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Sydney is wandering around the room demanding what the last pop-culture thing they said was. It's inefficient.

Speaking of, how is it that the names for Sydney's hair color are "Dirty Blonde" or "Dishwater Blonde?" I can see some women owning Dirty Blonde, especially if they're in college or in their Dirty Thirties or whatever, but it's not... super complimentary, is it? And Dishwater Blonde? There is a short list of "The Grossest Stuff" and dishwater is definitely on it, just behind "wheelbarrow of fat scraped from deer hides during leather making."

What I'm saying is, to the best of my knowledge, Sydney made up the term "Chocolate Blonde" because the other terms for her hair color weren't flattering enough. (Disclaimer, Sydney's supposed to have slightly multicolored hair, darker near the roots and lighter on top, but when I first picked the color for her hair, I kind of averaged them because multilayered hair colors is harder to draw and takes more time, so I couldn't fault you for describing her hair as "Tan.")

It's fair to say that Maxima's trajectory into super-dom was not the typical one. While powers often begin to assert themselves fairly early on in life, it's a fair bet that once a super hits puberty that they'll grow up to be quite the Adonis or, uh, Madonnis. (quick google) Or Adonia? Hmm. Never heard that one before. Anyway, Max grew up looking like, well, a cross country runner, because that's what she did in high school. She didn't have her encounter with the geode until she was fifteen, and things progressed rapidly from there.

Messing with the sliders probably wouldn't make Max's skin go transparent, but most of us have seen some pretty amazing glitches in video games, so I'm sure we can come up with likely scenarios. Probably that skin texture would either disappear, leaving her looking like a mannequin, or it would get stretched and she'd look like a flesh lump with no distinguishing features, like something out of a Silent Hill game.

I tried installing Dead Space 1 a few months ago, because it's still a pretty great game (I know, there's some uprezzed reboot coming out. I'll have to keep my eye on it. I hope it's as good as the Resident Evil ones Capcom has been doing, but, it's EA, so we'll see) Anyway, the game mostly worked, except some of the character models had... er, coordinate issues. By which I mean I was watching the opening cutscene as the rescue shuttle goes to find the big planet cracker mining ship, and the woman on board is talking to me, except everything from her mouth down was stretched way off the screen. The top half of her head was there like normal, then there was this smear at almost a right angle heading stage left. Honestly it was creepier than the necro-whatsits in the rest of the game.

Share some of your most heinous graphics glitches, and imagine that happening to Max on a date.




Why are her muscles so dark?


Dabbler looking cuter than usual

L Pedersen

So is this confirmation that Maxima's boobs are a part of her super power? :P


I wouldn't be too surprised if Dabbler put in a "twin sister" look for Maxima that copied Dabb's own base color scheme...


I'm imagining a glitch where all the UV's are hilariously wrong... like "tits for eyes" or "vag mouth". It would all be painted onto the existing "mesh". That does not sound like anything that Dabbler would include as an Easter egg in the makeup settings.

Marc Vun Kannon

So one of Sydney's powers is super-hearing apparently, if she can hear their conversation with a birthday-party crowd in the way.


How many deer are you murdering to get a wheelbarrow full of their fat??? Deer are super lean.


Ash Blonde is another term for it

Anton Schleef

When you're trying to feed a village for the winter it takes a lot of deer.

Stephen Gilberg

Judging from the image search I just did, people are using that term for a different color.

Stephen Gilberg

I don't think dishwater's that gross, but yeah, it is unflattering.


I'm sure it's just the overhead lighting they have her standing under to evaluate the skin tone.


We're still not quite sure what some of the passive dots do. :)


With or without Dabbler's usual "I am an ordinary (if spectacularly sexy) Terrohuman" glamour? Might be easier to adjust her own disguises...

Town Crier

How about "Full-Blonde-Wanna-Be"?

Opus the Poet

Am I the only one that thinks pre-super Max was cute and deserves a separate page in high-def?


Probably not. But she was 15 at that point, per the Author's Note, so it is probably better that we not go there.


She can't just wear a wig? I know make up doesn't work for her due to her force field, but a wig should be fine if all she is doing is going dancing or on a date. Its not like she wants to look normie when in combat. Sure, wigs can be clocked at close range but she isn't going to come off as weird for wearing one.


Adonis is the male beauty god (so to say), his counterpart being Venus/Aphrodite. You're welcome ;)