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Ever since being given this opportunity, Vehemence has been legitimately going back and forth as to whether or not he was going to behave. After being handed such a one sided defeat, and seeing Sydney in such a good mood while she clowns on him, he figured he'd have to be a real bad guy to ruin her fun.

I am entirely enamored by the idea of horrific monsters/aliens/whatever holding mundane jobs. Like something that looks like it should be called a "Flesh Ripper" working at a box office or asking if you want fries with that. Or something that looks like an anthropomorphic spider that's wearing stitched together human faces stretched partially over its own face working as a wedding planner. It isn't wearing human remains on its face, I'm suggesting it has some fungal growth on its carapace that just happens to look like bits of person.

It's even better if that thing's boss looks like an extra from My Little Pony.

A few people were wondering how Sydney will get him back into the portal since she can only use two orbs at a time. Well, the lighthook can extend pretty far, so she could have just tossed him back towards the portal while extending it as she pushed. It would get her going pretty fast in the other direction by the time she overcame his velocity and mass, but it would work. It would work even better if she flew back toward the portal, then grabbed him and tugged, then stopped, flew back some more, tugged, etc. And some people suggested she could just body check him with the shield.

So just assume some combination of those.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Worked a bit on the final fight. Some fights in books are there to either establish something about one of the characters, like they're especially good at fighting or they're a coward or something, or the fight drops something in the character's lap, like a bunch of bandit's equipment, or he's rescuing someone who helps them out later or joins the party. Unless the fight is a setup to establish a character's fighting chops, (think of the punks who corner Van Damme/Chuck Norris/a modern equivalent which I'm having trouble thinking of so I'll just say John Wick - at the beginning of any movie they're in) then usually the fight is going to be fairly close, right? Like, the author wants there to be some tension and usually doesn't want his character to limp away missing a limb, but he also doesn't want them to just drop kick the opposition into the sun because that would get boring - unless the whole thing is some spoof, commentary, or comedy like OnePunch.

So Sam and crew need to knock some heads and also take their lumps in the process.

Interestingly, Victor in the original Tamer books pretty much never gets hit. That is explained to a degree in the later books, but it also kind of goes against everything I just wrote. Still, Sam isn't Victor, but he's got a few advantages Victor doesn't.




Those guys look like they work for the officials. So... do earthers get new friends now? Or protectors? Close observers? Anyway, this sounds like trouble for Deus's and Sciona's plans.

Martin Drkoš

Earth? That can't be right? Who fiddled with the instruments again?


Sales of popcorn double in any interspace location with access to Earth news feeds.


Cool. More aliens coming to earth.. :)


Have to wonder why she'd go *there* to mess with him. Surely MEO or HEO would have been better targets?

Richard Bennett

Nice Futurama reference, too 👽


Well, the aetherium causeway only goes to places she's already been (unless she's learned how to perform the necessary calculations).

Matthew Lambert

Good to see Morbo still on the news


The Xevoarchy might NEED to know, but do they really WANT to know?? I mean, it's not like Halo Robotech: Macrossed the Xevorarchy... Oh, wait! She did!

Evil Midnight Lurker

There are SEVEN thousand living languages on Earth! :D


Hope they’re not messing with Lrrr’s tv signal!


I love the inclusion of Morbo.


That wasn't the Xevoarchy. It was some unknown threat. The Xevoarchy is a collective law enforcement entitiy and ostensibly the good guys.

Michael Gulick

Seriously, I need a shirt with "Congratulations on getting served by the Mighty Halo!" on it!


I know this wouldn't be anywhere near as much fun, but... when Sydney did her debrief, did she not mention her ability to use an Aetherium Causeway, and that it was "Nth Level" technology to do that using a few teeny orbs?


This has now been factored into Deus' plans. Given what we know about him, if ANY government knows about this he also will.

Kevin Wright

LOL, alien Zed (Sean Connery) from Zardoz.

Stefan J Neylon

Maybe she shouldn't of gone back to that planet after the warning she got last time. Granted it might be the only other planet she knows how to get to and couldn't target Mars or something. On that note if she can open a causeway to Mars that would certainly help humanity's efforts to colonize it, as she could make frequent supply runs. Of course for that to work they would have to admit she can do that.


His little hat! It's so cute.


she definitely has the Alari homeworld in the list of her recently visited locations. She could've went there.


Is that a solution to Vehemence's power in general? If he somehow powered up enough to start pulling all those power shenanigans he pulled in the restaurant fight, just poit him into space and let him use up all his stored power just surviving?


Kevin now understands that in terms of what Halo lacks in survivability, she more than makes up for in inventiveness, bravery, a flexible power set, and a few loose screws.

Eric Loken

Now Kevin, you're getting too excited. I'm putting you on a 'time out', you float here and think about what you've done, and I'll be back to get you before you suffocate. Probably.

Eric Loken

Nasty looking aliens doing regular jobs: A Predator... who's actually an accountant. Because somebody has to keep their economy going, design and build their gear, make sure there is enough food for everyone - they were the ultimate sport hunters, they didn't eat what they killed - and all the other mundane tasks that even a society devoted to hunting would have to deal with. Oh sure, even Nargth'tk down in accounting got to go on a hunt once a year, but the rest of the time? He was behind a desk.

Andrew Denton

"Interestingly, Victor in the original Tamer books pretty much never gets hit. " Well, no, he's a summoner / controller type. Whenever he gets into a fight, something's gone wrong.


She can do it however she likes. If I had her orbs, the first thing I would want in my gear is a small O2 tank (I remember Bond had a pocket scuba in one movie - probably only lasts about 5 minutes, but that is plenty for someone like Halo), and some good goggles. Equip your air supply and eye protection, then drop the FF for a lighthook and tow him down the causeway.. Easy Peasy. In extremis, do it without the gear - there's a healer back on base for any popped veins or eardrums, etc.


Official duty uniforms frequently include the freakiest looking headgear. Look up "cunt cap". Might want a military uniform to the search terms. One never knows these days 😖


I think he figured that out the first time. Now that she's upped her game, Ha's going to have to be a lot more careful.


The classic one was hinted at in Star Trek: TNG. All the non-warrior caste Klingons who actually keep the government and economy running. 9 to 5 salaryman Klingons.


A pony tank of air is a common SCUBA accessory. Sydney might go for one.


Pwned again by the kid.

James Domec

Is that a Zardoz suit I see on the news screen? About lost my lunch from laughing.


It's the Sexy News Network. I'm a little disappointed no one noticed the Barbarella outfit on the other girl.

Donald Randolph (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-26 01:39:33 For all that the SSN reporters outfit covered her torso & legs, it did not leave much of those to the imagination.
2021-09-22 19:02:09 For all that the SSN reporters outfit covered her torso & legs, it did not leave much of those to the imagination.

For all that the SSN reporters outfit covered her torso & legs, it did not leave much of those to the imagination.


Well the original Barbarella outfit was basically some plastic shit over a dark yet translucent body stocking, so no imagination needed. https://content.magnumphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/cortex/lon25304-teaser-story-big.jpg


The side effects of Kevin's power seem to me to be the sort of thing where he has to to struggle to keep from losing himself to it. He needs the Vitamin V but it'd be far to easy to kill off his food source and social life in the process of feeding.