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Everybody come up with your own Succubus inspired salutations!

  • May your next sexual partner have balls like white holes!
  • Good lubrication to you!
  • Happy Tantric Day!
  • Etc.

(Zeromus.MP3) I don't care if you like JPRGs or not, Nobuo Uematsu is a master composer on par with John Williams and Hanz Zimmer. I actually don't care for JRPGs these days myself, but I'm glad I got to play FF2(/4) FF6 and Chrono Trigger before I came to that conclusion, because they're some of my favorite games of all time. That has a ton to do with the music, I grant. FF6 has an opera in it. AN OPERA. With 4 audio channels on the SNES, Uematsu wrote an Opera. "Oh my hero..." I lost interest right at FF7, which kind of killed it for me. I guess I liked the superdeformed sprites sweating it out when they were down to 20% health and all that. Also I didn't care that Aerith got killed because I hadn't had her in my party since I got Tifa, so when she died I was like, "Oh, right, that was some chick I met earlier, wasn't it?" Also the music wasn't as good IMO.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Finished the chapter which was the last chapter but is no longer the last chapter. Wrote about 2,000 words of the actual last chapter, unless I decide there needs to be a quick wind up after this chapter. I know I've been talking about this mythical last chapter since I started these, but I don't know what to tell you. I just write until it feels done. Well, okay, not so much with the first book. I had a bunch of stuff written after the fade to black it ended on, but didn't want to get into any of that and leave a bunch of dangling stuff at the end of the book, like "I guess I should get started on making some bows." The End

That's not cool.




Love the evil shadow grin Maxima's got going on there. I'll also say, even if you have no interest in playing it, FFXIV has absolutely continued the trend of unbelievably excellent music - do a YouTube search for FFXIV Primal themes, they're generally the best ones. And if you are interested, it's got a free trial from 1 to 60, gets you all the way to the end of the first expansion and ought to be a good hundred hours of story content. It's insane.


*Makes a hand gestor that is NOT the Vulcan salute* "Love Long and Plentifully."

Marc Vun Kannon

And Sydney's still only a recruit at this stage?

Marc Vun Kannon

Actually, I would think a lot of them could be a serious threat to Vehemence. Not all of their powers are inherently violent. That lady with the fire powers, for example, or the lightning. Unless you're defining 'violence' in some very broad way.

Marc Vun Kannon

The proper response at this point is 'I surrender'.


Violence is a pretty broad term, using fire to burn someone or lightning to electrocute them are both most certainly violent things.


I did not consider Syd to be even on the list of failsafes. Thinking about it, I don't think she really is - seems like more of a test to see if he's simply violent, or actually evil.


Anybody else read that in the Scott Manly voice?

Brad Kirkwood

she has a laxer powerful enough to blow a hole through a gigantic alien kaiju, she could end him in seconds


Do you consider earthbound to be a JRPG? That's one of the few rpgs I've beaten along with Chrono Trigger, and a few others.


Seiken Densetsu 3 (these days known as Trials of Mana) has always had my favourite SNES soundtrack. Case in point- https://youtu.be/xSl4W0-3zsg

Stephen Gilberg

I take it you meant to call attention to the last music used during the battle in that clip.

Stephen Gilberg

I still play JRPGs, but I too much preferred FF4 and FF6 to FF7, not least for the music.


I somehow missed Earthbound. I think I thought it was a farming simulator or something and never checked it out.

Jared Juetten

Kevin: Why am I just now hearing boss music? **Sydney has entered the Battle**

Anton Schleef

I think a lot of you guys have forgotten that it was Sydney who took him down the first time. She managed that partially because her shield blocks his violence aura, so she was able to cut off his energy supply.

Michael Obert

I can't hear what Dabbler's saying without hearing it in Morbo's voice (Futurama)


i can see it, Syd got it taken away she had a Bluetooth box with her to play one of the epic boss songs


Can Sydney beat him without killing him? I mean, he can overpower the hentorb, pretty sure, and the pewpew might bisect him. Maybe the rapid fire could do something, but that would ultimately just boost him, I think. She could probably wait him out inside her bubble, sure, but not sure how well that would work, practically.


I'm stumped by why they've got Sydney up after Max. Also, I wonder if Vehemence is so violence oriented that it never occurs to him to just run away. He would be bloody hard to stop, I think.


I think Sydney's best ploy would be to simply use her light hook to grapple with him. Wear him out, fighting something that is not giving him any vehemec energy.

D.A. Lamont

I can't wait to see where this is going. She'll probably just drain him, since she's strong on DEF. 🤷‍♂️ Also, you do you on TE2. Glad you're making progress and enjoying the creative journey. 💪😎


Can easily see this go as many have said above, with lots of blast'n and tentacle orb etc etc. Or as when Vehemence first showed up with the two standing in the middle of the battle royale early in the strip having a conversation. And him at this point saying "Ok I'm good, exercise over. Thanks for the work out/meal." I keep coming back to the whole conversation Syd had long ago with "Am I a starship?" cause she seems about as powerful as a certain Heavy Cruiser with the agility of an A-wing on pixie sticks. At least with Shield up and flight orb etc. Seems bad match up for the big guy. Depending on Sydney's mood maybe?


It has been a while. Here's how Sydney beat him last time. After crushing his throat with the Light Hook, and nearly drowning him with the help of most of the brick-types. https://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/grrl-power-285-power-down/ https://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/grrl-power-286-aaaand-scene/


So, one thing I've said before: I would love it if we could get an update of the "cast" page for this comic. Not only has the cast grown significantly, but if this page and many of the previous ones are any indication... If Sydney is now Maxima's tag-in partner, I don't think she's a "6" on the power rating scale anymore.

Andrew Denton

Any time you talk about taking more time with "Tamer", my response is "Sweet! More Tamer!"

Eric Loken

I'm pretty sure Max could vapourize him if she choose to just blast him, so I'm assuming that they are going for something less final that turning him (and everything else for a 1 km radius) to ash.

Eric Loken

The fight is what he wants. He would probably do it until the universe dies of heat death if he could.


Final Fantasy 8 is about where I lost interest, but then again I didn't get to play 2, 3, and 5 until much later. But Yeah, Nobuo Uematsu was a master at his craft.