy being waved in your face, it came together very quick. Shouldn't take much longer to finish up along with an undergarment version.
  • Illustration 3 - There is no Illustration 3, but I do like drawing her. 

Other things:

  • Found this rough of Z as an alternate layer on the initial PNKPXL Design Base. I really need to wrap up that first Base (I need to get to "first base" with...) and get it posted. All in good time I suppose.


Moving forward I'm making a slight adjustment to when packs are uploaded. I'll still be using Patreon DMs for delivery, but rather then waiting to send out packs on a predetermined day the following month, they'll be sent out as they are completed. In between packs, I'll continue to post previews and WIPs like before.

I feel your disappointment transmitting thought the packet data and into my soul, so I'll get back to work now.

As always, thanks for your support! 



Loving all these drafts and sketches. Peachy is clearly suffering the effects of gravity now, that's totally why she looks chunkier, lol. For stats why not just have 3 stats that are the same, such as Lust, Stamina, HP. Then have a fourth 'fun fact' stat for that girl in particular, like milk/lactation etc. Even as small thumbnails Samara are excellent, do her boobs have the ability to glow? haha. Also cute Z love the little tuft of pubic hair.


I am very interested in the upcoming drawings, especially if they include space princess and Z! Samara is looking so good too!!