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Is it rude to tell a succubus that teal might not be her color?

I thought it'd be funny to see Dabbler casually cosplaying as the 11th Countess of Abbingdon, but honestly the teal top doesn't quite play well with her stripes.

I think a lot of epic, sprawling TV shows these days have the problem of too many main characters. That is to say, something like Game of Thrones around season 4 and on had so many stories happening at the same time that your favorite character might get five minutes of screen time per episode, and maybe an hour over the course of an entire season?

Having a large cast is handy for me because I can mix and match for whatever suits the story I want to tell, but it leaves a lot of characters in the wings. If I could draw 5 pages a week, then maybe the ex-vigilanties here would have more to do, but until then, they get to play the reserves.

I may have messed up the math (it's all but a certainty) but it's ~9,250 miles from Texas to Galytn, (which is on the southern tip of Malawi). Mach 6 (~4603 MPH) would get them there in just about two hours. Considering I said that Sydney's new top speed is Mach 16, that means she could get anywhere on Earth in about 45 minutes at most. Yeah, the speed of sound is different at different atmospheric pressure, and you have to account for ascending and descending, because she's not going to skim the surface of the ocean and cause a near tsunami wake behind her, but roughly, 45 minutes. That is pretty fast. The next time someone shoots a sidewinder at her, they're going to be in for a surprise.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update: Getting Proofed!

Almost done! Seriously.




I see Terry Pratchett reference, I upvote

Thomas Dorner

The Adventures of Xuriel Croft

Dan Merget

Where? I've read a fair amount of Pratchett, and don't recognize any part of the dialogue as a Pratchett reference. (Hopefully you're not referring to the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times", which is MUCH older than Pratchett.)


Hope this is the start of Deus getting a major setback/defeat. He started as a charming rogue, but the charm has dulled since everything goes his way. Even Dr doom gets defeated for crying out loud.

Jeremy Jorgensen

Now I want to see calculations on how bad the waves would be for a 4 meter diameter sphere going Mach 16 just above the surface of the ocean. ... And the same for going Mach 16 10 meters UNDER the surface of the ocean

Town Crier

Hmm. I'm guessing that Dabbler's adventuring gear is a bit more substantial than she is letting on. She is pretty adequate at illusions, after all.


You kind of opened Pandora's box, because under the surface of ocean you're in water, and since speed fo sound in saltwater is exactly 1.5 km/s, Mach 16 is, well, 24 km/s, which is 1.44x more than needed to escape solar system, and at that speed under water you're not only going to cause line of continuous plasma explosion, but I'd need to pull up my physics textbooks and check if you'd have enough kinetic energy to overcome Coulomb's barrier and cause nuclear fusion. It's ~3% of speed of light in air, if I recall correctly, but in water you'd be dumping like 4 orders of magnitude more energy, so it could be possible.

Michael Obert

Apparently she ripped the clothes off of Lara, as there are big pieces missing from strategic areas 😁

James C

Heatwave is missing her comm-choker in the last panel…

Christopher Upton

All that going on and I find myself irritated by the salute. I mean, it’s well executed and all, it’s just inappropriate.

Marc Vun Kannon

Maybe the next many panels should be about something serious on the home front while nothing at all happens in Galtyn.

Marc Vun Kannon

This is where he springs his cunning trap to mind-whammy Max into being his bride/servant and Sydney and the rest come to the rescue.


If someone shoots a missile at Sydney, I want her to do the Road Runner tongue thing and say "meep meep" before leaving said missile in the dust.


I beleive phrase "don't taunt the plot gods" applies here.

Stephen Gilberg

Anyone else think of the "I used to be an adventurer like you" line?

Greg Morrow

The solution to too large a cast is a) spinoffs or b) the ABC plot structure Paul Levitz devised for Legion of Super-Heroes, where A, B, and C plots involve different characters, and as the A plot concludes, the B plot rolls up into its place and so on. The C characters may only get 10% of the screen time as the A characters, but it'll rotate around to them soon enough. Requires a lot of planning!


So, I know this is nit-picky, but in my time in the military, I've never heard of anyone using the term "you have the conn" outside of the Navy and Star Trek. I can't recall if the other branches have a similar phrase, but I also wasn't an officer, so who know what those guys say to each other when we grunts were out soldiering. XD


You have the conn is a term originating in the Navy. Its in reference of the conning station.


In our star-trek-themed drinking club, we say "You have the watch." Then the new person-in-charge gets handed an actual watch. :)


Ditto. A better phrase for landlubber military personnel would be "You have command."

Ian Birchenough

Because you have to know who's in charge of avoiding hitting stuff - and who isn't, there has to be some formal process for the transfer of control. this applies to ships (you have the conn) and Aircraft (Pilots aircraft) pretty much everything else with multiple control stations or potential persons in command has a method of telling everyone who the boss is at the moment.


I would point out - it is illegal to travel at Mach 1 or above in National US airspace. They would have to wait till they were out of US airspace to crank it up. Maybe she was saying two or three hours?


pfh, like any american mil crafts are really held to that. >_>; I imagine anyway.


Is Dabbler's outfit more or less provocative than a chainmail bikini? probably more protective though


What it looks like has nothing to do with what it is. She could be wearing a Gundam suit under that glamour.


Glamours... the cheatcode of the sexy-armor arguement.

D.A. Lamont

Don't jinx us, Private Strawberry Shortcake! (bonus points if you get the reference) 😏 Also Dave, I DM'd you. Sorry.


as this was just recently brought back to my attention, i have a question for dave. does ARCHON have, and issue challenge coins? if so, i nominate Syd for one for the whole "smacking down c'thulu in starship form" and "figuring out the logical weakness in the invincible guy's powerset" incidents.