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Pictures now, premise later.

Gotta sketch.






Nice expression <3. It's great seeing the full torso and how you do the ribcage. Looking forward Samara indulging herself.


You an artist CarameLatte? I can't imagine most people wondering about anatomical details like the ribcage structure. Anyhow, the flat version reveals all the torso details hidden by the huge jugs. I'll likely have a basic geometry version in the WIP extras at the end of the month.


Ah missed the comment, as it wasn't a reply. Yeah, more of a hobby and definitely not on the level of anything amazing, Like you would probably easily point out at least 100 mistakes on everything I might put out. I tend to slack on practicing fundamentals (like I'll get through a few gesture drawings before blehing out, I suck at busy work), cause I just wanna draw something more fun. But its nice to see how others draw the body, especially the shoulders, neck, armpits and ribcage. Hands suck to learn, but are amazing expressive tools, same with feet which also suck, haha. I've stuck with a simple basic anime style for so long and kinda, dipping into a little bit more details recently, like colours/shading to show off more details than the lines would allow. Or how less ends up being more in linework.


Yeah, sorry about that. I screwed up and posted to the main rather than a reply. As you can see, I screwed up again and managed to one-click delete your latest message. Sorry about that too. Here's what you said: "Ah missed the comment, as it wasn't a reply. Yeah, more of a hobby and definitely not on the level of anything amazing, Like you would probably easily point out at least 100 mistakes on everything I might put out. I tend to slack on practicing fundamentals (like I'll get through a few gesture drawings before blehing out, I suck at busy work), cause I just wanna draw something more fun. But its nice to see how others draw the body, especially the shoulders, neck, armpits and ribcage. Hands suck to learn, but are amazing expressive tools, same with feet which also suck, haha. I've stuck with a simple basic anime style for so long and kinda, dipping into a little bit more details recently, like colours/shading to show off more details than the lines would allow. Or how less ends up being more in linework." Sure, I have an eye for problems. Spend enough time doing something and you internalize lots of knowledge (and plenty of junk). You can't undervalue the fundamentals. I've studied a lot of artists over the years, and watched many others "grow up" online. You don't develop beyond a certain point if you don't put in the study hours. What I find helpful, is making the fundamentals studies instrumental to the fun topics I'm working on. Pick an image topic with some difficult aspects that you're undernourished in, and make it a point to study up. If I'm drawing someone from the back or side, or other less-drawn angles, I'll grab all the reference and do basic breakdowns and study sheets to build confidence on a subject. Maybe I'm a weirdo who finds enjoyment in these sorts of things, IDK. I also know the alternative, when you're trying to grope out an image and there's endless frustration. I've been there too. Those are times when you draw a line over and over and over again trying to make something look right. If you find yourself redrawing something a dozen times, you probably don't know how to handle the subject. There are times it helps to step back and study the topic in greater detail, breaking things down to basic geometries and taking measures. It usually helps to use a predefined method from some school or ascended master like Loomis or Vilppu. Basically any time you're drawing something fun, and it stops being fun, it's probably time to do studies. The thing is, a basic anime style can be as simple or complex as you want to make things. Anime is like a loose aesthetic overlay. Blah, blah, blah. It's appealing and beautiful, which is why we all covet it, but it's nothing more than an interpretative overlay for the fundamentals. Anyway, any topics you want to go over just let me know. Maybe I can answer some questions.