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Cora might be a space whatever-the-opposite-of-a-puritan is, but even that caught her off guard. (Anvil is currently 28.)

When Anvil was 14, she had a figure surprisingly close to Maxima's current dimensions. So, an awkward freshman year in high school, one might imagine. Awkward for her, but a hell of a time for select 14 year old boys, apparently. With most of them, she probably had makeout experiences that were the equivalent of the Boston Molassacre, or the Kalamazoo River pipeline leak. (I'm saying they were disasters and large amounts of unwanted fluids were released.) But apparently there was at least one guy who got the job done. He might have gotten early onset carpal tunnel syndrome, (cause Anvil's second base takes up half the outfield, see?) but it was probably worth it.

As far as Maxima falling madly into bed with someone, while that does sort of seem like the kind of thing that might occur in this comic, she will probably insist on a few get to know you dates first. But I suppose we'll see what happens. Maybe there's some guy from high school that jilted her when she turned gold that she wants to get some kind of sit-commy revenge on somehow. Not that she couldn't crush his car into a cube or anything if she wanted. She wouldn't do that. That's petty and psycho. If such a theoretical guy existed, she might move his car from one side of the parking lot to another. That's probably pretty harmless? Well, until he goes to get an MRI because he thinks he's getting early onset Alzheimer's. Max's actual revenge (again, assuming a hypothetical high school jilter) is being a rich, powerful superheroine who doesn't spend any time dwelling on shit that went down in high school.



Michael Obert

One star wipe later . . . lol


Heh, there's also the other kind of smash (to get smashed). Though, from what I remember, she would probably need to drink hand sanitizer by the barrel to approach that level of drunk. And, yes, that could lead to the kind of smash Sydney is thinking of.


Absinthe! It's 70% straight! And drinking hand sanitizer is not recommended, since it's not ethanol. Some alcohols are deadly toxic, and some (like 1-propanol) are MUCH stronger (like 4x, so it's possible to have 250% strong drink), but metabolic path is different, so it puts heavy burden on the body.

Chase the Dragon

'Later in the morning, Maxima and up to some random dude soon want kind of breakfast she wants... while he's wearing a towel and I'll presume her panties.'

Town Crier


Seth Swanson

Man...we've all got damage from highschool, no matter how successful we ended up.

Stephen Gilberg

I don't understand "Why would you even go there?" coming from Anvil.


The implication that Anvil is a pedophile, CURRENTLY diddling 14 year old boys.


The word you're looking for for Cora is "libertine."


Not gonna lie, I would have been one of those teenage boys drooling after Anvil. AND I'M NOT ASHAMED OF IT


Only those who had a high school. In Russia this damage is from just "school" (and everything after are the best days ever)


I'm Sorry I just keep thinking if the fluid was Molasses. *SHUDDER*


>"Cora might be a space whatever-the-opposite-of-a-puritan is..." That'd be a "libertine".


Is it too weird that I've only just realized that Sydney's balls are of prefect size of (ahem) toy for someone of Anvil's size?

Opus the Poet

Monday can't come soon enough.


Le shigh...just catching up after a few weeks not being able to read and of course i get left on a sydny cliffhanger moment....dang it Dave!