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Meet Dexon, who has been languishing in the cameo cue for quite a while. Sometimes the character designs are hard to just slip into the comic and have them make sense. I probably could have stuck him in the background of the Twilight Council stuff, but I like the cameos to have more robust parts. So, instead, he gets stuck wrangling a giant warmongering demon. I imagine the benefits package is pretty good though. I mean, there are probably plenty of demons in Thoth's army that are in it for the skull cracking, but still, you gotta take care of your people, and you'll get a better quality of people if you provide good dental. Or... hornal. Whatever demons call horn care.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Editing continues.

Also Far Cry 6, if I'm honest. I know, you're like "Dave, weren't you playing AC:Valhalla last we heard?" And yes, that was the case. Look, I have a type. I also bought Middle Earth: Shadows of War since Steam had it on sale along with all the expansion packs for like $11, and they removed the very grubby DLC store that got the game raked over the coals when it came out. So in the last month I've installed about 200GB of "climb a thing, look around, kill a guy, steal a horse, upgrade some gear" games. Still, I have to balance game time with comic and writing time, so I'm really only playing a few hours a week.

If you want my review of FC6; "It's Far Cry 3." Obviously the graphics are in line with current hardware, and you can get animal sidekicks, but the sidekicks can't ride in any vehicles you steal, so I'm super bummed about that. If anything, FC6 makes me really wish that Far Cry 7 would take place on an alien world. Like, keep all the same gameplay mechanics, just have it take place on a new colony on some alien planet with weird flora and fauna, and there are aliens living among the humans. Maybe throw in some faction stuff, like human purists vs everyone, space carnivores vs space vegans, etc, and you have to run missions for the "space dwarves" race to earn favor and work your way up a tech tree of cool alien weapons, instead of 9 versions of MP5's or whatever. Maybe make it slightly Metriodvania so you have to get the low-grav boots to go into the swamp, or the lidar goggles to explore the giant alien termite tunnels. Stuff like that. Just anything other than "Overthrow tiny island despot." At least I assume there's a despot in FC6. Fortunately you can skip nearly all of the cutscenes, and I just don't care. Yeah, he's bad. Let me shoot stuff and upgrade my pants.

I do hope to have the book's first editing pass done in... a week? (And then I send it to a few people to get different eyes on it so it's not riddled with typos. At least that gives me time to work on a cover.)




So, Dexon is an HR (Hellish Resources) demon?


Ohhhhh. This has to be a reference to Terry pratchett. Or am I reading to much into things?

Michael Obert

Its full of star wipes!

Martin Drkoš

Current governments or demonic invasion from a hell dimension? Tough call.


I love the fact that an invading demon army has a bureaucrat business guy armed with clipboard and slideshows. You always need those guys to manage things. Yeah, my headcannon is that staff on his back isn't a weapon, its a magic projection device he uses for slideshows.

Town Crier

Yeesh, Max! Don't stomp on the passionate, self-motivated subordinate, already. Remember your managerial training. Heck (pun intended), even Dabbler is willing to give this guy a leg up... (see what I did there?)

J. Andraos

I believe the term for a horn health plan you were looking for would be a Cornual Plan, or if you wanted to make sure claws were included it could be a Complete Keratin Care Plan. If HELL HR wanted to include demons with insectile body parts in the same package they could even call it the Comprehensive Keratin/Chitin Class Care Coverage!

martin leske

i like that intern


Why would he call her Dabbler and not Xuriel?

Dan Curtis

he worked hard on that slideshow


Dabbler was her nickname long before she came to Earth. Some people, like Thoth, knew her before that, and everyone has their preference in what they call her.

Stephen Gilberg

Oh noes, not an invasion by geeks!

Some Ed

I have not ever been a part of any military service, but I was under the impression that mustering the troops was more of a sergeant role and less of an HR role. He's the second person through the gate, which does not seem at all like HR to me.


Modern psychological warfare is solely geek territory. The CIA cowboys had no skills pertinent to modern communication methods and their abuse.


I have a new favorite character. Dexon is a working class hero who knows how to keep a sinister plot moving along while the mastermind gloats over the plans for his latest death trap.


Any fellow oldsters see that tail swish and get flashbacks to David Lee Roth's "Yankee Rose" video?

Manuel Vasquez

Demonic entities certified in Microsoft Powerpoint? Tremble in fear, mortals