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Okay, so, I didn't visit my parents for Christmas last year because of the pandemic, instead we went down last month during summer break. It's about a 4 hour drive each way, plus I had to actually, you know, interact with them and not just ignore them and not work the whole time. Bottom line is I lost about 3 days of work, because try as I might, I just can't draw while riding in a car. Like, at best I could flat a page with the paint bucket, and even then I miss 1 out of three times and have to undo a ton.

Anyway, I can't draw in a car, but I can write, and I made some decent progress on Tamer: Enhancer 2. I know I've been saying that for a while but I feel like the end is in sight. But, on to the vote incentive. 

You guys don't know who this is yet. (Her name is Xerxa - you can just look at the file name assuming Patreon doesn't change it into a 32 character alphanumeric hash.) I will give you one single guess what she might be from. (And no, it's not Dabbler's mother.) It was a piece I had half finished from a little while ago and given my time constraints this month, I threw a little polish and some background on it and here you are. Unfortunately there aren't nine separate versions because she's not wearing a ton to begin with.  Hopefully you can read about that soon. I hope you like it, personally I think it turned out pretty good.

Edit: Oh, I forgot, there is another variant. It's a minor thing, but her wrap is actually a little more translucent. The first version is the (barely) SFW one for the vote incentive, but in the story, it's supposed to be aggravatingly tantalizing. 




Now that you've said that, we need to see Dabbler's mother...

Cat Tillinghast

I really like the metallic look of the... tattoos? Body art? Arcane/tech devices? It's hard to be certain in the grrl-verse :) Each limb has a different design, too...

Opus the Poet

Is it just me or is there no way to get the nude version to display like the almost-SFW version?


The species that uses the orbs, or the original owner?


She reminds me of the almost always horny mom of Commander Troi from the “Star Trek: Next Generation” series. So I’m guessing Dabbler’s prudish succubus sister.


Just you, John. Look for arrows on the left/right of the screen to cycle between them.

William Elliott

source of many of the multi armed blue skinned Indian deity legends, like Kali? And the thought of her being in some way related to the orbs also sounds interesting... pew pew orb being an orb of destruction...Kali being a goddess related to war and destruction...

William O'Driscoll

You reuploaded the same one. Or at least i can't tell the difference.


That is a frighteningly good speculation. # of arms = # of orbs, after all.

Brian Aslin

I bet she gives good hugs


one has slightly more see-through cloth around the nipples

Merle Blue

Those arms are fascinating and really well drawn.


Picturing her and Spider-Grrl in a slap fight... Bsed on the file name, this is obviously Tamerverse, not Grrlverse.

Kevin Wright

Much as I like the nude version, the "tantalizing" version is exactly that, deliciously so. Well done!

D.A. Lamont

I look forward to her aggressive cuddles! Also, congrats on getting to see folks! Family is good and important. Lastly, hooray for TE2 progress! I've made zero progress on my edits, after our last convo, other than more fleshing out in notes and brainstorming scenarios in my head. Again, thank you SO MUCH for your candid feedback! I can't wait to read TE2, as well. 💪😎👍


since i didn't see it jet she seems to be Xerxa from the Tamer verse ^^


Did you not have enough time/forget or is she supposed to not have a vulva? Maybe it's just supposed to be an angle thing but she does look remarkably flat/Barby-esk.


Vulva, not vagina. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jX49de8G8w

Zip Zop

Are we going to get any male pinups from this series?


I've considered it, I think about 90% of the audience would be neutral to disinterested with it. I might do a mixed couple piece, so everyone can get something from it.


Is she from the race that created the stones?