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(Whoops, set this to post at 5PM accidentally)

I'm not sure humans are actually bad a being subjugated. I think that's western romanticism. Or, specifically American romanticism. We don't of modern England of being remotely subjugatey, but they did have one of those top 5 empires at one point and a lot of early colonists came here to escape religious persecution. And for economic opportunities of course, but once they were here, they didn't feel like paying taxes to the crown or being told how to manage our shit, war ensues - for freedom! But then we bought a bunch of slaves, war ensues - for freedom! Then 150 years of weapons-grade racism follows. Like, shit, I really like the name Redline for Ren, but some people pointed out that "redlining" is a thing in real estate where when a black family moves into a neighborhood, then all kind of shitty stuff goes on like raising rates on insurance and loans and canceling nearby construction like grocery stores. I would say it's almost beyond belief, except for the fact that humans are the literal worst. If demons actually did invade and saw all the shit we get up to they'd be like "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

So I'm still going to call him Redline, because I like the name, and I have a feeling if I call him "Super Perfect Human Man" someone would still be able to find some tie to racism because America has been so racist for so long that nothing exists that isn't tainted by racism.

What was I talking about? Oh, right. So even in America where we ostensibly worship anti-subjugation, there's still a shitload of it, and huge sections of the world have a much worse track record than we do.

But Dabbler is too polite to point that out to Maxima in the middle of her "if you invade, I will personally decapitate your army" speech. (By decapitate she means slaughtering all the important officers, not literally beheading everyone down to the chefs. That would be tedious, especially when she can just blow them up.)

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

About a third done with the editing. I actually didn't play much of anything this weekend as I had to split my time between TE2 and working on the next vote incentive. I had trouble figuring out what to draw, so I actually spent half my pinup time working on the cover for TE2, so overall a productive weekend all things considered.




Um. Just an FYI, but the early colonists did not in fact come to America to "escape religious persecution". When they fled persecution they ended up in the Netherlands, which was famous for its religious tolerance at the time. It's just that they realized pretty quickly that the price for being tolerated in the Netherlands was that they were going to have to tolerate everyone *else* as well, and they realized that what they really wanted was a place of their own where they could do be intolerant of everyone else in peace...


That said, Dabbler has a fair idea of how completely unprepared Tom is going to be for the upcoming barrage of Sidney being Sidney and she's already calling for popcorn...


Late update today?


So, they actually came to America to escape religious tolerance. That makes a horrible kind of sense, especially given today's political situation.


150 years of weapons grade racism? (Laughs in Japan) < The Ainu have entered the chat >

Anton Schleef

Hmmmm.......I better warm up the air popper, I get the feeling this will require a lot of popcorn.

Stephen Gilberg

Yeah, really. Dave makes it sound like racism got worse AFTER the abolition of slavery.


I thought redlining was pushing your engine to maximum, “into the red” as it were. It’s also the name of a sci-fi punk anime movie about racing which is 100% awesome. In fact, I have never heard the term “redline” used in relation to racism before today. So yeah, when a word has more than one meaning, check the context, don’t assume it’s being racist. Yeah, you can get into etymology and maybe prove that the non racist meaning of the word was adapted from the racist meaning, and was then divorced from that meaning and used innocently by some people who try to be non racist… But I’m struggling to think how pushing an engine to maximum could possibly relate to racism, so I think we’re safe. If a word is used in a context where it is not racist, leave it be, we can’t delete the entire dictionary because some idiot 100 years ago started using an innocent word as an insult to certain people.

Michael Obert

I do so enjoy how Dabbler has a man's shirt ready for post-coital negotiations. Always prepared!


Redlining is the lending practice of not lending to a particular group of people whose attributes you don't want purchasing property in a specific town or neighborhood I.E. drawing a red line around an exclusion zone.


As ADHD as Sydney is, she has a talent of cutting to the core with her questions... She may go a bit off track at times, but this could, in theory, be.considered part of her interrogation technique... Baffle them with trivia and weird questions, before hitting them, when their mental pants are down, with the real core questions... (That is also a disturbing mental image). By the time she gets to her main questions, the person being interrogated is so off balance, they'll usually blurt out the real answers before realizing what they've done... For a professional, thus is a difficult technique to learn, for people with ADHD, its pretty much how we function on a normal day...

Nicholas Grey

Take the time to watch the slideshow. He spent so much time on it! Also, being aware of “what the other guy wants you to know” (and, by elimination, what he’d rather you didn’t know) is always a useful data point.

Darth Bayes

Wait, if Earth gets demonic tourism and stuff because of the Veil, wouldn't it not be unknown to the wider Galaxy? Maybe Thoth already knows about Earth, but under a different name?

Darla Donahue

I'm just amused that Dabbler managed to get a men's dress shirt for post-coital wear in a rock quarry. She does make that look fine BTW. Also Thothogoth has an armored speedo? I mean it looks good and all, and that's surely an important part to armor, but the rest of his armor is primarily skin... Sigh, Demonic Armor fashion, go figure.

Darla Donahue

Ha! You beat me to this comment before I spotted you said it earlier almost exactly the same way.

Some Ed

I'm sure she can make use of Hammer Space for more than just hammers, you know?


EDIT: Please ignore this comment - I was doing a 180 from what was actually said. (Thanks eddi) Instead of "decapitate", which has a fairly specific meaning, she might want to use "devastate", which means what she is trying to say, or "decimate" which is always fun, as you wonder whether 10% are killed, or left alive...


A "decapitation strike" is standard military jargon. Destroying C3I (command, control, communication and intelligence gathering) can make a bigger mess than nuking a few tank brigades.


I don't think she has much evidence to support her claim that humans are bad at being subjugated. Most of humanity has been subjugated for most of history - including the present. When they have risen up and thrown off tyrants, they almost always immediately fall back into subjugation under new tyrants. Sorry, Maxima. Sounds like you're just telling yourself a story that you want to hear.

Town Crier

Let the rules-lawyering begin! MWAHAHAHAHA!

Donald Randolph

Going back a few years, Columbo had that down to a fine art. "just one more thing"

Eric Loken

Humans do actually tend to rise up against overlords eventually, it just takes time, but it definitely happens. Just ask the British... and the French, Ottomans, Germans... As I state above, it is foreign occupation that is the problem, not so much being ruled. There is always going to be rulers, and it can be argued that a 'democracy' is not as different from a monarchy or dictatorship as it would like to pretend it is - especially if the democracy is actually under the HEAVY influence of the aristocracy... I mean the wealthy (the US wanted to get rid of the aristocracy, but all they did was remove the titles). It is less about whether America is worse than anyone else, and more about the staggering American hypocrisy that they feel they can say one thing and do another. And that their shit don't stink. Sydney should now establish that they don't want to try to rule any species that includes her.


While I do know Maxima has rank here and is clearly given the right to make a large berth of decision making when it comes to super powerful individuals and the like, does any one else feel as though the government would put their foot down on this situation? I mean clearly this is a diplomatic situation with a large variety of political implications that will effect the nation at large. I feel as though the military oath of "I will not intrude on politics" (I forget the actual oath) should kick in here. Or at least involve more people than who are in this page.