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I know it's been established that Dabbler has a wind spell, but it's centered on her and jumping into that melee is not advisable.

Dabbler can probably track what's going on. As I mentioned on the last page, I don't think demons would benefit greatly from infravision, so maybe they can see into the UV scale a bit. Not that UV can penetrate dust. Or windows or clothing or just about anything really. Still, between her hearing and her cybernetic eye's enhanced edge detection algorithms as well as other interpolation going on, she can probably tell almost exactly what's happening in that dust cloud.

I don't usually promote YouTube channels, but I found one called Two Minute Papers that breaks down bleeding edge "Light Transport Research" and other computer simulations of light and physics. I'm linking it here, because watching just a few of these will make you realize just what computers will be able to do in just a few years, not to mention decades from now, or even what the computers of an advanced alien civilization might be capable of. For instance, someone is developing an algorithm that takes a .jpg of your face, and then sends motion tracking data over a chat connection, where the receiving computer essentially deepfakes your face onto the motion track. The advantage of this being that it doesn't stream video, and therefore uses a tenth of the bandwidth. It's definitely not perfect at this stage, and if you turn your head too much it can start to skew your features, but watching the videos on that channel makes it obvious that if you wait for the next paper or two on the subject, the techniques will be vastly improved. The other advantage of something like that is it can do things like adjust your eye tracking so everyone sees you looking at them, not at their screen while the webcam sits above it, making every single person on a webchat look like they're checking out your cleavage.

I mention the above channel because honestly, it makes me think something as advanced as Dabbler's cybernetic eye could so something like reconstruct someone's face if the back of their head was to her, but there was light bouncing from their face onto the jacket of the person in front of them. So yeah, she can probably track Vehemence and Max through moderate dust.

Sydney could also probably see through that dust if she thought about it. She could track Vehemence with the ComBall's magic sight, and there are other vision modes she hasn't even messed with yet, but she keeps forgetting about them.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Wrote, uh... 2,400 words on the last chapter. Which almost definitely won't be the last chapter.




They make some points there.


Dabbler can probably see in the god damn Gamma spectrum if she really wants too.


So regarding the A cup thingy... Are there even any female supers in this setting that have 'superbods' that are a-cup sized? Meaning the category is pretty much exclusively made of people without innate powers that do super work?

Stephen Gilberg

Must be an old publication to have a name that long.

Marc Vun Kannon

It was stated earlier that all superheroines are C cup or more. Basically the category is Sydney.

Marc Vun Kannon

I've often said that combat qua combat is pretty dull, unless you're involved in it. As an author or a reader, though, it's not riveting, especially since those two are just playing around.

Marc Vun Kannon

It's kind of interesting that Syd is more concerned with what Dabbler is saying than what Harem is saying.

M. Lampi

I agree with Sydney.


Looks like V is getting up there on the 'powered up' spectrum. I wonder what the failsafe is if he decides enough isn't enough. Since he seems to be able to just make powers up when sufficiently charged, and he knows stuff that he shouldn't (he knew what Dabbler was, and about Thaumion excitation levels), it wouldn't surprise me if he could detect stuff put in his body and teleport it to mars. Is it really just a handshake agreement and the threat of being vaporized?

Eric Loken

UV is a wavelength of surprisingly limited value, particularly in sunlight. Most things don't emit UV on their own, so still requires an illuminator, which would probably be redundant in sunlight. Thermal Wavelength IR (i.e. the light emitted by every object that is above a few degrees K aka heat, and how the sun heats the Earth, but actually an inefficient way of radiating heat, unless in a vacuum in which case its all you got) is useful because everything becomes its own light source (sort of... its more complicated than that), but it - contrary to Hollywood - doesn't pass through objects (including windows). Instead the object absorbs the IR, thus causing it to heat up, this takes time, and at best will show as a blob, but can't be used to see beyond the object in real time unless the heat source is REALLY hot. An IR illuminator (which doesn't use the same wavelengths as thermal IR) functions more like a regular light bulb, except using a frequency that isn't visible to most. The UV illuminator I mentioned above is the same sort of thing. And again, would be redundant in daylight.

Some Ed

Yeah, I feel like this is all super dangerous. I mean, if he needs violence to survive, it'd be a lot safer to just have a couple of "guy" guys live next door, and let him feed off the violence inherent in them being them.


Dabbler is getting a little too personal. In fact as far as Sydney is concerned she entered TMI territory right after the first words. I'm pretty sure the A-Cup thing is either a fake out or Dabbler publishes it.

D.A. Lamont

Tamer-verse! Tamer-verse! Tamer-verse! Kudos on the latest panel. Much hype for TE2. 💪😎

Marc Vun Kannon

Now would be a good time for the Sandman to make an appearance, so they have someone who can control all those little gritty bits down there.


You know what'd be really scary? A super like V that draws power from ennui, or even worse, depression...

Some Ed

Why would that be scary? - How much more depressed could the average person be? I mean, it's our world + supers. And for many of us, imagining a world with super heroes being amazingly better than this world is all we can do to keep going - but they don't have that escape, because their world *has* that. - It's not like said superhero would need to do anything to fuel their power. Also, if said superhero happened to be altruistic - of course, now we may be deviating from the "like V" stipulation a bit. Then again, we might not be - we didn't really get to see what V would do if his plan had worked out. He *said* it'd be all violence all the time, more or less, but he also was careful to not hurt the cute and fragile woman among them. It's possible even V meant to make the world a better place once he had all the power he needed to do it. It's unlikely he could've achieved said goals because his viewpoint was warped by his power. However, we're talking about depression as a power here, not violence. Psychologists have determined in multiple studies that depressed people had a much more accurate view of the world than people who weren't depressed, apart from elements in their personal lives the researchers were not equipped to evaluate. I think it could come out OK.