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This may shock you, but Dabbler's been around.

Yes, it's the return of the dumb joke from page 77. (And 92. And 200. I still stand by that Status Quola joke. That makes me laugh to this day.) Started of as a little gag I thought of on the spur of the moment, and now it practically needs to be listed as one of Harem's legitimate superpowers. This page is also a callback to both 176 and 186. So, yay for planning ahead? Huh, we've actually met over half the players on that page now. Might have to come up with another gallery of villains soon. And by soon I mean like... 4 years from now. :/

The boyfriend is holding stadium speakers on the soda can there, Say Anything style. No idea what it's hooked up to or powered by. I would try amarula flavored soda. Although now that I'm googling for relevant links, I realized I screwed up. Amarula is the liqueur (which is pretty good IMO), Marula is the fruit. Maybe Harem is secretly drinking Amarula flavored beer on the job.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Worked some more on the final fight. I wrote last time about how most fights generally need to be close matchups or else a book can either lack tension or you wind up wondering why the book is following a particular group of characters if they get their asses kicked to within an inch of their lives every time there's a scuffle.

Right now the fight's kind of even, but I don't know if I want a close fight or a slam dunk. I guess we'll see how it turns out.






Chapter final? Story arc final? Book final? Final Final?


Halo, this isn't even the biggest kaiju you've had to solo.

Town Crier

Well, color me inattentive. I totally missed the soda joke. I like it!

Town Crier

Good thing she wasn't knocking back a Hell's Gate, or Dormamu, or any of the Armageddon Hard Cider line: Ragnarok, End'O'Times, etc...

Town Crier

I bet she avoids the "Super Wedgie Times" Unsweetened Ice Tea like the plague...

Town Crier

Wrestling Announcer voice: Fresh from the Marvel Universe and the trashing of Valhalla!!!


I am kind of looking forward to the day when the team is getting their ass handed to them and they've got to go get Vehemence to get his rage on. Because, THAT will be epic. I mean, someone, somewhere, will probably survive it. Maybe.


That soda brand is totally being produced by some clairvoyant asshole making sure the prints just Happen to get to certain people to drink at certain times to be ironically prophetic...

Anton Schleef

It has been so long since it was last brought up I had forgotten about it until re-reading the relevant pages. Even then I hadn't given it much thought. I do like it as a long-term gag to use occasionally though.

Town Crier

PropheSoda: For those who are actually paying attention!

Town Crier

They're in it for the Prophet.




Big guy thinks this is a target of opportunity, but he ain't got no clue how wrong he is...


Honestly, after this one https://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/grrl-power-176-pose-dramatically-much/ I had legit thought that he was going to come back in the form of possessing Maxima. Like, that geode had been a parasitic demon-egg or something.


Exes are always a major pain.