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Diving the soul takes its toll

Samara Arek was a renowned cognitive researcher and psychodiver, known for her ability to plunge deeply into the consciousness of others. Her passion for exploring the intricacies of the human mind drove her to push beyond boundaries, seeking ever greater depths of knowledge and understanding. But as she dove deeper and deeper, something strange began to happen…

As Samara entered the other minds, she found herself becoming increasingly disoriented, losing track of time, and unable to distinguish between moments spent outside of the foreign consciousness and those spent immersed within it. As she probed the hidden corners of each other minds, she couldn't shake off the intense sexual energy that seemed to pulse through every thought and memory.

It wasn't long before Samara realized that she was slipping further and further into madness. Each day brought new challenges, as she struggled to keep her sanity intact amidst the swirling chaos of conflicting desires and impulses. In the privacy of her own home, she would find herself drawn irresistibly towards self-pleasure, whispering softly to herself as she touched her own flesh. "Samara," she murmured, lost in the heat of the moment. "Oh, Samara."

But despite the temporary respite these private indulgences provided, nothing besides the dives seemed to sate Samara’s urges. Outwardly, she struggled to keep up appearances as the stoic researcher, striving for scientific advancement. Inwardly, her motivations had changed after those first experiences with psychodiving. She continued to dive deep, appearing to all as a person unaffected by the dive's mind altering sensations, and driven purely by a determination to uncover the secrets of the human soul. And though her descent into madness threatened to consume her whole, she never once wavered from her path. Samara knew that the greatest discoveries were awaiting her in the depths, beckoning her ever downward with the promise of oblivion in a void of infinite ecstasy.


Hello everyone,

It's been far too long.

The Samara picture, which now has a title, was finished up a couple days ago, but I wanted to write something to accompany the image. I ended up manically laying out a chapter length story segment that draws Samara in greater detail. It's about 75% done, too rough and fragmented to share, but I'll have it together soon. I didn't want to delay posting the Samara image any longer, so I cobbled together a brief overview to give her some context.

Okay, I'm happy to wrap that up. It's back to lose ends. I think I'll finish that Samara crotch shot next. Not exactly the timeline I'd hoped for, but the gears are turning nonetheless.





That was fun to read, looking forward to the full piece! Delving from intrigue and science to addiction and depravity, it's a cool concept, I wonder how bad the withdrawal symptoms would get, once the project is finished. Would her consciousness be lost in the sea of human minds for going too deep?