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See, the colors on the chokers randomize each time the little spinny arrow thing is spun, so you never know who is going to be "it."

Now all I can think about is the succubus versions of different games, board and otherwise. I mean, their version of "Guess Who" is... well, still a game that favors a good memory. Succubus "Connect 4" is a little different though. "Ticket to Ride" is similar only in name. "Mouse Trap" is... well, not called Mouse Trap, I can tell you that. "Cards Against Succubi" is surprisingly way less racist. Succubi Yahtzee? Exactly the same.

Dabbler is giving everyone a simplified crash course in enchanting. It sounds like what she's saying is that every sigil is hard coded with software, and that is mostly the case, it's not the whole story. Most enchanted items are run and done, but some might have a limited number of options. A wand of cold might have a cone of cold option, a wall of ice, ice spear, and slippery floor setting, but all the other stuff in the enchantment is going to be pretty stock stuff. A spell of invisibility might not have any options besides on or off, but it might have a slider that lets you turn parts of you invisible, or let you target others, or do area effect, etc.

All those options make the sigil/spell more complicated which usually increases casting time. On an enchanted item, this can affect the activation time of the device, and more complex sigils/code can produce more complex effects. This can cost more mana, but not always. Sometimes a sigil will be complex because it uses efficient algorithms, or it might be a smarter spell. For instance a chain lightning spell could have some arcane friend or foe lookup tables, which is more mana efficient than making a spell that has a telepathic component to read the caster's mind to determine targeting, but probably less flexible.

Some spells you can pump a shitload of mana into for a bigger effect, but most will burn out if you try that. The sigil has to be designed to handle a mana dump. It's as much art as it is science.




I like the fond smile Maxima has in that last panel.


Max just smiling and happy her friends are up for helping, Happy Birthday to Max, Sydney and Glen. :D

Michael Obert

Succubus Duck, Duck, Goose . . . gives me the shivers.


Snakes and Ladders? Different variants of sliding down and climbing uptop.

martin leske

the lines on max still make her look like a leaf... she became a happy little tree =3


Wouldn't succ Jenga just be competitive edging, then?


I'm surprised the footnote is that she didn't say "Right Hand" and not "They aren't really wearing that much."

Stephen Gilberg

I didn't completely figure out the game, and I don't want to. Let me just say that I never heard of "Ticket to Ride" before. Looks like it began in 2004, by which time I was no longer big on new board games.


Max is finally starting to realise, dispute her chafing personality, she has more of a family than a team...

D.A. Lamont

The best gift to Maxima: friends who are willing and excited to go all out and create a shader for her (so she can go on a date with the Major). That's right! I know the ulterior motives of Anvil and Dabbler. 😏

Nicholas Grey

I’m more concerned that this will unleash something terrifying in Leon. There are a bunch of books about what happens when programmers and hackers get access to the internal structure of magic...


Friends are on the job to make this a great birthday.


They already have Krona. Reality bends to her whims.


I'm just sitting here realizing... the fact the choker doesn't change her reflectiveness (but obviously does for the succubi in the... [flashback? sideflash? I don't know what you call it. The Succubi game in progress image where some are more matte than others.]) implies that her durability likely stems for a skin-tight force field rather than her actual skin being reflective. That also means her skin being yellow isn't the force-field. They're two separate effects changing her appearance. Just found the thought intriguing.


That's a good observation... unfortunately, I was attempting to dial back my tendency to over render the panels these days a little bit. I colored that panel first, then Leon's hair, which if you zoom in just a bit looks a little flat... but it's hard habit to break, and parts of the page are a bit more detailed in the coloring than others. Max, of course, still had to have the reflectivity for this scene to play out correctly, but that leaves the rest of the page looking a bit schizophrenic.