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Imagine if everyone had to wear one of these and the colors randomized every morning. Yeah. I'm sure... something would be different. Fashion probably. And we could all learn some lesson like the Star Bellied Sneetches. Or just find other motivations for tribalism.

Yes, Daphne dyes her eyebrows. It's probably an impractical thing to try and do honestly, which I assume mostly because of how many "blonde" girls have brunette eyebrows. Fortunately Daphne's a natural strawberry blonde, so darkening them up to purple or black isn't a major issue, but co-ed has white hair and Vogue is blonde, so in those cases, she probably has to bleach them out first before coloring them back in. Well, with Vogue she does. Co-ed is just a bleach job.

Being an officer, Maxima did go to college, but it was ROTC heavy and partially done online or at night while she also did military stuff. Still, that probably didn't stop her from writing some fairly eye-roll inducing papers about feminist theory. Which isn't to suggest there isn't a lot of perfectly legitimate subject matter to be had there, but like a lot of people finding themselves in college for the first time, some of Max's earlier thinking might have... overcorrected when it came to addressing gender balance in the world. Fortunately, she has mellowed out considerably on the subject matter. She still has the occasional urge to go on a tear though, especially after the Weinstein/Cosby/that guy who was digitally edited out of Army of the Dead/etc scandal of the month drops, or having to deal with the deeply institutionalized sexism of large swathes of military culture.

Obviously, Kenya has known Max long enough that she can tease her about her earlier collegiate theses. Especially the one about women having some kind of remote that controls whether or not men have erections. In Max's defense, that one was half Juvenalian satire and half sexual fantasy.




Silver Max, Bronze Max, Whitegold Max?

Michael Obert

Spandex Jockeys. . .nice!

Marc Vun Kannon

so a few of the guesses last time were pretty much on the money. A lot of people who think Max might have a hard time sneaking up on them at night are in for a surprise.


"How can I get away without needing to deal with Shiny Max all the time?" ;) We see what you're doing ;)


I just want to note that true to life, Dabbler's choker has 4 Xs ( "XXXX" ) on it.

Thomas Dorner

Also capes (like in panel 2) are dangerous! ;-)


Oh gosh that really emphasizes Daphne's freckles, don't it :}


Hmmm... I can see the advantages to this. Max could now be able to go out in public disguised as a normal human,without being bugged by the press and groupies...


Can you imagine a stealth-gray Max coming at you out of the dark like a runaway truck? Definitely a Depends moment!


Yeah, Max will go from being the tall, stacked, shiny golden goddess to a tall, stacked, human-skin-tone goddess. I'm sure she'll get absolutely no attention.

Town Crier

Oh no! More green women to distract the poor general...

Stephen Gilberg

And maybe trick some thug into thinking she'd make an easy target. Of course, in a world with quite a few supers, that's a dimwitted assumption.


Seems prudent for a follow up question for Dabbler - what ELSE does it do? Raise the wearer’s libido? Make clothes invisible?


Okay, yesterday I sorta overshot on my guess as to what the present was, but I got the gist right: if the choker can independently change hair and skin color, they just gave Max a viable way to have an "off-duty" life. And that's something she hasn't had since, what? her mid- to late-teens?

Seth Swanson

If the next pinup isn't Harem messing around with the hue modifier I will start a formal protest with signs and everything.


Dave, it's not uncommon for light-haired people of both genders to have darker facial hair. People have thought my brother bleaches his hair for 30-odd years. He's bright blonde (well, graying now...), but his beard and other facial hair are all dark brown. There's a short transition near the top of his sideburns that makes the effect even more pronounced, but it's all completely natural.