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I love seeing people in the comments wondering if Sydney was going to ask about Infernal administrative services when I've been planning on Sydney's mouth question from about the second time I drew this guy like 7 years ago.

Sydney isn't great about not just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind, but she's trying to get better.

You ever see animes where the monsters don't move their mouths when they talk? I always thought that was pretty lazy. I mean, I get it. Producing an anime has to be a shit ton of work, but when I'm watching Devilman or Guyver and the demons/zoanoids aren't even moving their jaws up and down slightly, I always wondered where the sound was actually coming from. Well, now I've answered that question, at least in my own little corner of the fantasy-verse.

It also means that if Grrl Power were an animated series, Dabbler would spend the rest of this scene using that voice speaker spell and not moving her mouth, increasingly aggravating everyone present.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Half done. I've collected most of the good stuff in FC6, so the game is starting to lose its hold on me. Honestly, the starting semi-auto rifle you get is basically the best weapon in the game once you load it with armor piercing rounds and a silencer. All the other AR's in the game are less accurate at the expense of using more ammo. It's all about the headshots. So yeah, I found some unique SMG that sets people on fire. It still takes like 20 rounds to put them down if I'm not nailing them in the head, so I used that on like, 3 people, then switched back to the one-shot-pop-and-stop.



Michael Obert

And Sydney's biases started the Demon Wars . . .


uff poor sid always getting hit with Human Guilt


Her questions however prolonged any mobilisation of troops for the war for long enough that everyone just got bored and went home.

Martin Drkoš

Would being human be considered privileged compared to some sort of demon overlord?

Town Crier

At least Sydney didn't accuse the demon of "flapping his gums".

Merle Blue

You know, Dabbler has a valid point here.

Stephen Gilberg

From the smaller image in email, I had no idea what the background of panel 5 was. I'm still only partly clear on it.


It is pretty sus. There is a gator in a trenchcoat on the left and a tentacle dressed similarly on the right.

Matthew Paulin

"...if Grrl Power were an animated series..." Hmmmmm.

Kevin Wright

A better answer regarding Max' question to Dabbler would be "would you rather me *not* wear it....?

Some Ed

Well, depending on ones perspective... Most humans can just plant a sufficiently large garden and grow all the food they need to eat. I mean, there's enough of us that not everyone could do that, even if we weren't all Greedy McGreedypants. But from a technical perspective, it works. Those of us who couldn't for reasons other than disabilities could instead raise livestock to round out their diets. That's a bit more complicated, but the livestock don't particularly need to agree to it or go along with it in some way, so long as we correctly select a sufficiently simple set of creatures for livestock. But demons? Their food is sentient. Worse, they're not after the *meat* of their food, but specific energy types. Which means, a demon's food can thwart the demon. Statistically, the demon will still get to eat, because somebody won't thwart the demon. But I'm sure it's quite frustrating for them. And then there's guys like Kevin here, who eat the poor demon's food.


I feel vindicated! James C and I were wondering about the mouth thing on page 984, just the second page after he showed up. *** Or should I be worried that my thoughts apparently parallel Sydney's? *** Nah! Just a coincidence... No-one's thoughts parallel Sydney's for long...