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This is why I suddenly had to start doing the specular pass on Maxima, otherwise the choker would look like it actually added shininess to her. Max isn't, or I should say wasn't, medium-brown haired before the whole gold-plated phase. Dabbler just took a best guess. That will get sorted out later, but if Max got to choose her hair color (which, she actually can now) she'd probably go for black hair. It isn't that she has anything against blondes, certainly. At least not natural blondes, and not even women who bleach their hair now and then, but if pressed, she might have some opinions about women who go ultra-bottle blonde. It's not so much an aesthetic complaint as it is a concern with the behavior of many women who go that route.

Yeah, Dabbler probably should have predicted that, but it was kind of a last minute gift idea. Dabbler called Cora while she was out taking the mercs to wherever she did, and she swung by Spacener’s Gifts or Hot Topic. They have those in space, for fledgling space goths and people who need whoopee cushions that work in hard vacuum.

Personally I think being a goth in space would be a bad idea. If I worked in space, I’d probably wear day-glo with those reflective stripes joggers have, just in case I got spaced. Obviously I'd have one of those hard vacuum whoopee cushions with me as well I could use as an air supply. I'm just saying, wearing all black in space could have its disadvantages. And yes, in case you were wondering, I did recently catch up on The Expanse.

On a tangential note, I don't usually pay a whole lot of attention to costuming in TV shows, but damn, if I was Shohreh Aghdashloo (the woman who plays Avasarala in The Expanse and also the mother of every Indian character in every other TV show) I would have had it in my contract that I get to keep my outfits from that show. Her and Mads Mikkelsen in Hannibal are well fucking dressed.




Your facial expressions have become little short of amazing, sir! In this last strip alone, I went back time and again to re-examine every individual displayed. Exceedingly well done.


Did Dabbler get a little softer in the face?

Thomas Dorner

Will the shader be released under GPL? ;-)

Thomas Dorner

After a short thought, maybe (Perl) Artistic License would be appropriate.

Marc Vun Kannon

I'm sure Max will love playing guinea pig. We saw what happened to Cora when Dabbler got a hold of her appearance. It will be interesting to see if it comes off.


If at first you don't succeed, tweak the snot out of the app until you do!


I couldnt help but notice Max wound up looking a bit like Sydney's older sister that probably does modeling and is a liiiittle shiny.


With the title I flashed to [Baldrick] "I've got a cunning plan" and wondered what she was going to do with a turnip


I could see Max looking a tiny bit pained. Like she really wanted this, and she was biting back how much it hurt when she realized it wouldn't work. Well done.


That expression on Dabbler in the last panel... Whew!

martin leske

two weeks? so i can tell the client its done in one. what, testing and bug fixing? haha dont joke around thats "customer service" and "future updates"

Bharda Sullivan

If I recall aright, Max is a natural blonde. Given that, for some folks at least, hair darkens as you grow up, and when it doesn’t get a lot of sun exposure, this is still probably about right, for how that freckle-faced skinny little tweenie-bopper would have turned out.


Dabler in the last panel... Wow. I don't think I've ever seen her so cute and beautiful.

Bharda Sullivan

It’s almost like the thing that _really_ pushes her button is fiddling with stuff.


I wonder how her parents are going to feel getting to see the grown up Maxima they originally thought they’d get. Also, betcha the first thing she’ll do is go to the supermarket or a Barnes and Noble or something *just* to appreciate not being the Other for a bit. Gods know I would.

Matthew Paulin

I just noticed that Maxima's shirt says "(not) Metal". Gave me a giggle. Couldn't see the small word on earlier comics.


i did see that one coming, but beautiful as always. :D

Matthew Lambert

Is it just me, or does "white" Maxima look like Kate Mulgrew

Eric Loken

Ah the joys of doing software. "Shit, I didn't expect that, but should have. No worries, give me time, I can fix."