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They fixed the specularity, now to just add some subsurface scattering... and surface imperfections, and skin texture so she isn't walking around looking like she has a photoshop gaussian blur filter on her, maybe some freckles. This choker won't let them do anything like add that peach fuzz most people have, but I guess that varies pretty wildly from person to person, and also I suppose some women wax their whole face and arms and everything, so it's not a dealbreaker. A few more tweaks and she'll be able to get a coffee without getting mobbed by fans or villains.

If someone touched her skin... well, she runs a few degrees hotter than a regular human, and her skin is both smoother and has that microscopic forcefield over it. It actually diffuses heat (as well as gamma lasers and bullets) so I'm not actually sure what she would feel like temperature wise. Like, if you touch an aluminum surface, at least one that indoors and not baking in the sun, it feels colder than room temperature because it's a far more efficient heat conductor than the air, so it pulls heat from your hand. But what if the aluminum was constantly being heated to 101 degrees, (Fahrenheit, obviously) but also had one end stuck in a bowl of ice water? Basically the heat would be constantly convecting from one side of the aluminum to the other, but my question is, would it feel warm or cold?

So yeah, that's what Max feels like. Warm but also weirdly cool. Or maybe warm but cool over time. But still warm. Also a little slippery, because of the force field. She isn't frictionless, just slightly more slippery, like she's just starting to perspire. But not in the way that makes her clothes cling to her. It's like... if normal human skin has 100 friction units, Max has, I dunno, 85.

But I think the important takeaway from this page is, if you're ever dating someone with a snout, at some point in the relationship, the idea of muzzling them will cross your mind. Whether it's because they're saying something dumb or for kinky reasons, it will definitely cross your mind.

Heh, Sydney almost has to fly to get up that high. Hmm. You know, I didn't actually measure that before I drew this page. She's 5', he's 7'. ((/me quickly runs downstairs)) Okay, my wife is exactly 5', and she could juuust touch the 7' mark without jumping. Given that Frix's snout isn't at the very top of his head, I think Sydney could grab it.



Just Jack

For a second there I though they'd have to debug a case of aphasia.

Thomas Dorner

Just the normal 90/10 (or 80/20) rule at work. (80 % of the programming / project could be done in 20% of the time. The final 20% take 80% of the time.)


As I recall, the reason metal feels cold is indeed that its a good heat conductor, though if the metal is warmer than you are it still wont be pulling heat away from you and will instead feel hot as its better than most non-metals at dumping heat into you. This is why metal stuff tends to feel hotter on a sunny day or the like even though its actually more or less the same temp as the stone or whatnot near it. . By that logic, Maxima's internal temperature may be a few degrees hotter than a normal human and her tk-field will help her maintain that temperature against external influences. Should that not make her a Worse conduit for heat since her tk field will try to keep hot things from heating her up and cold things from cooling her down.. unless she's already being heated or chilled below her ideal temp.. in which case the field will help her draw in or push away heat. Assuming this is more or less accurate... Maxima will generally feel luke-warm to anyone when she's at her ideal temperature since the tk field will stop/slow anyone from receiving or giving heat from/to her. But if her temp is not at the ideal she will at that time feel more metal-like in terms of feeling extra hot or cold depending on her temp relative to whoever's touching her since at that point the field will Increase the rate of heat transference.

Town Crier

Hmm. I AM old enough to have actually chewed the Fruit Stripe gum, and I didn't even know that the zebra's name was "Yipes". I did drop a whole pack of Fruit Stripe gum in the pig pen once. The pigs LOVED it!

Anton Schleef

So I wasn't the only one? That makes me feel a lot less lonely in my not-a-young-person-anymore corner. Still, I didn't know the Zebra's name, but as soon as he was described I distinctly remembered him.

Anton Schleef

Hmmmmm.........maybe Sydney does have a natural super powe, it's just not a useful one. That's my best explanation for her Nerd-Cred Senses to be able to tingle at that distance during a party.


If she keeps making dated references they might feel the need to add a wrinkle texture map.

Stephen Gilberg

I remember Yipes, but I didn't make the connection without her elaboration.

Stefan J Neylon

I had to look it up. I vaguely remember that guy, but I don't think I ever knew his name.


I didn't know the zebra had a name.


My head went to the bad place. When you started talking about Max's friction coefficient I just started thinking she came pre-lubed?

Eric Loken

O_o Don't say that around her, you may not enjoy her response.


that was Altus (big red) who punctured Syd's Ear


The non-snoot version is pinching someones lips together and is equally super rude


That is just what I was thinking. Most likely, if a gal did that to me, I'd stop dating her. Unless she had super-powers. So I guess Syd gets a pass...

Kenneth Winkelman

I bought a pack of Stripes gun for giggles and snorts last week. Hadn't seen a pack since I was a kid.


One might suppose Friz is used to / interested in females with extra senses and abilities and also used to sudden turns in converation leading to ducking for cover.


Nope, sorry never heard of that chewing gum, they can't have sold it here

James Domec

Seriously? I still remember the commercials. Really annoying song that stick with you for decades..... The gum was super meh though.