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Thanks so much for your support! For serious!

Yeah, everyone called it. Who else would have been calling Tom?

Deus enjoys stacking the deck. Also counting the cards, bribing the dealer, and telling the guy across the table that his mom gives great blow-jobs, and also replacing his girlfriend who is sitting next to him with a shapeshifting double agent who is blinking the guy's cards in morse code.

He loves competition, because he's very good at cheating winning.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update: Getting Proofed!

You know what's taking so long? Fucking hyphens. Every paragraph I type seems to have six pairs of words that supposedly require hyphenation. Or should that be "Every-paragraph I type seems to have six-pairs of words that supposedly-require-hyphenation." I don't know. I just don't get it. The rule seems to be that if there's a adjective that modifies another adjective in front of a noun, then you use a hyphen, like the difference between "the loud, red car" and "the loud-red car" is one describes a car that is both loud and red, and the other describes a car that is very bright red, but honestly, if that's what you're trying to convey, you probably need to reword your sentence. That stuff I kind of get, but apparently all the other stuff (other-stuff?) is just brute force memorization. (brute-force?) Like ill-conceived, or silver-tongued or build-up. Is the sentence "There was a build up of leaves in the gutter." so fucking hard to parse? Is anyone going to read that sentence and think someone built an "up" out of leaves? And "silver-tongued devil." Without the hyphen, yeah, maybe it's possible someone might read that phrase and think it's about a devil which is silver, and has recently been tongued, which probably says more about the reader than the structure of the sentence. It just-assume there's a cabal-of English-Professors sitting-around in a wood-paneled-room coming-up with a-bunch of extra-rules to torture-us with-.

Anyway. I'm on my last set of notes, about halfway through the book, and I may as well incorporate all this stuff so there are a few technical errors as possible. Still, I think it's crazy that I'm on my last set of corrections, and only about 1/5th of the stuff this proofer caught had already been corrected by the other five. I guess everyone just has different things they notice. Hopefully the combination of proofers means I will have covered all the bases, but I can't shake the suspicion the first final draft of the book will still be roughly 17% typo. I guess we'll see.

Also I evidently messed up every possible use of laying/lying down. Pretty sure I've reversed them when speaking ever since I learned the words.



John Chidester

It's not cheating if nobody has written a rule against it yet!


but Tom wanted to take over and i don't think Deus would let somone else Lead


Part of me wants to laugh at the hyphen-war, but the rest of me is in a similar comma war. I'm always being told that in my writing, I put too many commas in, and they apparently aren't needed. :P


Is it just me or is Tom going full Lo-Pan-From-Big-Trouble-In-Little-China. Yay hyphens? ;p


can just imagine Dabbler: Tom you're in so much trouble, and you Jerry put down the Mace, or I'll tell you mother what you're up to

Eric Loken

Bah, war still isn't changing. The tools may be different but its still about power and oppression - while claiming to be helping people. It's still about greed, and regular people getting killed so some rich asshole like Deus can have more power that he doesn't need and will use badly even if he thinks he won't. The worst thing about guys like Deus? They are *never* as smart as they think they are. Whether it is comics or the real world, their type always gets undone because they get too greedy, they get too arrogant, they just aren't as smart as they think they are. And if we're lucky they end up shorter by a head, and if they are lucky they flee the disaster of their own making and end up living out the rest of their lives in luxury in Saudi Arabia. And either way, the mess they made is for someone else to clean up (which often doesn't happen).


German panzer 4s? Those are worth more as antiques if they're in running condition than it would cost to buy more modern tanks from China/Russia. A quick google reveals they are stocked with Russian T-55 and T-54 MBTs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozambique_Defence_Armed_Forces


Who is in more trouble Deus or Tom?


Now that I think about Dabbler-Tom relationships again... at what age did they get to know about their master-slave connection? Before or after he fell for her? I kind of assumed that he knew it from the day of her birth, but he must've been quite young back then, since them met as the same.. ehm.. place of study.


The thing about cheating is- if it is actually a game, once folks figure out you are a cheater you don't get to play anymore. War isn't a game, and there is no such thing as cheating in war.


I don't think Tom is adverse to playing mercenary if given sufficient respect and payment for doing so honestly. Why would he? All nicely contracted and laid out.

D.A. Lamont

Time to earn that government paycheck. 😏🪖