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I'm usually pretty bad about drawing Maxima being actually shiny. I've done it a few times in the past, but it takes an extra rendering pass, and usually by the times I get the backgrounds done and Sydney's glasses and the orbs and the glowy bits on the orbs, it's late Saturday evening or the middle of Sunday and I'm just not up for trying to environment map Maxima's face. Honestly, backgrounds are my least favorite thing to draw, and spending a portion of every week trying to wrap one around a human face is just not why I got into drawing comics.

Arguably I shouldn't have made one of my characters shiny and gold, but it's too late for takebacks.

I don't want to spoil anything, but the fact that she's shiny will be relevant soon, so I thought it was important to remind everyone that she's gilded and highly specular.

Now for the question you've all been wondering about, what the heck kind of cake is that? The cake itself is kind of pale purple, so I think I'm going to say it's taro flavor. Taro, if you've never had it is basically a kind of potato. It's actually a little closer to a sweet potato, and if you can ever find taro ice cream, I highly recommend it, because it tastes like waffle cone. So it's waffle flavored cake, and although the icing is yellow, I'm going to say it's maple flavored. That sounds pretty damned good to me - assuming the maple flavor isn't overdone. It'd have to be a light touch.



Alex H

Blueballing us all as to what it is! Can't wait for the next page 🙂

Martin Drkoš

It's panties, isn't it?


The description isn't immediately appealing, but if done right (as he says it'd have to be a very light flavouring) then it would probably taste *amazing* - but if not done right, it would be horrific.

Town Crier

So... what can you impractically guarantee, DaveB?

Stephen Gilberg

Hard to believe Sydney's only two months younger(?) than Maxima, but I've known other stories with major differences in maturity between same-age characters. Some of them true.


Anvil meant they were both born on the same day of the month. Sydney is now 23 and Max is 35. Maybe I should make that a little clearer in the dialog.


Taro is my favorite flavor for smoothies and frozen yogurt! Good call.


I'm hoping for a replacement com-collar that can generate holographic clothes automatically, in case of another wardrobe incident. With the added benefit that it can give her a secret ID by creating a "normal hair and skin color" that she can use in off hours.


Wait! You mean Sydney DIDN'T throat-punch the surprise ceiling ninja? I don't remember her reacting this well to surprises in past instances. 🤨

Dark Ronin

To be fair, Gweneth Paltrow's head could be in there.... if they smashed it into a sticky Goop first


Gift guess: holo thingy so Max doesn't always have to be shiny and give away postion without having to coat herself in mud? That or sexy underwear since Anvil is giving it to her.


I'm leaning sexy underwear. Possibly of a hard-to-destroy alien material.