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Sydney probably could have just hunkered down in her shield and let Kevin just blast away at it, then maybe juggle him around with the lighthook, but she felt this would be a whole lot more demoralizing.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

I really need to finish the book so I can close the tab I've had open for three weeks on google results for "sintered." (Spoilers? Not really, no.)

So Assassin's Creed Valhalla was on sale and I've never played one of those so I decided to check it out. It's... fine? The hide, stab, climb a thing loop is okay I guess. It's basically the same game as Far Cry, but you hide, shoot and climb a thing in those. That basically describes all of Ubisoft's catalog I think. The world is huge and there's a lot of nothing. Like I remember Skyrim, you couldn't walk for 90 seconds in any direction before finding a carin stone or dungeon entrance or a giant herding sheep or something. AC:V has you running for 5 minutes from place to place to a pre-marked treasure which is usually an ingot for upgrading your weapons marginally, or a "mystery" which is usually just some minor scripted side quest that gets you some XP. There are also towns you can raid, because you're a viking, but instead of calling in your homies, I can usually take down an entire town by myself because I'm playing on normal difficulty.

Like I said, it's fine.

All this is to say, I haven't made any progress on T:E2 since Monday because I haven't played any video games in quite a while and thought it would be fun to hit some digital Saxons with an axe. I do hope to make some more progress by the next update though. I've played a lot of video games and the gameplay loops tend to wear out their welcome with me fairly quickly. I actually can't think of the last game I actually beat. Playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, I maxed out Enchanting and Stealth, then enchanted a full set of glass armor with stealth buffs, then crouch stealthed all the way through an Oblivion portal and stole the gem thing and I was basically invisible even in bright light, and after I did that I kind of figured I had basically won the game in all but time expended, so I stopped playing there. I tend to either do stuff like that, or just play long enough to get about half the upgrades then exhaust the gameplay loop and lose interest. 




🤣🤣🤣 Rope-a-dope lvl8?

Jamie Stone

I doubt that Kevin could even get close to the amount of energy that could damage the shield, but this outcome is funnier anyway.


Well, that's rude to do to someone who isn't Batman. Not everyone can breathe in space. Thankfully, it would probably take him a good 20-30 seconds before hypoxia starts to set in. He has time to tap out. 🤣

Michael Obert

In space, no one can hear you d'oh.


Faster than just lighthooking his feet and holding him up in the air till he gets bored.

Richard Penner

I hope they remember to charge him the $3 fee for returning to the U.S.

Graeme Thorburn

Does she know how to travel back to Earth from there yet?


Hah! I was right! Well, almost. I didn't think she would use the causeway, because I wasn't sure that she could get anyone else through it.


the nav was updated as she was shortly back on the station to get Some of the super hot grub for Neil deGrasse Tyson


Same trick as before but we’ve upgraded from water to the vacuum of space. :D


I bet traffic control are like "Learn to nav somewhere else to leave your junk there!"

Jonathan Hamilton

Omg I am cackling in my car before work. People in the parking lot must think I'm crazy. Thanks for helping me start the day off in a good mood!


Huh, I did not even think about this option. Had totally forgotten her Aetherium causeway travel ability. Yeah, this will definitely get him to power down. He can probably hold out for a while, using power to keep himself alive, but I have no doubt after he struggles a bit that he will concede.


How long do you figure he had his head held underwater with a crushed throat in the first fight? As Syd pointed out then, he can burn power to compensate for not being able to breathe. He's most certainly surprised, but I guess we find out how much vacuum actually inconveniences him.


It's kind of a tangent, but I've wondered if Kevin is a Terran human or not. If not, he might know exactly where he is. I consider it strong evidence for not, that he knew Dabbler was a succubus and details about her power. I highly doubt more than a handful of people on Earth knew the latter, and Kevin wouldn't blend into that crowd. He ain't from around here...


Just thought about how cool it would be if Sydney was attacked by others right now. Resulting in a Sydney-Vehemence team up!


When did she get the ability for the causeway again?


Back when she levelled up after killing 3 big bad guys in a row. This is how she got to the Fracture station in the first place.

Jordan Brennan

Hahahahah, this is sort of what I thought would happen, I was trying to figure out how she was going to use 3 orbs (lighthook, flight, and shield) to get him through the causeway. I guess it’s ok to open it on Earth then?


Dabbler DID have that little brag to Heavenly Sword about where she got the metal for Reaper. Kevin may just have really good hearing and a broad taste for the fantasy genre. After all, Dabbler never did confirm anything about the roll of gibberish he spouted off about chutzpah...


We sure hope so - we'll find out when she returns, I suppose. It's going to be super awkward if she just caused the equivalent of a Fuel-Air Bomb, or created a hurricane over the region, or cracked a mile of bedrock...

William Elliott

not only that, but he has no flight power that we have seen, no ground to push off from, etc. He is TOTALLY helpless and at her mercy.

Bryce Maryott

I was going to bet that she would threaten him with the Hentia orb!

Ian Brown

I kinda hoped that we might see the Hentorb wrap him up and get a great shot of a surprised face as the tip slip-a-dee-doo-dah'd it's way to parts unknown!


I like the effect you’ve done with the wormhole. Reminds of a poor vhs recording.


Kevin has a breathtaking view of a strange new world. I think he's had enough fun for one day.


BWAHAHAHAHA! That's brilliant! I love it!


Heh, that's something you NEED to understand about fighting a gatemaker who's good at their job. If something is in motion, it goes where *they* want it to go.


Also, quick question: what is that little frame in the bottom-right corner of panel #7? It looks like a mirror panel reflecting the stars, but why would it be there? Is it a reference pic that somehow got left in?


Super saiyan tai chi. :)

Dr. Otter

In the last panel, why does Kevin have two left arms, one solid and one ephemeral?




Well, of all I was expecting, I certainly wasn't expecting that.

Eric Loken

Not expected, but brilliant. Fast, and extremely effective. "I don't need to fight you dumb ass, I can just leave you here. Eventually you'll just suffocate." Also: Love Syd's smile in the last panel.

Bryce Maryott

Did... did he not realize that SHE is the one that beat him last time?

Mark Temple

he probably would have just assumed it was a fluke based on not knowing what she could do.


Nice trick..

D.A. Lamont

Why didn't I see that coming?! 🤣🤣🤣

Jared Juetten

Just a wacky good time for her. "I may not be super durable or super fast or super hot - although I AM the hottest A-cup around apparently. However, there is the possibility that perhaps I'm super smart."

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I have no doubts that Sydney's shield is up to the task of taking Kevin's best shot (ATM)


If the Hiroshima-like blasts from the alien kaiju creatures only stressed the shields (red segments, cool-down/alarm sounds), then unless Kevin's fists reach city-leveling impact forces, she ought to be fairly safe.


Hmmm causeway inside earth atmosphere to vacuum of space, potential side effects?